The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Theme: Are We There Yet?
Conference Call Replay - June 5, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Discussion and Comments after some of the News Articles Discussed
Finance Committee Member: CBI has started to make some good steps to reset the Value of the Dinar
Great article.....Ace in the bag for Shabibi
Really helped bring the Finance Committee around
Everybody loved this idea - it protects the goods...protects the people - protects the currency - helps stabilize the currency
helps to build the private sector....all very good
We have been talking about this for the last 3 days - Its nice to see the Finance Commitee jumping on board
These are the people that work closely with the Central Bank - have had heavy criticism over the last couple of weeks and they have been bickering but now it seems they are all on the same page
Again with everything going on they are still making great strides and doing what they need to do
Letters of Credit a Great Tool for Shabibi to use - Been around for a long time - they have special circumstances what they use them for
Not normally something you see out there
For Emerging Countries it is a Wonderful Tool & Great Vehicle to use to Stabilize your currency and to keep large amounts of currencies from not running out - actually using your banks and getting them healthy - If you look at the Future Project of Iraq they talk about developing the Banking Systems - this almost reads like a page out of the final chapter -you are watching it page by page being done - great great strides
Great article...Explained everything that is going on with the thoughts of the people about the banks and their money ....All of the things we have discussed so many times on our calls....
The Future of Iraq Project talks so much about the Development of the Banking System - when you read this article it tells you everything they are up against and how as people start to take interest in this it won't be long before they catch on - people will go once it hits that synergistic point and let me tell you it will be good
Very big support of the Finance Committee - finally they seem to be looking at them with these letters of Credit - That has been the one thing CBI has done that has drawn praise from everybody and their brother - I think it was the ace in the hand for Shabibi to really stabilize his economy and move it one step closer to getting the banks activated - getting them involved in the lending system
in the words of one article... "We pay you ship".... thats basically what a letter of credit is - Everybody is guaranteed...banks make money - the people get the goods that they want and the people get paid for goods that they put out - its very simple....there's really no way around don't get cheated - its a very clean way of doing business in these countries - its also a very clean way for them to transfer funds and know who those funds are going to - The Central Bank is really trying to cut out all of the other misc. funds going out of the country so they can keep track of their hard currency to make sure the dollars go where the dollars need to go and the dinars go where the dinars need to go - it helps them to account for all the money in the system and all the things they need to pay off when they RV.....VERY GOOD NEWS
We have seen alot of negative articles in the past - so many positive articles from CBI lately
I will say it again as we have said.... The CBI is ready - they are working their plan - they have never gotten off their plan except when the government pushed them off the plan....VERY VERY good
IF you missed our Favorite Article of the Day "Banking System Can't Cope with Economic Activities" take the time to read that article -
this is probably the best article of the night - talks about the banking system trying to develop around people - their social norms - how they perceive the banks - how they see whats going on there - and how they are not participating in the system as a whole beause they don't know whats going on - they don't have any idea of whats what - so its very very good to see these things happening - and to get an idea and picture of what is going on over there - its not as simple as what people say......just do it....just do it....just do it....
As we read one guy is afraid of putting his $6000 USD in the bank - afraid it is going to disappear - He has saved it for 14 years of his life - Think about that and put it in perspective - become a person who is in Iraq and put yourself in their foot steps've never had any stability in anything that has gone on over there you are expected to go into the banking system and have stability now......slow but steps....its working - they are working the plan and they are moving forward - great stuff
Whats going on on the government side...scrambled eggs..lets just call it that - its a hodge podge of many articles coming out in support of Maliki - people talking about withdrawing confidence from Nufafi - people talking about Sadr going to Iran - theres so many different articles put out there today
The best info we can give you going forward is that the signatures have been presented...they are being verified...and it looks like they are getting ready to call this extraordinary session to go ahead and do the vote of No Confidence and for the National Party to actually present somebody at the same time to step into that Prime Minister position - Think about it theres alot of in fighting going in the National Alliance party because that is Malikis party - he is out to get everybody who is against him - He is not a nice me...he's as most people refer to him as "Sadam Jr" can see what he's done from the outside looking in - imagine what it is like there
So you have people trying to jockey for position - you have years of distrust and all that stuff that goes along with that
But they are moving forward - looks like our White House is trying to draft some sort of response when this happens and we may see a dignitary or two show up once the new Prime Minister is over there to go ahead and give that formal here we go and lets move forward
What does that mean for us?
If you been in this are probably asking "Are we there yet?" Maliki has basically stood in the way of all of the progress
because he has wanted all that power - its really simple as that...power and money....he's intoxicated with that power...he saw how Sadam came to power - he wants to do that - people get up there and they are narcistic enough to really be into the power of it all and wants to rule the people - thats what they get off on
and unfortunately he's that person in that position right now - they need to move him along and get him out of the way
Once he becomes an insignificant player and they go ahead and create these balances of power in their system he will go to the wayside - he can make as much trouble as he wants - once the system is formed and once the system is in place Remember Its like what we have here...we have our parties and and we have elections - some agree..some disagree but we still fight inside the confines of the system we have and every 4 years we do it again...thats the beauty of our system and thats how it goes
well they have their system set up over there with some sort of balance of power that gives them the opportunity to vote others out..
I can' tell you if the system is right or wrong but you want them to operate inside the system and you want the CBI to know they are operating inside that system - He can operate his economics around that because he needs the Finance Committee to work with him so they can pass the laws that they need to get this banking system off the ground and the private sector started -
Once those things are in Place you get the oil and the gas that goes into the economy
THEN YOU ADD THE BIG FUEL.....THE ROCKET FUEL....WHICH IS THE RV to the economy - that helps the people out - that gets everybody going - once the people have some jobs..they can get out there - HE CAN TURN THAT SPICKET ON....INCREASE THE VALUE that he's got going on and along the way he is going to do the things he needs to do
Nobody knows the time or the date and anybody that tells you that they do please take a deep breath and step back....
I can tell you of all the contacts that anyone can have I can guarantee you that noone on any of these calls no matter who they say their contacts are going to get a call to let them know what is going on internally
Watch what is going on....take a deep breath...This is a process - its not something that is going to happen overnight - You hear it time and time again when you come here...hope we are giving you that tranquilizer so that you understand that is the point....
The point is to look at the things and ask yourself Are we moving forward?
YES we are moving forward...We are moving someone out of the way - The CBI is in place and lets look at all the next steps as we come forward
We are starting to see the basis is there in the economy - its time to get the political situation cleared up - we are coming to an end with that and its just a matter of time...and in the great words of Iraq....any moment now....which we all know what that means......
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Finance Committee Member: CBI has started to make some good steps to reset the value of the dinar
Parliamentary Finance: The Central Bank is making good steps THANKS YVONNE
Banking system can't cope with economic activities
State of Law coalition intends to submit a request to withdraw confidence from Najafi
The direct application of the smart card system in a number of health institutions
National Alliance continues his quest to resolve the crisis through dialogue and the Constitution
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani asked to form a presidential commission to check the validity of signed messages include a call for Congress to withdraw confidence
from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki
Iraq: Withdrawl of confidence and choose the alternative al-Maliki in a single session THANKS KELLY
For those who have been asking for updates on our friend Tariq in Iraq, there has been a ray of light shined on his request for an Immigrant Visa... Now this is not the Visa request made for his business through Microsoft that was declined that I am speaking of... But the original Immigrant Visa that has been continually delayed for one lame reason or another and that was promised to him while serving with our Military as their interpreter... The Embassy has instructed Tariq to submit his passport to them along with a recent medical exam and they will process his information for the printing of his Immigrant Visa. This is the FIRST positive sign from the Embassy in Tariq receiving his Immigrant Visa. Tariq is skeptical due to all the false promises of the past, and has the attitude that he won't believe it until he sees the Visa with his own eyes and is holding it in his own hands. So please keep Tariq in your prayers and thoughts that they process this quickly and indeed finally give him this well overdue Visa so that he may live a safe and healthy life in the USA! We will keep you posted to any further progress.
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - June 5, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Theme: Are We There Yet?
Conference Call Replay - June 5, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Discussion and Comments after some of the News Articles Discussed
Finance Committee Member: CBI has started to make some good steps to reset the Value of the Dinar
Great article.....Ace in the bag for Shabibi
Really helped bring the Finance Committee around
Everybody loved this idea - it protects the goods...protects the people - protects the currency - helps stabilize the currency
helps to build the private sector....all very good
We have been talking about this for the last 3 days - Its nice to see the Finance Commitee jumping on board
These are the people that work closely with the Central Bank - have had heavy criticism over the last couple of weeks and they have been bickering but now it seems they are all on the same page
Again with everything going on they are still making great strides and doing what they need to do
Letters of Credit a Great Tool for Shabibi to use - Been around for a long time - they have special circumstances what they use them for
Not normally something you see out there
For Emerging Countries it is a Wonderful Tool & Great Vehicle to use to Stabilize your currency and to keep large amounts of currencies from not running out - actually using your banks and getting them healthy - If you look at the Future Project of Iraq they talk about developing the Banking Systems - this almost reads like a page out of the final chapter -you are watching it page by page being done - great great strides
Great article...Explained everything that is going on with the thoughts of the people about the banks and their money ....All of the things we have discussed so many times on our calls....
The Future of Iraq Project talks so much about the Development of the Banking System - when you read this article it tells you everything they are up against and how as people start to take interest in this it won't be long before they catch on - people will go once it hits that synergistic point and let me tell you it will be good
Very big support of the Finance Committee - finally they seem to be looking at them with these letters of Credit - That has been the one thing CBI has done that has drawn praise from everybody and their brother - I think it was the ace in the hand for Shabibi to really stabilize his economy and move it one step closer to getting the banks activated - getting them involved in the lending system
in the words of one article... "We pay you ship".... thats basically what a letter of credit is - Everybody is guaranteed...banks make money - the people get the goods that they want and the people get paid for goods that they put out - its very simple....there's really no way around don't get cheated - its a very clean way of doing business in these countries - its also a very clean way for them to transfer funds and know who those funds are going to - The Central Bank is really trying to cut out all of the other misc. funds going out of the country so they can keep track of their hard currency to make sure the dollars go where the dollars need to go and the dinars go where the dinars need to go - it helps them to account for all the money in the system and all the things they need to pay off when they RV.....VERY GOOD NEWS
We have seen alot of negative articles in the past - so many positive articles from CBI lately
I will say it again as we have said.... The CBI is ready - they are working their plan - they have never gotten off their plan except when the government pushed them off the plan....VERY VERY good
IF you missed our Favorite Article of the Day "Banking System Can't Cope with Economic Activities" take the time to read that article -
this is probably the best article of the night - talks about the banking system trying to develop around people - their social norms - how they perceive the banks - how they see whats going on there - and how they are not participating in the system as a whole beause they don't know whats going on - they don't have any idea of whats what - so its very very good to see these things happening - and to get an idea and picture of what is going on over there - its not as simple as what people say......just do it....just do it....just do it....
As we read one guy is afraid of putting his $6000 USD in the bank - afraid it is going to disappear - He has saved it for 14 years of his life - Think about that and put it in perspective - become a person who is in Iraq and put yourself in their foot steps've never had any stability in anything that has gone on over there you are expected to go into the banking system and have stability now......slow but steps....its working - they are working the plan and they are moving forward - great stuff
Whats going on on the government side...scrambled eggs..lets just call it that - its a hodge podge of many articles coming out in support of Maliki - people talking about withdrawing confidence from Nufafi - people talking about Sadr going to Iran - theres so many different articles put out there today
The best info we can give you going forward is that the signatures have been presented...they are being verified...and it looks like they are getting ready to call this extraordinary session to go ahead and do the vote of No Confidence and for the National Party to actually present somebody at the same time to step into that Prime Minister position - Think about it theres alot of in fighting going in the National Alliance party because that is Malikis party - he is out to get everybody who is against him - He is not a nice me...he's as most people refer to him as "Sadam Jr" can see what he's done from the outside looking in - imagine what it is like there
So you have people trying to jockey for position - you have years of distrust and all that stuff that goes along with that
But they are moving forward - looks like our White House is trying to draft some sort of response when this happens and we may see a dignitary or two show up once the new Prime Minister is over there to go ahead and give that formal here we go and lets move forward
What does that mean for us?
If you been in this are probably asking "Are we there yet?" Maliki has basically stood in the way of all of the progress
because he has wanted all that power - its really simple as that...power and money....he's intoxicated with that power...he saw how Sadam came to power - he wants to do that - people get up there and they are narcistic enough to really be into the power of it all and wants to rule the people - thats what they get off on
and unfortunately he's that person in that position right now - they need to move him along and get him out of the way
Once he becomes an insignificant player and they go ahead and create these balances of power in their system he will go to the wayside - he can make as much trouble as he wants - once the system is formed and once the system is in place Remember Its like what we have here...we have our parties and and we have elections - some agree..some disagree but we still fight inside the confines of the system we have and every 4 years we do it again...thats the beauty of our system and thats how it goes
well they have their system set up over there with some sort of balance of power that gives them the opportunity to vote others out..
I can' tell you if the system is right or wrong but you want them to operate inside the system and you want the CBI to know they are operating inside that system - He can operate his economics around that because he needs the Finance Committee to work with him so they can pass the laws that they need to get this banking system off the ground and the private sector started -
Once those things are in Place you get the oil and the gas that goes into the economy
THEN YOU ADD THE BIG FUEL.....THE ROCKET FUEL....WHICH IS THE RV to the economy - that helps the people out - that gets everybody going - once the people have some jobs..they can get out there - HE CAN TURN THAT SPICKET ON....INCREASE THE VALUE that he's got going on and along the way he is going to do the things he needs to do
Nobody knows the time or the date and anybody that tells you that they do please take a deep breath and step back....
I can tell you of all the contacts that anyone can have I can guarantee you that noone on any of these calls no matter who they say their contacts are going to get a call to let them know what is going on internally
Watch what is going on....take a deep breath...This is a process - its not something that is going to happen overnight - You hear it time and time again when you come here...hope we are giving you that tranquilizer so that you understand that is the point....
The point is to look at the things and ask yourself Are we moving forward?
YES we are moving forward...We are moving someone out of the way - The CBI is in place and lets look at all the next steps as we come forward
We are starting to see the basis is there in the economy - its time to get the political situation cleared up - we are coming to an end with that and its just a matter of time...and in the great words of Iraq....any moment now....which we all know what that means......
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Finance Committee Member: CBI has started to make some good steps to reset the value of the dinar
Parliamentary Finance: The Central Bank is making good steps THANKS YVONNE
Banking system can't cope with economic activities
State of Law coalition intends to submit a request to withdraw confidence from Najafi
The direct application of the smart card system in a number of health institutions
National Alliance continues his quest to resolve the crisis through dialogue and the Constitution
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani asked to form a presidential commission to check the validity of signed messages include a call for Congress to withdraw confidence
from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki
Iraq: Withdrawl of confidence and choose the alternative al-Maliki in a single session THANKS KELLY
For those who have been asking for updates on our friend Tariq in Iraq, there has been a ray of light shined on his request for an Immigrant Visa... Now this is not the Visa request made for his business through Microsoft that was declined that I am speaking of... But the original Immigrant Visa that has been continually delayed for one lame reason or another and that was promised to him while serving with our Military as their interpreter... The Embassy has instructed Tariq to submit his passport to them along with a recent medical exam and they will process his information for the printing of his Immigrant Visa. This is the FIRST positive sign from the Embassy in Tariq receiving his Immigrant Visa. Tariq is skeptical due to all the false promises of the past, and has the attitude that he won't believe it until he sees the Visa with his own eyes and is holding it in his own hands. So please keep Tariq in your prayers and thoughts that they process this quickly and indeed finally give him this well overdue Visa so that he may live a safe and healthy life in the USA! We will keep you posted to any further progress.
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - June 5, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#