The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - July 1, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike was not with us tonight....he had a family emergency...please keep him in your prayers
Thank you to LJ's Next Step Team who joined us tonight...
Thank you
LJ, Don, Barney, Tracey, Tim, Arthur
We joined together again tonight for a Joint Round Table Call ..Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Highlights from some of the Best News Articles Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below - the following are the highlights after the articles were read)
"Deputy Central Bank Governor proposes the formation of a joint committee to schedule the implementation of the project to delete the zeros"
The most important thing to me that was stipulated there was the implementation of the project to delete the 3 zeroes
Alot of the things we are looking at right now with the government and CBI is the environment to implement and that is the key I believe everybody has to focus on because implementation in Iraq has been a thing not understood...they have not implemented anything yet ..not their laws...they voted on them...they have passed them but they have not been implemented ...they have not implemented 140....haven't implemented Erbil...haven't implemented some of the things required to delete the zeroes
This article says they are "putting a joint committee together to schedule the implementation".
The Bank is ready like Straight Talkin Mike has told us in the past...the banks have been putting together their plan for a long time...Shabibi Our Birthday Boy boy basically has figured out a way to get all this to we are at the point in which they need to implement - they said they don't need to pass any laws to get this done in Parliament but there has to be regulations offered by the Council of Ministers...
I read an article today that said the Bank is independent but it is dependent somewhat on the Council of Ministers - that article coincides with this one - that they have to publish it in the Gazette...put it out for the people and the government to know that it is implemented - extremely great article based on the times - we have converging storms of politics inside of establishing the government and establishing the banking laws - we are watching them prepare for what we all believe is inevitable in the near future here and that is the implementation of most everything they have been talking about
They will implement Erbil, HCL, 140 eventually...I think very soon...we dont know the time frame - they are going to implement the procedures and process to start the deletion of the 3 zeroes....implementation and getting it ready are two different things - they are ready...they are going to implement...they are talking about steps and I love when they talk abut the steps they need to do because as you guys know we are called LJ's Next Step...anytime you have a process that has steps to completion before you get to the point in which you are ready to push the button- they are starting and moving along with those steps - thats why I really liked this article because Anything with implementation I get happy about because it always goes back to the government and implementing what they need to do as well
Arthur shares the following Key article out today
"Central Bank decides to unite the Iraqi banks for direct telephone banking project"
"Central Bank of Iraq that he decided to unify Iraqi banks and the civil government in all provinces to direct a project that gives banks, telephone facilities for citizens to withdraw from any financial bitmap in the country."
So important to Iraqi people and our investment....modernizing with modern banking system....things they have to do for modern society...things you need to become a modern 21st century.....with a valuable revalued currency
(Lots of great information shared - listen to the recording for all the info shared...Great info shared by Arthur)
"Central Bank required banks to open special files for customers in hard currency"
I Like the way they sum up everytime bank tells you something new that they have done or that they are doing or trying to implement they end it by telling you what their job is...we can see that they are doing it...
it stated " maintain stable prices and implementation of the monetary policy exchange rate"
Shabibi and the CBI is now tightening the reigns - as they move into this they realize the necessity of tightening the reigns on the smuggling and where all the money is going - trying to de-dollarize which we will read in the next article
They also have to use this new process of what was read in this article which is to audit all of the transactions regarding all of the processes of the conversion of people using dollars...people using dinar so they can audit they can find out whats going on...keep the smuggling down in order to keep the rate balanced and this is all part of the project to delete the 3 zeroes
You can see that Shabs is doing this in steps...we love to see steps - we love to see stages of things because each progression is all a part of the project to delete the 3 zeroes - including this process - 15 days that they can look at all currencies - they can see where you got it...where you bought it so they can keep a reign on the all the monies.....I also read an article today that any bank not strictly following the rules or procedures will be closed because Shabibi is not going to deal with it...he is a very intelligent economist....he knows he gets one chance to make this thing right and all of these articles we see from the CBI is Shabibi, the briliant economist that he is getting a tight reign on all of this - auditing all of this so they can keep a managed situation once they raise the 3 zeroes and change their exchange rate to better accomodate their citizens
All of these steps we are seeing are steps to the RV and should get us all cautiously excited that we are there - we are seeing what they are doing to convert their currency over to a better rate
(Great discussion and analysis about the street vendors between the team....listen to the recording)
"The most confusion is they confuse money exchangors with hot dog vendors and we confuse an american hot dog with something that deals with the RV"
"Economists and MPs: private banks suffer government neglect and the absence of laws regulating the work"
"Government to legislate all the laws on banks eligibility and the provision of bond support by the central bank to end the crisis of confidence of citizens banks eligibility and attract government departments to deal with it, she must activate the investment and use of expertise in foreign and electronic transactions that enable the rise of the reality of Iraq's economy."
(Great discussion and analysis - listen to the recording)
"Central Bank wants Iraqis to drop the dollar in internal commercial transactions"
Deb's Favorite article of the night - Fireworks are going off in the background...and they should be...this has been the goal of Shabibi for a long time to get the dollars off the street because noone is confident with the Iraqi dinar...basically moved alot of the triple zeroes notes off the street - we all know that -they have been kinda bleeding the dinar - that's why you have see the rise in the use of the dollar - But the Iraqi citizen have found that this dollar equals 12 Iraqi dinar - this one dollar bill has more greater purchasing power than our notes..
This has been the goal for the entire time of just trying to just get the confidence back in the dinar ...Shabibi knows he is in alot of trouble as far as trying to get the people to utilizing the dinar again
and the dollar is standing in the way because there is a comfort level with the dollar now ...last thing they wanted to see was the comfort level on the Iraqi streets with commercial transactions - now what they have done is basically said we have all of these reserves - we are working hard to boost the dinars value against all major convertible currencies not just the dollar - against all of them...
Shabibi knows his currency will be the most powerful currency on the face of the planet as soon as they do whatever they have to do - once they have the most powerful currency they need their people to know it is powerful
They are being educated gradually thru the news - This will be gradual and spontaneous at the same time remove the zeroes from the streets of Iraq....
We will see this happen very soon..all the articles climaxing to something we will all see very soon...when...that is the question
But we feel very very close.
Arthur: Great article.....told us exactly what is going asking and talking and going back and forth - this is something that is going to be RV will cause them to use money like we do - that is where they are heading to...very exciting to see this article and to see that they are being implemented - that they are being more decision making...he's educating his people - we don't know exactly when but we feel it is just a matter of time before this is implemented into action and we are in that period of time and it is very exciting to see......
here is the entire article...Great article
The Central Bank has decided to remove three zeros from the dinar, a move it sees essential to strengthen local currency and tempt Iraqis to stick to it.
For months, the bank has been mulling the issue but only recently it said a decision has been made and it was a matter of time to translate it into action.
“The knocking out of zeros will save Iraqis using massive sums of paper money in their transactions,” said Central Bank Deputy Governor Mudher Saleh.
Saleh, speaking in a seminar on currency organized by the High Institute of Accounting in Baghdad, assured skeptic Iraqis that the removal of zeros from the currency “shall not affect your earnings, wealth, financial transactions, financial obligations and duties.”
He said, on the contrary, the Iraqi economy and Iraqi citizens were to benefit from the move.
The Central Bank, awash with hard cash reserves estimated at more than $60 billion, is working hard to boost the dinar’s value against major convertible currencies.
A firmer currency along with the removal of zeros has been among the bank’s priorities.
But Saleh said the bank was concerned to see the economy being dollarized and one target behind the new move was to lessen dependence on the dollar in domestic transactions and dealings by Iraqis.
A dollar is now worth about 1,200 dinars.
"Urgent, immediate change in government positions ... Mutlaq, Vice-President of the Republic and Ahmed Jubouri and Minister of Defense and Justice of the Supreme Council for the candidate Abtan!!"
News has been really there has been a theme 25 or more articles saying stipluate they need to stay away from No-Confidence - trying to get away from the questioning too....
What they are saying is we are going to stop talking about removal of Confidence from Maliki...and once we get that done
these are the things that have probably been put forth by the National Alliance Reform Committee that submitted it to the Erbil guys and let them know that in the event we are able to get past and get to the table and get Erbil done...these are the changes we want to see
#1 We want to see that Jubouri is going to be the Minister of the proxy Minister acting right now is Maliki
but under him we believe is Dulaimi....this has now just changed....he wants to put Jubouri in for Dulaimi...
We did research on Jubouri....he is part of the Iraqi List and one of the 6-8 that did not want to vote Maliki out - He seems like he is a moderate and kinda rides the fence.....
Maliki is pretty comfortable with him and may not be with Dulaimi as Mininster of Defense
Key is ....They are getting ready to implement the government - it is important to find out who is going to be the Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior..they talked about Asadi being Minister of Interior as we discussed the other night....Now we see Jubouri for Defense
This is a stipulation Maliki wants if he gives them Erbil Agreement
(more discussion and analysis - listen to the recording)
Really really important because WHY even go thru these steps if you dont have any intent to give us the Erbil Agreement?
Why is Maliki spear heading these changes? It means something is about to happen and we are about to watch it - we have seen alot of people quiet down from the rheurotic about early elections...those are gone....Talabani said he was even going to sign it in an artricle today - said he's not going to do that because he didn't sign No-confidence in Maliki
The electoral Committee came out yesterday and said it was going to take 6 months for a new elections and then 6 months later we are going to be preparing for the 2014 elections - we can not do are not going to hear anything more from Maliki about early is just off the table - it is just never going to that we have his request and demands that he wants to change all of these guys out that is truly indicative to me that he is ready to do soemthing and we just hope and pray that it is what happens
"Urgent .. Moqtada al-Sadr indicates the existence of "harm" in the interrogation of al-Maliki"
The importance of this article is in order to have compromise in any situation is somebody has to suck a little face trying to make the other person feel better......
Sadr saying lets just call it what it is...the Iraqi government is 7 years old....its a child....we have caused so much chaos in trying to
get to this agreement started in 2010 in Erbil to get democracy that we are going to suffer as a result of making these changes - so early in this game....understanding democracy is a really difficult thing for us because it is brand new to us - everybody outside like the Americans they want us to do things the way they do things but we are having a hard time with it...we are only 7 years in this and we can't come to any agreement so we are going to kinda accept the fact that we don't have 164 votes...we are also going to let the people know that questioning Maliki and removing Confidence form him is going to kinda set us back a little as a government and we need to grow stonger not weaken ourselves before we grow stronger
...we have already weakened ourselves so lets just move forward with as much veal and zest as we can to get this thing done - everybody has to compromise and step back from their hard line positions...say the things that are necessary to bring this guy to the table to where he feels comfortable....He always have to have the last say on everything - trying to make changes with Mutlag for Hashemi...Jubouri for Dulaimi...etc
He always has something going on and up his sleeve he wants changed...
This article says Sadr has basically stepped back and taken the mediator role......saying we are not going to do No-Confidence...
not going to question him....lets just get to the table and get this done....all the news agencies all reporting the same thing
He is trying to create the atmosphere to get the Erbil Agreement signed.....I think very very important for our investment
Talabani we still do not know where he is but as soon as he gets back I really would love for them to be prepared for when he does and take him straight to the meeting
"Deputy for Iraq: Meeting the leaders of Arbil - Najaf with al-Maliki did not specify his time until now"
Important because this is the Iraqi List speaking...Speaker and Member of Parliament basically saying there won't be any concessions to what was asked of in the Erbil Letters from Sadr
to the National Alliance....all conditions have to be met...we insist on implementation of All of the agreement
it is important because they are saying we are not going to sit at a table with you if you do not give us what we want
The fact that they are even talking like that - it kinda goes back to where we always have been...this is the sad part about it....
Iraqi List and Allawi have always said give us guarantees and we will come to the meeting...this is basically what this article is give us the guarantees...we will come to the meeting and to the is not going to be a dialogue..we have already done that..been there done that....every time we leave we leave with broken promises....and this is going to be different this time...the meeting we are going to hold in Najaf - we are going to have all of the things implemented or we will NOT accept coming
but the fact that they say they are coming leads me to believe that they have already accepted the terms and Maliki is now offering the changes in the government we spoke of in the 1st article....we have alot of things brewing and you have to kinda look really close to see whats going because the news was slow again today - no rheurotic key players saying anything contrary to us seeing some sort of Erbil Agrement....I believe we are going to see the Erbil Agreement and we are giong to see it soon - Before Ramadan....who knows....we all hope we do.....Do I think the atmosphere is really really bright for seeing something soon? I hate the word soon....if we put dates on something we more than likely will be wrong - I don't like saying something that I think will take place and it doesn't come to pass because I do not know - we are not there...all we can do is read and follow the news..
One thing I will tell you They said they are going to have a National Meeting - they said it was going to be televised - Maliki asking for changes in the positions in the govt....Allawi actually saying he will come to the meeting as long as you give him what he wants - this is as nice they have been the whole time that we have been in this investment....I dont think they are going to fall back this time....The Banking system is telling us they are ready to go...Kurdistan region is telling everybody we need the HCL and 140 ...the govt really needs to get out of the way of the Parliament so they can implement laws and we have political situation crisis being maintained slowly but surely - I think we are slowly edging towards what we want to see...don't know if they are going to pop it on us but this article was really really good because it talked about implementing all of them without conditions and we will sit at the table and do the things asked provided that we get it done...Maliki saying okay I will do it as long as you don't question me in Parliament and withdraw confidence from me......Showing us they are making really slow but good progress getting us to where we really need to be
"Kurdistan Alliance: Dialogue with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is no longer on the agenda of the political blocs"
Put this article in to prove a point....they can not let up and will not let up...these are member of Parliament ...probably plants to say these things to keep Maliki thinking think No-Confidence is still on the table...If he doesn't think this is a real threat and still on the table...we could go forever in this thing
if he feels like he will not be removed and doesn't feel threatened why would he do anything like Implement Erbil...he hasn't done it yet so why would he start now...
This article says we are going to do this and these are the reasons why...the guy has proved to be a cancer inside our govt...
He is not going to be anything good for it even if we let him stay
This is just a shot across the bowel to Maliki saying we have not given up our position
Kurdistan Alliance and the Iraqi List saying we have not taken No-Confidence off the table until
Another article I read earlier said "Iraqi List will continue with its quest to withdraw No-conf from Maliki until he signs the Erbil Agreement" basically
When he signs Erbil that is when things can be taken off the table but we are not going to stop doing it
The Kurdistan Alliance has the same position...
Is No-Confidence off the table? Yes and no....and we see it in this last article No conference is still on the table as long as Maliki continues to go the way he is going...his dialogue and what they want are two different dialogues....theres no more time for talk..they just want action... come there sign Erbil - then we can talk after you sign about anything you want but lets get the government in place
and thats where we are today
Hopefully we will see something very very soon - hopefully Talabani shows up soon...hes now been gone 2 weeks - If he went to Germany and was there since the has been two weeks...the article said he would be in Germany for 1-2 makes the 2nd article said 3 weeks.....trying to be honest so you have a true understanding on what the article said because if it is another week that would take us to July 8.....We continue to watch for the NEXT STEPS.....
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike & LJ's NEXT STEP On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday - July 1, 2012
Deputy Central Bank Governor proposes the formation of a joint committee to schedule the implementation of the project to delete the zeros
Central Bank decides to unite the Iraqi banks for direct telephone banking project
Central Bank required banks to open special files for customers in hard currency
Economists and MPs: private banks suffer government neglect and the absence of laws regulating the work
Central Bank wants Iraqis to drop the dollar in internal commercial transactions
Urgent, immediate change in government positions ... Mutlaq, Vice-President of the Republic and Ahmed Jubouri and Minister of Defense and Justice of the Supreme Council for the candidate Abtan!!
Urgent .. Moqtada al-Sadr indicates the existence of "harm" in the interrogation of al-Maliki
Kurdistan Alliance: Dialogue with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is no longer on the agenda of the political blocs
Deputy for Iraq: Meeting the leaders of Arbil - Najaf with al-Maliki did not specify his time until now
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - July 1, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - July 1, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike was not with us tonight....he had a family emergency...please keep him in your prayers
Thank you to LJ's Next Step Team who joined us tonight...
Thank you
LJ, Don, Barney, Tracey, Tim, Arthur
We joined together again tonight for a Joint Round Table Call ..Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Highlights from some of the Best News Articles Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below - the following are the highlights after the articles were read)
"Deputy Central Bank Governor proposes the formation of a joint committee to schedule the implementation of the project to delete the zeros"
The most important thing to me that was stipulated there was the implementation of the project to delete the 3 zeroes
Alot of the things we are looking at right now with the government and CBI is the environment to implement and that is the key I believe everybody has to focus on because implementation in Iraq has been a thing not understood...they have not implemented anything yet ..not their laws...they voted on them...they have passed them but they have not been implemented ...they have not implemented 140....haven't implemented Erbil...haven't implemented some of the things required to delete the zeroes
This article says they are "putting a joint committee together to schedule the implementation".
The Bank is ready like Straight Talkin Mike has told us in the past...the banks have been putting together their plan for a long time...Shabibi Our Birthday Boy boy basically has figured out a way to get all this to we are at the point in which they need to implement - they said they don't need to pass any laws to get this done in Parliament but there has to be regulations offered by the Council of Ministers...
I read an article today that said the Bank is independent but it is dependent somewhat on the Council of Ministers - that article coincides with this one - that they have to publish it in the Gazette...put it out for the people and the government to know that it is implemented - extremely great article based on the times - we have converging storms of politics inside of establishing the government and establishing the banking laws - we are watching them prepare for what we all believe is inevitable in the near future here and that is the implementation of most everything they have been talking about
They will implement Erbil, HCL, 140 eventually...I think very soon...we dont know the time frame - they are going to implement the procedures and process to start the deletion of the 3 zeroes....implementation and getting it ready are two different things - they are ready...they are going to implement...they are talking about steps and I love when they talk abut the steps they need to do because as you guys know we are called LJ's Next Step...anytime you have a process that has steps to completion before you get to the point in which you are ready to push the button- they are starting and moving along with those steps - thats why I really liked this article because Anything with implementation I get happy about because it always goes back to the government and implementing what they need to do as well
Arthur shares the following Key article out today
"Central Bank decides to unite the Iraqi banks for direct telephone banking project"
"Central Bank of Iraq that he decided to unify Iraqi banks and the civil government in all provinces to direct a project that gives banks, telephone facilities for citizens to withdraw from any financial bitmap in the country."
So important to Iraqi people and our investment....modernizing with modern banking system....things they have to do for modern society...things you need to become a modern 21st century.....with a valuable revalued currency
(Lots of great information shared - listen to the recording for all the info shared...Great info shared by Arthur)
"Central Bank required banks to open special files for customers in hard currency"
I Like the way they sum up everytime bank tells you something new that they have done or that they are doing or trying to implement they end it by telling you what their job is...we can see that they are doing it...
it stated " maintain stable prices and implementation of the monetary policy exchange rate"
Shabibi and the CBI is now tightening the reigns - as they move into this they realize the necessity of tightening the reigns on the smuggling and where all the money is going - trying to de-dollarize which we will read in the next article
They also have to use this new process of what was read in this article which is to audit all of the transactions regarding all of the processes of the conversion of people using dollars...people using dinar so they can audit they can find out whats going on...keep the smuggling down in order to keep the rate balanced and this is all part of the project to delete the 3 zeroes
You can see that Shabs is doing this in steps...we love to see steps - we love to see stages of things because each progression is all a part of the project to delete the 3 zeroes - including this process - 15 days that they can look at all currencies - they can see where you got it...where you bought it so they can keep a reign on the all the monies.....I also read an article today that any bank not strictly following the rules or procedures will be closed because Shabibi is not going to deal with it...he is a very intelligent economist....he knows he gets one chance to make this thing right and all of these articles we see from the CBI is Shabibi, the briliant economist that he is getting a tight reign on all of this - auditing all of this so they can keep a managed situation once they raise the 3 zeroes and change their exchange rate to better accomodate their citizens
All of these steps we are seeing are steps to the RV and should get us all cautiously excited that we are there - we are seeing what they are doing to convert their currency over to a better rate
(Great discussion and analysis about the street vendors between the team....listen to the recording)
"The most confusion is they confuse money exchangors with hot dog vendors and we confuse an american hot dog with something that deals with the RV"
"Economists and MPs: private banks suffer government neglect and the absence of laws regulating the work"
"Government to legislate all the laws on banks eligibility and the provision of bond support by the central bank to end the crisis of confidence of citizens banks eligibility and attract government departments to deal with it, she must activate the investment and use of expertise in foreign and electronic transactions that enable the rise of the reality of Iraq's economy."
(Great discussion and analysis - listen to the recording)
"Central Bank wants Iraqis to drop the dollar in internal commercial transactions"
Deb's Favorite article of the night - Fireworks are going off in the background...and they should be...this has been the goal of Shabibi for a long time to get the dollars off the street because noone is confident with the Iraqi dinar...basically moved alot of the triple zeroes notes off the street - we all know that -they have been kinda bleeding the dinar - that's why you have see the rise in the use of the dollar - But the Iraqi citizen have found that this dollar equals 12 Iraqi dinar - this one dollar bill has more greater purchasing power than our notes..
This has been the goal for the entire time of just trying to just get the confidence back in the dinar ...Shabibi knows he is in alot of trouble as far as trying to get the people to utilizing the dinar again
and the dollar is standing in the way because there is a comfort level with the dollar now ...last thing they wanted to see was the comfort level on the Iraqi streets with commercial transactions - now what they have done is basically said we have all of these reserves - we are working hard to boost the dinars value against all major convertible currencies not just the dollar - against all of them...
Shabibi knows his currency will be the most powerful currency on the face of the planet as soon as they do whatever they have to do - once they have the most powerful currency they need their people to know it is powerful
They are being educated gradually thru the news - This will be gradual and spontaneous at the same time remove the zeroes from the streets of Iraq....
We will see this happen very soon..all the articles climaxing to something we will all see very soon...when...that is the question
But we feel very very close.
Arthur: Great article.....told us exactly what is going asking and talking and going back and forth - this is something that is going to be RV will cause them to use money like we do - that is where they are heading to...very exciting to see this article and to see that they are being implemented - that they are being more decision making...he's educating his people - we don't know exactly when but we feel it is just a matter of time before this is implemented into action and we are in that period of time and it is very exciting to see......
here is the entire article...Great article
The Central Bank has decided to remove three zeros from the dinar, a move it sees essential to strengthen local currency and tempt Iraqis to stick to it.
For months, the bank has been mulling the issue but only recently it said a decision has been made and it was a matter of time to translate it into action.
“The knocking out of zeros will save Iraqis using massive sums of paper money in their transactions,” said Central Bank Deputy Governor Mudher Saleh.
Saleh, speaking in a seminar on currency organized by the High Institute of Accounting in Baghdad, assured skeptic Iraqis that the removal of zeros from the currency “shall not affect your earnings, wealth, financial transactions, financial obligations and duties.”
He said, on the contrary, the Iraqi economy and Iraqi citizens were to benefit from the move.
The Central Bank, awash with hard cash reserves estimated at more than $60 billion, is working hard to boost the dinar’s value against major convertible currencies.
A firmer currency along with the removal of zeros has been among the bank’s priorities.
But Saleh said the bank was concerned to see the economy being dollarized and one target behind the new move was to lessen dependence on the dollar in domestic transactions and dealings by Iraqis.
A dollar is now worth about 1,200 dinars.
"Urgent, immediate change in government positions ... Mutlaq, Vice-President of the Republic and Ahmed Jubouri and Minister of Defense and Justice of the Supreme Council for the candidate Abtan!!"
News has been really there has been a theme 25 or more articles saying stipluate they need to stay away from No-Confidence - trying to get away from the questioning too....
What they are saying is we are going to stop talking about removal of Confidence from Maliki...and once we get that done
these are the things that have probably been put forth by the National Alliance Reform Committee that submitted it to the Erbil guys and let them know that in the event we are able to get past and get to the table and get Erbil done...these are the changes we want to see
#1 We want to see that Jubouri is going to be the Minister of the proxy Minister acting right now is Maliki
but under him we believe is Dulaimi....this has now just changed....he wants to put Jubouri in for Dulaimi...
We did research on Jubouri....he is part of the Iraqi List and one of the 6-8 that did not want to vote Maliki out - He seems like he is a moderate and kinda rides the fence.....
Maliki is pretty comfortable with him and may not be with Dulaimi as Mininster of Defense
Key is ....They are getting ready to implement the government - it is important to find out who is going to be the Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior..they talked about Asadi being Minister of Interior as we discussed the other night....Now we see Jubouri for Defense
This is a stipulation Maliki wants if he gives them Erbil Agreement
(more discussion and analysis - listen to the recording)
Really really important because WHY even go thru these steps if you dont have any intent to give us the Erbil Agreement?
Why is Maliki spear heading these changes? It means something is about to happen and we are about to watch it - we have seen alot of people quiet down from the rheurotic about early elections...those are gone....Talabani said he was even going to sign it in an artricle today - said he's not going to do that because he didn't sign No-confidence in Maliki
The electoral Committee came out yesterday and said it was going to take 6 months for a new elections and then 6 months later we are going to be preparing for the 2014 elections - we can not do are not going to hear anything more from Maliki about early is just off the table - it is just never going to that we have his request and demands that he wants to change all of these guys out that is truly indicative to me that he is ready to do soemthing and we just hope and pray that it is what happens
"Urgent .. Moqtada al-Sadr indicates the existence of "harm" in the interrogation of al-Maliki"
The importance of this article is in order to have compromise in any situation is somebody has to suck a little face trying to make the other person feel better......
Sadr saying lets just call it what it is...the Iraqi government is 7 years old....its a child....we have caused so much chaos in trying to
get to this agreement started in 2010 in Erbil to get democracy that we are going to suffer as a result of making these changes - so early in this game....understanding democracy is a really difficult thing for us because it is brand new to us - everybody outside like the Americans they want us to do things the way they do things but we are having a hard time with it...we are only 7 years in this and we can't come to any agreement so we are going to kinda accept the fact that we don't have 164 votes...we are also going to let the people know that questioning Maliki and removing Confidence form him is going to kinda set us back a little as a government and we need to grow stonger not weaken ourselves before we grow stronger
...we have already weakened ourselves so lets just move forward with as much veal and zest as we can to get this thing done - everybody has to compromise and step back from their hard line positions...say the things that are necessary to bring this guy to the table to where he feels comfortable....He always have to have the last say on everything - trying to make changes with Mutlag for Hashemi...Jubouri for Dulaimi...etc
He always has something going on and up his sleeve he wants changed...
This article says Sadr has basically stepped back and taken the mediator role......saying we are not going to do No-Confidence...
not going to question him....lets just get to the table and get this done....all the news agencies all reporting the same thing
He is trying to create the atmosphere to get the Erbil Agreement signed.....I think very very important for our investment
Talabani we still do not know where he is but as soon as he gets back I really would love for them to be prepared for when he does and take him straight to the meeting
"Deputy for Iraq: Meeting the leaders of Arbil - Najaf with al-Maliki did not specify his time until now"
Important because this is the Iraqi List speaking...Speaker and Member of Parliament basically saying there won't be any concessions to what was asked of in the Erbil Letters from Sadr
to the National Alliance....all conditions have to be met...we insist on implementation of All of the agreement
it is important because they are saying we are not going to sit at a table with you if you do not give us what we want
The fact that they are even talking like that - it kinda goes back to where we always have been...this is the sad part about it....
Iraqi List and Allawi have always said give us guarantees and we will come to the meeting...this is basically what this article is give us the guarantees...we will come to the meeting and to the is not going to be a dialogue..we have already done that..been there done that....every time we leave we leave with broken promises....and this is going to be different this time...the meeting we are going to hold in Najaf - we are going to have all of the things implemented or we will NOT accept coming
but the fact that they say they are coming leads me to believe that they have already accepted the terms and Maliki is now offering the changes in the government we spoke of in the 1st article....we have alot of things brewing and you have to kinda look really close to see whats going because the news was slow again today - no rheurotic key players saying anything contrary to us seeing some sort of Erbil Agrement....I believe we are going to see the Erbil Agreement and we are giong to see it soon - Before Ramadan....who knows....we all hope we do.....Do I think the atmosphere is really really bright for seeing something soon? I hate the word soon....if we put dates on something we more than likely will be wrong - I don't like saying something that I think will take place and it doesn't come to pass because I do not know - we are not there...all we can do is read and follow the news..
One thing I will tell you They said they are going to have a National Meeting - they said it was going to be televised - Maliki asking for changes in the positions in the govt....Allawi actually saying he will come to the meeting as long as you give him what he wants - this is as nice they have been the whole time that we have been in this investment....I dont think they are going to fall back this time....The Banking system is telling us they are ready to go...Kurdistan region is telling everybody we need the HCL and 140 ...the govt really needs to get out of the way of the Parliament so they can implement laws and we have political situation crisis being maintained slowly but surely - I think we are slowly edging towards what we want to see...don't know if they are going to pop it on us but this article was really really good because it talked about implementing all of them without conditions and we will sit at the table and do the things asked provided that we get it done...Maliki saying okay I will do it as long as you don't question me in Parliament and withdraw confidence from me......Showing us they are making really slow but good progress getting us to where we really need to be
"Kurdistan Alliance: Dialogue with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is no longer on the agenda of the political blocs"
Put this article in to prove a point....they can not let up and will not let up...these are member of Parliament ...probably plants to say these things to keep Maliki thinking think No-Confidence is still on the table...If he doesn't think this is a real threat and still on the table...we could go forever in this thing
if he feels like he will not be removed and doesn't feel threatened why would he do anything like Implement Erbil...he hasn't done it yet so why would he start now...
This article says we are going to do this and these are the reasons why...the guy has proved to be a cancer inside our govt...
He is not going to be anything good for it even if we let him stay
This is just a shot across the bowel to Maliki saying we have not given up our position
Kurdistan Alliance and the Iraqi List saying we have not taken No-Confidence off the table until
Another article I read earlier said "Iraqi List will continue with its quest to withdraw No-conf from Maliki until he signs the Erbil Agreement" basically
When he signs Erbil that is when things can be taken off the table but we are not going to stop doing it
The Kurdistan Alliance has the same position...
Is No-Confidence off the table? Yes and no....and we see it in this last article No conference is still on the table as long as Maliki continues to go the way he is going...his dialogue and what they want are two different dialogues....theres no more time for talk..they just want action... come there sign Erbil - then we can talk after you sign about anything you want but lets get the government in place
and thats where we are today
Hopefully we will see something very very soon - hopefully Talabani shows up soon...hes now been gone 2 weeks - If he went to Germany and was there since the has been two weeks...the article said he would be in Germany for 1-2 makes the 2nd article said 3 weeks.....trying to be honest so you have a true understanding on what the article said because if it is another week that would take us to July 8.....We continue to watch for the NEXT STEPS.....
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike & LJ's NEXT STEP On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday - July 1, 2012
Deputy Central Bank Governor proposes the formation of a joint committee to schedule the implementation of the project to delete the zeros
Central Bank decides to unite the Iraqi banks for direct telephone banking project
Central Bank required banks to open special files for customers in hard currency
Economists and MPs: private banks suffer government neglect and the absence of laws regulating the work
Central Bank wants Iraqis to drop the dollar in internal commercial transactions
Urgent, immediate change in government positions ... Mutlaq, Vice-President of the Republic and Ahmed Jubouri and Minister of Defense and Justice of the Supreme Council for the candidate Abtan!!
Urgent .. Moqtada al-Sadr indicates the existence of "harm" in the interrogation of al-Maliki
Kurdistan Alliance: Dialogue with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is no longer on the agenda of the political blocs
Deputy for Iraq: Meeting the leaders of Arbil - Najaf with al-Maliki did not specify his time until now
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - July 1, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
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