Dear Vic, I, personally want to commend you, on how you, and the I.Q.D. Team, address the Abraham Lincoln issue. I, myself, did not know about the economy and banking situation during the civil war that our country was dealing with.
You are a True Scalar and Gentleman of Ali, may God bless you, and all the I.Q.D. Team for letting the truth prevail, I always have a since of stability while, and when, I am on the call for a number of reasons, personally and mentally, there is a quote I would like to leave you with from Martin Luther King Jr.
“…I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have
the final word in reality, This is why right, temporarily defeated,
is stronger than evil triumphant …”
“…Make a career of humanity, commit yourself to the noble struggle
for equal rights, you will make a greater person of yourself, a greater
nation of your country, and a fine world to live in…”
Vic, you and the I.Q.D. Team have been just that, truth, unconditional love, humanitarians, and very strong colleges for this community, I would like to say, Thank You, for grabbing the bull by the horns, and bringing the ignorance of uncertainty to its knees, now this community knows the I.Q.D.TEAM, is all about equality and equal justice for all man kind.
Thank You.