The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - May 15, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Some of the Comments made after the News Articles Read...
Central Bank has been firing out lots of article rehashing the same thing we have discussed many times - There is no change in what we have discussed.....
Central Bank is getting lots of pressure from Maliki....its getting down to his last days and I say that hopefully.....putting lots of pressure on the Central Bank - Maliki really trying hard to put alot of pressure on the currency
Remember how we got here...Maliki shut down the country for 5-6 days during the Summit - no banking - no transactions for
for 5-6 days - people sat in their houses for days and nobody was spending any money in Iraq - they were all kinda locked up
What that did to the Central Bank was pretty rough - he's been trying to really take over that - like everything else he has touched in Iraq - he tried to poison this from the get go
Key article - The Central Bank wants to go to a single window system which means they just give the money to the banks and the banks have to prove who they are giving the money to...they do the loaning, etc - but the banking laws are very confusing and it doesn't allow for the banks to do that in Iraq
We have heard Shabibi and everyone calling for these laws to be passed so the banks can have more of an openness and be able to transact more business in Iraq
Part of the government is afraid to let this happen - let these bankings system take hold because of their past history - remember where they came from it was run by a dictator - he had control of all of this.....they did what the government said
now its incredible....they don't have the banking laws and it has hurt them...auctions have hurt them....
Now we hearing for the first time there were some large transactions that helped take some cash out of the country
and why not? Think about it....we've talked abut large players and countries coming in and affecting things in Iraq with a very low exchange rate and grabbing up and gobbling up...What do they have to get....there's 60 billion in reserves...thats not candy...somebody can gobble up those very quickly if they know what they are doing because there is really no value to the currency....its easy to come in and buy dinars ..give them back for the dollars - you are making headway taking the money out...
You have the government working against you - We can talk about how we want things to happen but this is the system that is in place..they need to work with it and get onboard with it - Maliki has been the main cause for most of this as usual...
If you want to know what is going on in the banking system great article to read
As we look in the next few days...its going to get interesting as people are jockeying for positioning
Moving forward with the Vote of No-Confidence and Maliki is panicking
We discussed an article about the Budget for Kurdistan - One of the things they were worried about was the government was going to punish the Kurds and not give them all of the money they were entitled to in the budget - 2nd thing this tells us is the Budget has been people money...theres no RV in the Budget - ..its just a budget...its passing money out - money will gain value when they add value to it and vice versa - there wil be more Purchasing power - so there is no doubt this budget was doubt it was displayed - no doubt they are getting the money - now there maybe some holdbacks on giving monies to the people
supposed to see some of that paid out June or July as we have read
We are waiting to see how they IMPLEMENT the rest of the budget - Remember they can pass it but that word implementation
is a big word - we are seeing implementation of the local budgets which is good so so the monies are moving out....this is how it
works they are getting their monies and spending them - nice to see some normal things happening
The key to this article - Its telling you that its not a major issue for him to go - what they are trying to push for - what they are really trying to do is get them to implement Erbil and lets get thru this - If they implement Erbil he loses power - they can fight about it later - once things are in and we have a government in place functioning....that is really a good thing....Implement Erbil is the Key.....Get it done...
Speed up Meetings scheduled - National Party is trying to push Maliki - All Good....moving forward - they are trying to implement this - trying to get things going and move things in the right direction- all positive things whether he leaves or not - we really want to see Erbil implmeneted - We need to get R done....this is awesome - absolutely great...
National ID Cards & Census articles came out today....
going to count again to do the Census and we all know that is done- but they are moving things along...want to know how many people are out there to give them National ID Cards because we are going to be passing out some money to the people from the 140 that was in the Budget that was passed - They are moving forward on those things....
Would we like to have an RV before all that hits ...absolutely it would be great for their economy
Will it happen? Your guess is as good as mine
The answer is we have to clear up this political sitiuation in order to move forward and thats where our eyes are concentrating on
Once we get thru that...Then we can watch the CBI for the signals of whats going on and whats happening
Good articles out there about how Parliament has failed the Central Bank and not acting as a partner with the Central Bank
There was some criticisim of Parliament saying hey you guys have really caused whats going on at the Central Bank - they need a single window system and you need to pass banking laws in order to clear this up - we saw an article about the Finance guy coming out talking about saying you need to delete the zeroes and replace them and all that good stuff - these are rehashed articles - remember when you see these these areticles this is NO different information
other than someone repeating what the Central Bank has told them - its going to run for 2 years - it will be in the Kurdish language - all of the particulars they are keeping to themselves - they are not going to tell us whats going on - its all subject to change - its a broad plan of what they want to do - they are not going to come out and tell us exactly what they want to do
The one article we read about the Joint Committee coordinating with the Central Bank and the Finance Committee - this is a huge huge huge move for the Finance Committee to talk to the Central Bank and to make sure they are coordinating and getting the laws passed that they need in order to move things forward
Banking Laws are probably some of the most important laws they need to get passed and put it in place before this RV can take place so they can get people to put money in the banks - the banks can have a structure..they know whats going on
Last but not least...we discussed an article about the Iraqi Stock Exchange - they are talking about noone is investing....we are losing investors - theres not enough demand - companies are starting to fail
there's not enough market cap for these companies to really do anything - the whole article is saying WE NEED TO ADD VALUE TO THE CURRENCY - we need to add value to this exchange so it can become a viable ecomonic place for people to put their money - so investors can come in....raise capital and all that good stuff...and right now thats not where its at - they need some laws passed - we've talked about that..all thats happening in the background with the Central Bank
Lots of news out today......National ID Cards....Census figures (which we know have been done)
The government talked about NOT wanting to postpone the tariffs and absolutely they do not want to postpone the tariffs because they want to protect the people - we've talked in the past this is something that is inflationary - 5% fee when they started back in 1985 and its remained there - they want to put as much as 30% - remember they can do 2% ...5%..etc... ..they can add very slowly and gradually to the economy so they don't have a huge impact on it- sounds like they may do some kind of hybrid
Would we like to see an RV before this happens..absolutely....but Does an RV need to happen so that they can do this? doesn't have to happen but it puts pressure on the economy again - remember they are not working in conjunction sometimes with the Central Bank so they are out there doing what they think they need to do and the Central Bank has to react to it when it happens - very similar as to what happens in our country
Again if you approach the situation where nothing is written in stone
you will have a better understanding of how things are....things are changing - really a place where things are changing on a regular basis
We talked about High Inflation 8.7% for April - it is creeping up - need to do something
Looks like we are going to have a Vote of No Confidence very shortly...The National Alliance wants to implement the Erbil Agreement - meetings coming up - Looking and waiting - looks like they want to get this thing done very quickly
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mayahi accused parliament of being behind the failures of the Central Bank
Parliamentary Finance: Delete and replace the zeros of the Iraqi currency early 2013
Central Bank calls for the formation of a joint coordination committee to resolve the problem of deletion of zeros
"The continuing decline in the Iraqi Stock Exchange" investors "are demanding to stop trading companies that x
Refuses to postpone the parliamentary economic application of tariff
Najiba Najib: the Kurdistan region received its share of the budget of the Federal Financial
Albzona: Withdrawal of confidence from the Maliki means bring down the government in full without my presidency of the Republic and House of Representatives
High rates of inflation in Iraq by (8.7%)
National Alliance held a meeting tomorrow to decide on a meeting of Irbil
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A ...listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - May 15, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - May 15, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Some of the Comments made after the News Articles Read...
Central Bank has been firing out lots of article rehashing the same thing we have discussed many times - There is no change in what we have discussed.....
Central Bank is getting lots of pressure from Maliki....its getting down to his last days and I say that hopefully.....putting lots of pressure on the Central Bank - Maliki really trying hard to put alot of pressure on the currency
Remember how we got here...Maliki shut down the country for 5-6 days during the Summit - no banking - no transactions for
for 5-6 days - people sat in their houses for days and nobody was spending any money in Iraq - they were all kinda locked up
What that did to the Central Bank was pretty rough - he's been trying to really take over that - like everything else he has touched in Iraq - he tried to poison this from the get go
Key article - The Central Bank wants to go to a single window system which means they just give the money to the banks and the banks have to prove who they are giving the money to...they do the loaning, etc - but the banking laws are very confusing and it doesn't allow for the banks to do that in Iraq
We have heard Shabibi and everyone calling for these laws to be passed so the banks can have more of an openness and be able to transact more business in Iraq
Part of the government is afraid to let this happen - let these bankings system take hold because of their past history - remember where they came from it was run by a dictator - he had control of all of this.....they did what the government said
now its incredible....they don't have the banking laws and it has hurt them...auctions have hurt them....
Now we hearing for the first time there were some large transactions that helped take some cash out of the country
and why not? Think about it....we've talked abut large players and countries coming in and affecting things in Iraq with a very low exchange rate and grabbing up and gobbling up...What do they have to get....there's 60 billion in reserves...thats not candy...somebody can gobble up those very quickly if they know what they are doing because there is really no value to the currency....its easy to come in and buy dinars ..give them back for the dollars - you are making headway taking the money out...
You have the government working against you - We can talk about how we want things to happen but this is the system that is in place..they need to work with it and get onboard with it - Maliki has been the main cause for most of this as usual...
If you want to know what is going on in the banking system great article to read
As we look in the next few days...its going to get interesting as people are jockeying for positioning
Moving forward with the Vote of No-Confidence and Maliki is panicking
We discussed an article about the Budget for Kurdistan - One of the things they were worried about was the government was going to punish the Kurds and not give them all of the money they were entitled to in the budget - 2nd thing this tells us is the Budget has been people money...theres no RV in the Budget - ..its just a budget...its passing money out - money will gain value when they add value to it and vice versa - there wil be more Purchasing power - so there is no doubt this budget was doubt it was displayed - no doubt they are getting the money - now there maybe some holdbacks on giving monies to the people
supposed to see some of that paid out June or July as we have read
We are waiting to see how they IMPLEMENT the rest of the budget - Remember they can pass it but that word implementation
is a big word - we are seeing implementation of the local budgets which is good so so the monies are moving out....this is how it
works they are getting their monies and spending them - nice to see some normal things happening
The key to this article - Its telling you that its not a major issue for him to go - what they are trying to push for - what they are really trying to do is get them to implement Erbil and lets get thru this - If they implement Erbil he loses power - they can fight about it later - once things are in and we have a government in place functioning....that is really a good thing....Implement Erbil is the Key.....Get it done...
Speed up Meetings scheduled - National Party is trying to push Maliki - All Good....moving forward - they are trying to implement this - trying to get things going and move things in the right direction- all positive things whether he leaves or not - we really want to see Erbil implmeneted - We need to get R done....this is awesome - absolutely great...
National ID Cards & Census articles came out today....
going to count again to do the Census and we all know that is done- but they are moving things along...want to know how many people are out there to give them National ID Cards because we are going to be passing out some money to the people from the 140 that was in the Budget that was passed - They are moving forward on those things....
Would we like to have an RV before all that hits ...absolutely it would be great for their economy
Will it happen? Your guess is as good as mine
The answer is we have to clear up this political sitiuation in order to move forward and thats where our eyes are concentrating on
Once we get thru that...Then we can watch the CBI for the signals of whats going on and whats happening
Good articles out there about how Parliament has failed the Central Bank and not acting as a partner with the Central Bank
There was some criticisim of Parliament saying hey you guys have really caused whats going on at the Central Bank - they need a single window system and you need to pass banking laws in order to clear this up - we saw an article about the Finance guy coming out talking about saying you need to delete the zeroes and replace them and all that good stuff - these are rehashed articles - remember when you see these these areticles this is NO different information
other than someone repeating what the Central Bank has told them - its going to run for 2 years - it will be in the Kurdish language - all of the particulars they are keeping to themselves - they are not going to tell us whats going on - its all subject to change - its a broad plan of what they want to do - they are not going to come out and tell us exactly what they want to do
The one article we read about the Joint Committee coordinating with the Central Bank and the Finance Committee - this is a huge huge huge move for the Finance Committee to talk to the Central Bank and to make sure they are coordinating and getting the laws passed that they need in order to move things forward
Banking Laws are probably some of the most important laws they need to get passed and put it in place before this RV can take place so they can get people to put money in the banks - the banks can have a structure..they know whats going on
Last but not least...we discussed an article about the Iraqi Stock Exchange - they are talking about noone is investing....we are losing investors - theres not enough demand - companies are starting to fail
there's not enough market cap for these companies to really do anything - the whole article is saying WE NEED TO ADD VALUE TO THE CURRENCY - we need to add value to this exchange so it can become a viable ecomonic place for people to put their money - so investors can come in....raise capital and all that good stuff...and right now thats not where its at - they need some laws passed - we've talked about that..all thats happening in the background with the Central Bank
Lots of news out today......National ID Cards....Census figures (which we know have been done)
The government talked about NOT wanting to postpone the tariffs and absolutely they do not want to postpone the tariffs because they want to protect the people - we've talked in the past this is something that is inflationary - 5% fee when they started back in 1985 and its remained there - they want to put as much as 30% - remember they can do 2% ...5%..etc... ..they can add very slowly and gradually to the economy so they don't have a huge impact on it- sounds like they may do some kind of hybrid
Would we like to see an RV before this happens..absolutely....but Does an RV need to happen so that they can do this? doesn't have to happen but it puts pressure on the economy again - remember they are not working in conjunction sometimes with the Central Bank so they are out there doing what they think they need to do and the Central Bank has to react to it when it happens - very similar as to what happens in our country
Again if you approach the situation where nothing is written in stone
you will have a better understanding of how things are....things are changing - really a place where things are changing on a regular basis
We talked about High Inflation 8.7% for April - it is creeping up - need to do something
Looks like we are going to have a Vote of No Confidence very shortly...The National Alliance wants to implement the Erbil Agreement - meetings coming up - Looking and waiting - looks like they want to get this thing done very quickly
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mayahi accused parliament of being behind the failures of the Central Bank
Parliamentary Finance: Delete and replace the zeros of the Iraqi currency early 2013
Central Bank calls for the formation of a joint coordination committee to resolve the problem of deletion of zeros
"The continuing decline in the Iraqi Stock Exchange" investors "are demanding to stop trading companies that x
Refuses to postpone the parliamentary economic application of tariff
Najiba Najib: the Kurdistan region received its share of the budget of the Federal Financial
Albzona: Withdrawal of confidence from the Maliki means bring down the government in full without my presidency of the Republic and House of Representatives
High rates of inflation in Iraq by (8.7%)
National Alliance held a meeting tomorrow to decide on a meeting of Irbil
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A ...listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - May 15, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#