SEPTEMBER 10, 2011 ·
Great info from Members at Dinar Daddy Forum.....Thanks to them for this information..
What are your cash-in options post-RV? Traders and Banks
When do you cash-in? (do it right away? Wait a bit? Is there a hurry?)
think hard before you cash in make sure you have every thing prepared. Don’t be in a hurry
Where in the world/country will there be cash-in locations? Check with your banks and places were you purchased your dinars they might have cash in locations.
Who will be participating in such a monumental undertaking? Only the people you trust completely friends and family that are involved in dinar them selves.
What are the best deals you can make when cashing in? Who ever gives you the highest rate call around
Can you make your own deal to cash-in? Yes
What else should you know about cashing in? Have your receipts your bank account numbers your I.D
What precautions should you make before going to your appointment? Be aware of everybody try and make a appointment. You can also Take pictures front and back of your dinars just for extra precautions
What should you already have set up prior to cash-in? Your LLC, Bank account, Receipts,
Life Decisions
Who to choose a bank that deals with foreign currency
How to go about it check it out on the Internet do your research
What can you do now? Prepare yourself mentally and physically
Who will be involved in a cash-in? Yourself,the banker or trader,
When do you approach a bank? After you know the rate
What options to banks offer you both now and post RV? Until its a tradable currency most banks wont even deal with the dinar. After Rv then ever bank will differ not one bank will give you the same option do your research
Who do you work with? (stock broker? Investment adviser? Financial planner? Banker?) It depends on your investing. Stock broker for stock market, depends on what investment you want to do.
What types of investments are worth considering? Silver,gold, currency’s,other foreign investments including Iraq
How do you formulate a plan for investing? Keep a portfolio and follow natural catastrophe, populations, economy’s and resources in country.
How do you invest? It depends on what country you want to invest in (example Iraq. Three ways to invest. Paper money,warka bank account, ISX) there is also the UBS Financial Services
How do you go about finding someone you can trust that will help you know your options and what to consider? Do your research and check them out.
What are the risks involved with different types of investments? Investments alone there is always a high risk win or lose
How do you set up a way to make interest on your money going forward? You can invest it put it in CD’s Retirement funds,
Where should you place your money, and for how long before investing into anything? Put it into a financial institution that you trust and invest as soon as possible.
Who do you tell you’ve come into money? People you trust so no one else only if you trust them with your lives
What changes do you make in your life post-RV? As little as possible have a plan but don’t flaunt or go overboard. Live on a budget
What changes should you be making now? Have your goals and think how you can make your money grow
How do you protect your physical currency holdings both now and post-RV? Do not trust anybodys word for anything and be smart about it
Who can you trust to help you? Breitling and dinar daddy.. Don’t trust anybody but your self.Where do you go and how do you go about it? Be smart and check around and cash in at the closes place.