Choosing Between an LLC and a Corporation
Lowering the Tax Rate
The Tax Shelter Benefit
Avoiding the Personal Service Corporation Classification
Allowable Tax Deductions
Charitable Deductions
Health Insurance
Medical, Dental and Drug Expense Reimbursement Plan
Disability Insurance
Business Automobile
Business Insurance
Office at Home
Tangible Property (Section 179)
Retirement Plans
Children as Tax Shelters
Business Entertainment and Meals
Education Expense
Longevity or Productivity Awards
Dues and Subscriptions
Conventions and Continuing Education
Independent Contractor Agreement
Other Financial Considerations
Electing a Fiscal Year
Interest-Free or Low-Interest Loans
Other Operating Considerations
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Signature Block
Qualification in Other States or Countries
Preservation of Name or Trademark
Address and Bank or Merchant Accounts
Annual Meeting
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