The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - August 14, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Highlights from some of the News Articles Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below - the following are just several of the highlights after the articles were read)
LJ: Today was a very interesting news day - been on the phone all day with Don trying to find as much as we could find that is going on over there... things are just kinda coming together on the government side where we are seeing a bunch of activity inside of Baghdad and the power players - it seems they are going to do this reform and seems like they are trying to work together while at the same time they always throw out that ultimatum that if this is any attempt to delay or waste more time removing Confidence is still on the table...really really looks like everyone wants to work together.....the Syrian issue has them really afraid of going back into a dictatorship....doesn't really affect Maliki as much as it affect all of Iraq and Iraqi people and they just don't want to see it...
we are going to see how the government is responding today and by the actions of some of those in the Kurdish region..Saleh more importantly than anybody has really been active and went down to Baghdad a couple of days ago and has been there and now he has gone off to Germany...
we really feel optimistic about something happening and I am sure as we get into the CBI articles it will be the same vibe because its been that way for awhile for them - the government side seems to be working together and it just has shocked the heck out me - I just can't believe there is so much synergy...
We had articles that said Maliki is scheduled to go outside of the country to get investors to come in..If he is going out of the country to actually get the investors to come in there has to be something he knows that he is willing to do that indicate that there is a possibility that he will come back to the country or before he leaves the country have everything set up before he goes and tells the investors to come because the investors are smart - they have people that go thru and do actuarial table...they figure out what is good...not good, it a safe environment to invest in, etc. These companies aren't jist saying we know Iraq is going to have a lot of money....Mercedes Benz is going to spend 22 Mil in Basra to put a plant there to build Mercedes Benz cars....and I am sure they are going to be taking 500 Series over there...and they sell for $120 if they are building a plant that is going to build them, sell them and maintain them if they are not planning on having any buyers..why spend the 22M.....when you see things like that..bringing in the investors we have to realize they are trying to make an environment that will be palitable for people to come in and want to invest in the countries infrastructure..invest in the private sector...get people employed...all of these things are going to happen inside Iraq and they couldn't do it without making some significant changes - now we are starting to see the synergy of this reform movement I pray happens....I would love to see Maliki gone but if we can have reform lets get reform so we can then just get what we need out of it and move on
"Source: Barham Salih will head to Germany to visit Talabani and reviewed the results of his talks in Baghdad"
Great discussion on the research LJ and Don have done on Talabani
Saleh couple of days ago was taking the signed Erbil agreement back down to Baghdad with him that was signed by Maliki, Allawi and Barzani ..why in the world would he take the signed Erbil Agreement with him to the meeting in Baghdad - actually they said they were not going to leave Baghdad until Talabani came now Saleh who goes there and not only did he meeting with Maliki - met with Zebadi, Kuzaie, Saleh they meet with Maliki....they met with the Iraqi list to convey the point of view and then they are going to take that point of view to Talabani on the reform and the National Meeting is to be scheduled by Talabani after Eid al is the key...if they say they were not going to leave until Talabani returns...tthey are talking about Saleh not leaving until Talabani came back ...he left today for Germany...we hope that it was good news....we hope he is going to Talabani saying we have a deal - lets keep you on schedule to come back after Eid Al Fitr.
Great Round Table Discussion on all of the government articles with LJ, Don & Straight Talkin Mike
Listen to the recording...Great Stuff
Straight Talkin Mikes Favorite Article
"Recovery of Electronic banking, but need a law"
Pretty awesome how far Iraq is come with the infrastructure done when we read articles like this
Why do you need such a complex system with a worthless currency?
They are talking about international and the laws/rules and regulations that need to be in place
Talking about how these are linked international...electronic...modern technology ..They are getting to a point where they are going to be able to track every transaction..Very unique seems he has a plan and he is working it...Shabibi is not worried about the things that are coming out...The banking system is in great shape
Take the good stuff out of the articles tonight....I think he is alot farther along that we thought he was
Significant amount of dinars he has taken off the street...thats huge for us...that means the dinar is drying up all over the place
He is taking it in now...sucking it in like a straw to get it all in..he's taken 1/3 of his total of the money thats in there into his system back plus what he has on reserve plus what he is drawing in off the streets...the man is sitting pretty to drive his recreational vehicle all around Baghdad when hes ready to do that - and then we read this article about electronic banking - how all that is all together now....starting to put all of this together....he is exactly where he wants to be minus all the pressure of the government
"The decision of the Commission on energy: The UN initiative to follow the law of Oil and Gas will Help accelerate adoption"
Koppel said: it will after Eid directly to form a team to follow up on the ADOPTION of the law of oil and gas to what this law of importance to the Iraqi economy
Straight Talkin Mike goes over the remaining CBI/Economy articles.....Great Stuff...listen to the recording
Recap CBI/Economy
Straight Talkin Mike
They are ready to go....they have the electronic banking...has pressure from the committees.....he's drawing down his reserves...drawing down his total supply of money...drawing it back in so he knows where its all at...He just needs to have some value added to relieve some of the pressure off the people on the street
Truly the only ones that needs this is those and now they are starting to hear it from the standpoint of people have heard that this needs to happen...they know the deletion of the zeroes are and what that means... means purchasing power to them and they are probably getting alot of feedback....
and then you have Maliki at every step of the way trying to beat you very turn throwing roadblocks up for you...and this roadblock seems good because he can get people to see why are there dollars not on the street ....why are there not dinar on the street.....why are you selling so much...and you guys are benefiting guys are actually making money off of this and you are the only ones that are.....shut off all the other dealers to keep people from buying the money on the street.....looks pretty bad right? Well that is part of the process of what happens when you are trying to add value to you currency
Recap Government
LJ - LJ's Next Step Team
We see alot of synergy together...we see alot of people working together trying to move this reform process along
Seems like we have some agreements taking place ...people are taking notes and submitting their notes to make changes to make sure all of the changes are taking place and in align with whats going on
looks like we are on track to see Talabani coming back and when he comes back they are looking to try and hold a National Meeting
We are hoping that the environment proves to be successful for him to comeback and host that....We have different players in the Kurdistan region sent over a delegation with Saleh who is actually Talabanis second hand man in charge - who has been very instrumental to go in with the Erbil Agreement and negotiate with Maliki to resolve the crisis and now he has headed to Germany to talk to Talabani - which is a good sign and then to boot you have the Iraqi List continuously saying that if in fact Maliki is playing games they are prepared to move forward and I think they have the ammunition they need if Talabani comes back and find out that Maliki is lolly gagging with what he is supposed to do that we should see something take place there...My thought is he is going to give in and after listening to Mikes interpretation of whats going on with Maliki going out and asking for investors to show up Shabibi - He also has to have have his ducks in a row to make it a viable environment for investors..that is a positive sign for us as well
Things are really really positive in our news media with the government and all we can do is watch what will come by Thursday
We hope this theme continues thru Saturday which is the end of Ramadan and then we go into the Eid festival
Things look really really positive to see some kind of results...Shabibi is ready to go ....We should all be cautiously excited...I believe we are on the verge of seeing the results of hard work of all the parties
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike & LJ'S Next Step Team On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
News Coverage for Tuesday - August 14, 2012
The decision of the Commission on energy: the United Nations initiative to follow the law of oil and gas will help accelerate adoption
Parliamentary Finance: a proposal for non-limited companies sell the currency specified
Mass of citizens: the rule of law is trying to subject the central bank to the government
Chalabi's sources question of Iraqi dinars to banks to buy dollars from the Central
Shabibi is in danger of dismissal from his post on the back of the implications of the dollar auction
Recovery of electronic banking, but need a law
Ahmed Chalabi: the Central Bank in charge of the protection of the dinar exchange rate has succeeded in this task is commendable success
Source: Barham Salih will head to Germany to visit Talabani and reviewed the results of his talks in Baghdad
Meeting at the return of political leaders Talabani research topic Khudair Khuzaie and Barham Salih
Dry proposes to bring in international experts to combat terrorism in Iraq
Pacification between Baghdad and Arbil expected soon, MP
National Alliance’s reform package must include quick solution for article 140, says Ihsan
Placeholder for the coming days: national breakthrough in political crisis with political calm synchronization
Kherai and Saleh agree to make the Constitution a provision to resolve the problems between Arbil and Baghdad
Deputy for Kurdistan: interrogation of al-Maliki is still on the table and was postponed until after Eid al-Fitr
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - August 14, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - August 14, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Highlights from some of the News Articles Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below - the following are just several of the highlights after the articles were read)
LJ: Today was a very interesting news day - been on the phone all day with Don trying to find as much as we could find that is going on over there... things are just kinda coming together on the government side where we are seeing a bunch of activity inside of Baghdad and the power players - it seems they are going to do this reform and seems like they are trying to work together while at the same time they always throw out that ultimatum that if this is any attempt to delay or waste more time removing Confidence is still on the table...really really looks like everyone wants to work together.....the Syrian issue has them really afraid of going back into a dictatorship....doesn't really affect Maliki as much as it affect all of Iraq and Iraqi people and they just don't want to see it...
we are going to see how the government is responding today and by the actions of some of those in the Kurdish region..Saleh more importantly than anybody has really been active and went down to Baghdad a couple of days ago and has been there and now he has gone off to Germany...
we really feel optimistic about something happening and I am sure as we get into the CBI articles it will be the same vibe because its been that way for awhile for them - the government side seems to be working together and it just has shocked the heck out me - I just can't believe there is so much synergy...
We had articles that said Maliki is scheduled to go outside of the country to get investors to come in..If he is going out of the country to actually get the investors to come in there has to be something he knows that he is willing to do that indicate that there is a possibility that he will come back to the country or before he leaves the country have everything set up before he goes and tells the investors to come because the investors are smart - they have people that go thru and do actuarial table...they figure out what is good...not good, it a safe environment to invest in, etc. These companies aren't jist saying we know Iraq is going to have a lot of money....Mercedes Benz is going to spend 22 Mil in Basra to put a plant there to build Mercedes Benz cars....and I am sure they are going to be taking 500 Series over there...and they sell for $120 if they are building a plant that is going to build them, sell them and maintain them if they are not planning on having any buyers..why spend the 22M.....when you see things like that..bringing in the investors we have to realize they are trying to make an environment that will be palitable for people to come in and want to invest in the countries infrastructure..invest in the private sector...get people employed...all of these things are going to happen inside Iraq and they couldn't do it without making some significant changes - now we are starting to see the synergy of this reform movement I pray happens....I would love to see Maliki gone but if we can have reform lets get reform so we can then just get what we need out of it and move on
"Source: Barham Salih will head to Germany to visit Talabani and reviewed the results of his talks in Baghdad"
Great discussion on the research LJ and Don have done on Talabani
Saleh couple of days ago was taking the signed Erbil agreement back down to Baghdad with him that was signed by Maliki, Allawi and Barzani ..why in the world would he take the signed Erbil Agreement with him to the meeting in Baghdad - actually they said they were not going to leave Baghdad until Talabani came now Saleh who goes there and not only did he meeting with Maliki - met with Zebadi, Kuzaie, Saleh they meet with Maliki....they met with the Iraqi list to convey the point of view and then they are going to take that point of view to Talabani on the reform and the National Meeting is to be scheduled by Talabani after Eid al is the key...if they say they were not going to leave until Talabani returns...tthey are talking about Saleh not leaving until Talabani came back ...he left today for Germany...we hope that it was good news....we hope he is going to Talabani saying we have a deal - lets keep you on schedule to come back after Eid Al Fitr.
Great Round Table Discussion on all of the government articles with LJ, Don & Straight Talkin Mike
Listen to the recording...Great Stuff
Straight Talkin Mikes Favorite Article
"Recovery of Electronic banking, but need a law"
Pretty awesome how far Iraq is come with the infrastructure done when we read articles like this
Why do you need such a complex system with a worthless currency?
They are talking about international and the laws/rules and regulations that need to be in place
Talking about how these are linked international...electronic...modern technology ..They are getting to a point where they are going to be able to track every transaction..Very unique seems he has a plan and he is working it...Shabibi is not worried about the things that are coming out...The banking system is in great shape
Take the good stuff out of the articles tonight....I think he is alot farther along that we thought he was
Significant amount of dinars he has taken off the street...thats huge for us...that means the dinar is drying up all over the place
He is taking it in now...sucking it in like a straw to get it all in..he's taken 1/3 of his total of the money thats in there into his system back plus what he has on reserve plus what he is drawing in off the streets...the man is sitting pretty to drive his recreational vehicle all around Baghdad when hes ready to do that - and then we read this article about electronic banking - how all that is all together now....starting to put all of this together....he is exactly where he wants to be minus all the pressure of the government
"The decision of the Commission on energy: The UN initiative to follow the law of Oil and Gas will Help accelerate adoption"
Koppel said: it will after Eid directly to form a team to follow up on the ADOPTION of the law of oil and gas to what this law of importance to the Iraqi economy
Straight Talkin Mike goes over the remaining CBI/Economy articles.....Great Stuff...listen to the recording
Recap CBI/Economy
Straight Talkin Mike
They are ready to go....they have the electronic banking...has pressure from the committees.....he's drawing down his reserves...drawing down his total supply of money...drawing it back in so he knows where its all at...He just needs to have some value added to relieve some of the pressure off the people on the street
Truly the only ones that needs this is those and now they are starting to hear it from the standpoint of people have heard that this needs to happen...they know the deletion of the zeroes are and what that means... means purchasing power to them and they are probably getting alot of feedback....
and then you have Maliki at every step of the way trying to beat you very turn throwing roadblocks up for you...and this roadblock seems good because he can get people to see why are there dollars not on the street ....why are there not dinar on the street.....why are you selling so much...and you guys are benefiting guys are actually making money off of this and you are the only ones that are.....shut off all the other dealers to keep people from buying the money on the street.....looks pretty bad right? Well that is part of the process of what happens when you are trying to add value to you currency
Recap Government
LJ - LJ's Next Step Team
We see alot of synergy together...we see alot of people working together trying to move this reform process along
Seems like we have some agreements taking place ...people are taking notes and submitting their notes to make changes to make sure all of the changes are taking place and in align with whats going on
looks like we are on track to see Talabani coming back and when he comes back they are looking to try and hold a National Meeting
We are hoping that the environment proves to be successful for him to comeback and host that....We have different players in the Kurdistan region sent over a delegation with Saleh who is actually Talabanis second hand man in charge - who has been very instrumental to go in with the Erbil Agreement and negotiate with Maliki to resolve the crisis and now he has headed to Germany to talk to Talabani - which is a good sign and then to boot you have the Iraqi List continuously saying that if in fact Maliki is playing games they are prepared to move forward and I think they have the ammunition they need if Talabani comes back and find out that Maliki is lolly gagging with what he is supposed to do that we should see something take place there...My thought is he is going to give in and after listening to Mikes interpretation of whats going on with Maliki going out and asking for investors to show up Shabibi - He also has to have have his ducks in a row to make it a viable environment for investors..that is a positive sign for us as well
Things are really really positive in our news media with the government and all we can do is watch what will come by Thursday
We hope this theme continues thru Saturday which is the end of Ramadan and then we go into the Eid festival
Things look really really positive to see some kind of results...Shabibi is ready to go ....We should all be cautiously excited...I believe we are on the verge of seeing the results of hard work of all the parties
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike & LJ'S Next Step Team On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
News Coverage for Tuesday - August 14, 2012
The decision of the Commission on energy: the United Nations initiative to follow the law of oil and gas will help accelerate adoption
Parliamentary Finance: a proposal for non-limited companies sell the currency specified
Mass of citizens: the rule of law is trying to subject the central bank to the government
Chalabi's sources question of Iraqi dinars to banks to buy dollars from the Central
Shabibi is in danger of dismissal from his post on the back of the implications of the dollar auction
Recovery of electronic banking, but need a law
Ahmed Chalabi: the Central Bank in charge of the protection of the dinar exchange rate has succeeded in this task is commendable success
Source: Barham Salih will head to Germany to visit Talabani and reviewed the results of his talks in Baghdad
Meeting at the return of political leaders Talabani research topic Khudair Khuzaie and Barham Salih
Dry proposes to bring in international experts to combat terrorism in Iraq
Pacification between Baghdad and Arbil expected soon, MP
National Alliance’s reform package must include quick solution for article 140, says Ihsan
Placeholder for the coming days: national breakthrough in political crisis with political calm synchronization
Kherai and Saleh agree to make the Constitution a provision to resolve the problems between Arbil and Baghdad
Deputy for Kurdistan: interrogation of al-Maliki is still on the table and was postponed until after Eid al-Fitr
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - August 14, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#