The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - May 29, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
So many Great CBI articles tonight - The whole theme was they need to ADD VALUE TO THEIR CURRENCY and they need to do it quick
Listen to the discussion on all of the articles...GREAT INFO on where we are with our investment
One of our favorites
63 Billion Reserves & Open Letter of Credits - Huge Huge News
On the scheme of things how things are progressing - we are going at a very very quick pace
Now that doesn't mean it is going to happen tomorrow
You can see that they need to add value somewhere between now and when they release their new currency
that is their plan -we are getting into that phase where the windows are coming down
You've got the banking system really developing and getting stronger
The next step for this all to work is to have a private sector start hiring in order to stimulate the private sector as Shabibi talked about last week - The Central Bank can use those letters of credit to do that
Huge in helping their own cause.....It is a huge instrument in international banking for the private sector - thats exactly what it is for - so if they need farm equipment they can get it, if they need grain they can get it with a letter of credit, they can go anywhere...go to China and get it, whoever they want to buy from - It is going to open up everything...PEOPLE ARE GOING TO RUN TO DO BUSINESS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR when they know their funds are GUARANTEED and you can't ship your equipment...its done - they know the funds are in the bank...done....great transaction
Government has been very active today -seeing some deals being struck...seeing some things going on - We are at the point that in the next few days we are going to see what it is going to be -
Are we going to have a majority government formed? Or are we going to see Maliki being ousted?
Again all we really need is the framework for these people to go
so if Maliki does put everybody into places that they need to go then they can move forward - he can still operate and move forward
Remember slick political people will always keep themselves above the political fray and they will always try to end up in the best position they can - he's one of these guys - look for him to maybe worm his way out of it - but it certainly looks like they have taken this to the point where they are ready to give their letters of resigtnation and go - Its pretty much D Day - they have the paperwork they need-
looks like they have the votes that they need and it looks like they can use that as leverage to force him to do what they think they need him to do - if they are tired of it they can go ahead and go thru with it - do what they need to do - and then it kinda puts a state of flux in - then you will have people call for new elections..all that kinda the best thing would be to have this thing resolved in an appropriate manner with a majority government formed and them moving forward...I think that is what we are going to see -
I think we are seeing alot of different smoke in different meetings right now
Stay tuned....again as we discussed they have very little concept of time as Tariq from Iraq told us about many times
CBI.....We read and discussed so many great articles
The whole theme was they need to ADD VALUE TO THEIR CURRENCY and they need to do it quick because they are going to have a big growth spurt in their economy over the next 2-3 years
We've heard Shabibi talk about getting the private sector involved - All the articles we read talked about getting the private sector involved
We now have the Central Bank able to issue Letters of Credit to help get the private sector involved
We've got them talking about the need to get the value into their currency quickly or it could be the deterioration of their currency
Remember as the GDP grows..there is no growth in or adjustment to for the GDP for the Iraqi Dinar - then they will have problems and it will be the destruction of the economy..they will never get the private sector off
The government will employ everybody and they will be stuck in this little rut for years to come in order to do the things they need to do
CBI seems to be working very hard - Jeffries talking about getting the banking sector going - that they have the backing of the UST...the World Bank and everybody else and their brothers to get this done
Remember we talked about the Future of Iraq Project and the banks being the last thing they need to get done....the Final Chapter
Jeffries was one of the architects for this over there when it was first implemented -he's now talking about getting the banking system moving and moving forward quickly - ALMOST LIKE THEY ARE DRIVEN TO GET ALL OF THIS DONE
Again we are on the lookout - they want to get this local dinar stabilized - they want to get the banks exchanging dollars - get rid of the speculators in the streets -give the people the opportunity to get a fair chance when they add value to this so that the people are not ripped off by the street vendors
Remember that...if there is a revaluation the street vendors will be able to take advantage of the people and that is not something you want
Thats why they look for stability in this - get the speculators out of it....let the banking system coming in hard being able to exhange dollars- they will have a great ability to control that situation on a better level and its going to hurt some of these street vendors but in the long run it will help their economy
With their economy doubling and tripling 3 times - per capita income doubling and tripling - for every zero that they don't delete its going to do damage to them if they don't remove those zeroes ...and when I say remove the zeroes...I mean adjust that rate
Great news night...we have not seen articles like these for awhile - we have all been concerned about the political situation - and that seems to be coming to an end - We have noticed the rheurotic in the paper is not as brutal as it has been - the word dictator is not being used as much - lots going on ...and its all Good......
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
Mike & Tim discuss the Bank Packages - Please listen to this statement - Keep your info PRIVATE
We apologize to the callers on the back board (listen only) who had a problem in sound quality - There was a glitch on this board last night - You can listen to the recording and hear all the great news just fine....Again we apologize for this inconvenience
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Parliamentary Finance: Delete the zeros depends on control of the Central Bank of the dinar exchange rate
Central Bank: The per capita income will double three times before 2016
U.S. Treasury confirms its support for the development of banking and financial sector of Iraq
Central: the project to delete the zeros do not need a new law
The Central Bank introduced a new strategy for equal dollar dinar
Central Bank: All zero in the currency represents a stage of the destruction of the economy
CBI begins soon to open letters of credit rather than transfer of credit
Kurdish lawmaker: Meeting of Talabani and Barzani will discuss the issue of withdrawal of confidence from the government
Talabani and Barzani meet tomorrow to discuss the political crisis
Shammari said Maliki disclosed has the documents signed by Barzani and Talabani determine the administrative borders of Kurdistan
Cabinet calls for Parliament to postpone the application of the Tariff Act
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - May 29, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - May 29, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
So many Great CBI articles tonight - The whole theme was they need to ADD VALUE TO THEIR CURRENCY and they need to do it quick
Listen to the discussion on all of the articles...GREAT INFO on where we are with our investment
One of our favorites
63 Billion Reserves & Open Letter of Credits - Huge Huge News
On the scheme of things how things are progressing - we are going at a very very quick pace
Now that doesn't mean it is going to happen tomorrow
You can see that they need to add value somewhere between now and when they release their new currency
that is their plan -we are getting into that phase where the windows are coming down
You've got the banking system really developing and getting stronger
The next step for this all to work is to have a private sector start hiring in order to stimulate the private sector as Shabibi talked about last week - The Central Bank can use those letters of credit to do that
Huge in helping their own cause.....It is a huge instrument in international banking for the private sector - thats exactly what it is for - so if they need farm equipment they can get it, if they need grain they can get it with a letter of credit, they can go anywhere...go to China and get it, whoever they want to buy from - It is going to open up everything...PEOPLE ARE GOING TO RUN TO DO BUSINESS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR when they know their funds are GUARANTEED and you can't ship your equipment...its done - they know the funds are in the bank...done....great transaction
Government has been very active today -seeing some deals being struck...seeing some things going on - We are at the point that in the next few days we are going to see what it is going to be -
Are we going to have a majority government formed? Or are we going to see Maliki being ousted?
Again all we really need is the framework for these people to go
so if Maliki does put everybody into places that they need to go then they can move forward - he can still operate and move forward
Remember slick political people will always keep themselves above the political fray and they will always try to end up in the best position they can - he's one of these guys - look for him to maybe worm his way out of it - but it certainly looks like they have taken this to the point where they are ready to give their letters of resigtnation and go - Its pretty much D Day - they have the paperwork they need-
looks like they have the votes that they need and it looks like they can use that as leverage to force him to do what they think they need him to do - if they are tired of it they can go ahead and go thru with it - do what they need to do - and then it kinda puts a state of flux in - then you will have people call for new elections..all that kinda the best thing would be to have this thing resolved in an appropriate manner with a majority government formed and them moving forward...I think that is what we are going to see -
I think we are seeing alot of different smoke in different meetings right now
Stay tuned....again as we discussed they have very little concept of time as Tariq from Iraq told us about many times
CBI.....We read and discussed so many great articles
The whole theme was they need to ADD VALUE TO THEIR CURRENCY and they need to do it quick because they are going to have a big growth spurt in their economy over the next 2-3 years
We've heard Shabibi talk about getting the private sector involved - All the articles we read talked about getting the private sector involved
We now have the Central Bank able to issue Letters of Credit to help get the private sector involved
We've got them talking about the need to get the value into their currency quickly or it could be the deterioration of their currency
Remember as the GDP grows..there is no growth in or adjustment to for the GDP for the Iraqi Dinar - then they will have problems and it will be the destruction of the economy..they will never get the private sector off
The government will employ everybody and they will be stuck in this little rut for years to come in order to do the things they need to do
CBI seems to be working very hard - Jeffries talking about getting the banking sector going - that they have the backing of the UST...the World Bank and everybody else and their brothers to get this done
Remember we talked about the Future of Iraq Project and the banks being the last thing they need to get done....the Final Chapter
Jeffries was one of the architects for this over there when it was first implemented -he's now talking about getting the banking system moving and moving forward quickly - ALMOST LIKE THEY ARE DRIVEN TO GET ALL OF THIS DONE
Again we are on the lookout - they want to get this local dinar stabilized - they want to get the banks exchanging dollars - get rid of the speculators in the streets -give the people the opportunity to get a fair chance when they add value to this so that the people are not ripped off by the street vendors
Remember that...if there is a revaluation the street vendors will be able to take advantage of the people and that is not something you want
Thats why they look for stability in this - get the speculators out of it....let the banking system coming in hard being able to exhange dollars- they will have a great ability to control that situation on a better level and its going to hurt some of these street vendors but in the long run it will help their economy
With their economy doubling and tripling 3 times - per capita income doubling and tripling - for every zero that they don't delete its going to do damage to them if they don't remove those zeroes ...and when I say remove the zeroes...I mean adjust that rate
Great news night...we have not seen articles like these for awhile - we have all been concerned about the political situation - and that seems to be coming to an end - We have noticed the rheurotic in the paper is not as brutal as it has been - the word dictator is not being used as much - lots going on ...and its all Good......
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
Mike & Tim discuss the Bank Packages - Please listen to this statement - Keep your info PRIVATE
We apologize to the callers on the back board (listen only) who had a problem in sound quality - There was a glitch on this board last night - You can listen to the recording and hear all the great news just fine....Again we apologize for this inconvenience
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Parliamentary Finance: Delete the zeros depends on control of the Central Bank of the dinar exchange rate
Central Bank: The per capita income will double three times before 2016
U.S. Treasury confirms its support for the development of banking and financial sector of Iraq
Central: the project to delete the zeros do not need a new law
The Central Bank introduced a new strategy for equal dollar dinar
Central Bank: All zero in the currency represents a stage of the destruction of the economy
CBI begins soon to open letters of credit rather than transfer of credit
Kurdish lawmaker: Meeting of Talabani and Barzani will discuss the issue of withdrawal of confidence from the government
Talabani and Barzani meet tomorrow to discuss the political crisis
Shammari said Maliki disclosed has the documents signed by Barzani and Talabani determine the administrative borders of Kurdistan
Cabinet calls for Parliament to postpone the application of the Tariff Act
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - May 29, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#