The IQD Team Conference Call
March 13, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of CC
Thanks to Mark for the summary
Conference Call Replay -
March 13, 2012
or 760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
"Straight Talkin" Mike summarizes tonights News:
AWESOME Couple of Days of News
When you have read the news for as long as we have
you look for things and you wait for the things to come out
It started yesterday morning and just did NOT stop all day long
Great positive articles about all of the things we have been waiting to see
Deb had a hot line to Mike all day long...
It was just an incredibly AWESOME couple of days for news....
Mike shares some highlights not in the news articles we went over
Allawi is back....Maliki went to Kuwait today..left a day early
we saw articles where Joe Biden had a conversation with Maliki and Kuwait....about how Kuwait is going to lift them out of Chapter 7 and the US supports....all of that and I am sure there were many others things said.....we weren't in the room
We saw the White House Press Release and another article about the conversation between them... actually the article stated the conversation was 432 words...would love to have been
a fly on the wall for that....
While Maliki was out....Mr Allawi decided he was going to complain to Turkey which was a bad move to ask them to put pressure on Maliki to give him what he wants...more power
and Erbil...saw an article where Allawi & Barzani they are going to go ahead with the Natl Meeting....I am so glad those 2 agree......legends in their own minds are they?
Getting a little exiciting here....They are starting to wrangle for their political lives right now and everbody wants to be positioned well for where they are at when this all comes down the pike
and the fact that everybody is coming back on the scene again to try to take their a piece of the means we are really close to that pie being divied up.... put in the oven... and baking
Kuwait is moving along...dont know if we are going to hear anything...lots of articles about Kuwait
My belief is that Chapter 7 is just a mere formality...the United Nations is there...everybody is talking with Kuwait..all good
The Port of Mubarek has become a mute point because Iraq has opened up an oil platform in the sea where they can actually load their oil onto tankers and get it out in bulk not over Pipelines, ...because pilelines have to go to a storage facility ..they get loaded on a truck and they go over land and they can only do so many gallons to get that out to the customer but on a ship they can put a whole oil tanker full of oil together and when it pulls into a port
they get paid for it immediately then..theres no liability there...
On the other end, if they have a pipeline blow up or someting goes wrong or they lose oil you've got people who can not be great on the other end....its a better transaction in the oil industry for them when they can load it up...
Now that they were able to load their first tanker and get it off today it really put the pressure on Kuwait because it makes Port Mubarek a little less attaractive to them....and Kuwait knows it now....that gambling chip they held is no longer a bargaining chip...kinda neutralized that....its all over but for the figuring out the borders between Kuwait and Iraq and they stopped stealing the oil down below...they will come up with some kind of agreement where they will pay the southern part of that country for the oil that they are getting....and it will all be worked out
Its not official but its all getting hashed out here...still think it will be a major announcment when he gets back..but it will be a major announcement between now and the Arab Summit to really let everybody know they are in good shape
So Everything was very positive about Kuwait.
Offical Holiday set for Arab Summit March 27-29....and that there will be a ban on civil aviation as part of security efforts
Now to the News we discussed and analyzed tonight:
The Dominoes are falling
Great article about the Central Finance Committee knowing they need to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar
we've read these articles..they've come out and very exciting
Shabibi can truly do this at any point in time - he doesn't have to wait for anything or anybody
He's holding out for hope that there is a unified government so he doesn't do something that creates an imbalance out there
and he ends up having a political imbalance that ends up adding strife to the country as opposed to having Erbil in place
and everybody is happy ...because the money will make them will make things better for them if everything is in place
We talked about inflation and that they are starting to experience inflation...indicator of things that put pressure on the RV to happen
We know that the National Meeting is going forward
they've got all the Councils ..they have met with everything
They have decided that this National Comm is the place where they are going to solve all of their political issues
They want to implement Erbil
They want to solve any outstanding issues with Hashemi & Mutlag
They want to make sure that they get everything implemented including the HCL Law
Everything that is on the blocs is going to be done thru this meeting
and the meeting is ready to be scheduled
its just a matter of when they are going to schedule this meeting and go
Everyone has agreed on the agenda
Everybody has agreed on what they want to do..its just a matter of getting all these parties in the right place at the right time so they can do what they need to
We talked about the National Cards being implemented ...this is great news
We've been talking about a means to get the oil revenues out to the people...this is a quick easy way to do that - implementing
this with this National ID Card....get those oil revenues into the peoples hands...HUGE NEWS
We talked about the financial mechanism for the distribution of the oil revenues to the citizens....they are ready to go
We discussed the Oil & Gas Law - Will be approved after the National Meeting....this will get done....
Just astounds me how these politicians can drag out things that are so simple....National Meeting dragged out for a whole month now.... meetings after will get done...they need to do it - we will find out in the next few days when that National Meeting will be
My guess is the earliest they can have this is Monday or Tues of next week... it can happen as early as Thur...or happen over the weekend...we will start to hear more Wed & Thursday
Council of Ministers had a meeting on March 6 and this is what came from that meeting...they've been working...we got to see what they kinda agreed upon...thats sorta the Cabinet that surrounds the Prime Minister - they vote on certain laws...they enact certain things
they have certain powers that they are able to do and
they need to do their job because they are the ones that can probably need to do anything on the financial end
that if this RV needs to go thru that they need to probably do some sort of check off on it
They Did talk about some financial issues that they passed in this particular meeting
so it was productive - we are seeing them act as they need to
and we also noticed that they voted to allocate funds from this years budget to go ahead and pay for the Arab Summit-$100 Billion
We talked about the many questions we get about how this Summit is going to be paid for...and how the RV is NOT contigent on one single event
There is not one event that is going to let us know when this RV will occur...Don't try to time this event based on any events...the only one that wins is the dinar dealers....
This is going to happen when Shabibi feels that he has his government is place....and he feels it is time....not based on any one event that occurs.
All things are moving in the right direction and they are doing well
There you have it.....The Straight Talk Express with Straight Talking Mike....INCREDIBLY AWESOME Night of News
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Articles Coverage
for Tuesday March 13, 2012
Member of the Finance Committee: The Central Bank has promised to reduce the value of the dinar against the dollar in the coming days
Economists: delete the zeros do not affect consumer purchasing power
Iraqi Planning begins by issuing 5 million national card
Minister of Planning: We Will Discuss Soon With Parliament and the Financial Mechanism of the Distribution Amounts of Oil on the Citizens
Inch: oil and gas law would approve the contract after the national meeting
Central Bureau of Statistics reveals high rates of annual inflation in Iraq
BREAKING NEWS Jumaily: Preparatory Committee agrees on implementing Erbil Agreement, solving Hashimi, Mutlaq cases
Preparatory Committee to decide date for National Meeting Thursday
Dabbagh announced the decisions of the Council of Ministers / the 11th meeting normal
What a great night of news, analysis, discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news analysis and discussion after each news article & the Q & A.....
We are getting closer every day.....GET R DONE
Conference Call Replay - March 13, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
March 13, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of CC
Thanks to Mark for the summary
Conference Call Replay -
March 13, 2012
or 760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
"Straight Talkin" Mike summarizes tonights News:
AWESOME Couple of Days of News
When you have read the news for as long as we have
you look for things and you wait for the things to come out
It started yesterday morning and just did NOT stop all day long
Great positive articles about all of the things we have been waiting to see
Deb had a hot line to Mike all day long...
It was just an incredibly AWESOME couple of days for news....
Mike shares some highlights not in the news articles we went over
Allawi is back....Maliki went to Kuwait today..left a day early
we saw articles where Joe Biden had a conversation with Maliki and Kuwait....about how Kuwait is going to lift them out of Chapter 7 and the US supports....all of that and I am sure there were many others things said.....we weren't in the room
We saw the White House Press Release and another article about the conversation between them... actually the article stated the conversation was 432 words...would love to have been
a fly on the wall for that....
While Maliki was out....Mr Allawi decided he was going to complain to Turkey which was a bad move to ask them to put pressure on Maliki to give him what he wants...more power
and Erbil...saw an article where Allawi & Barzani they are going to go ahead with the Natl Meeting....I am so glad those 2 agree......legends in their own minds are they?
Getting a little exiciting here....They are starting to wrangle for their political lives right now and everbody wants to be positioned well for where they are at when this all comes down the pike
and the fact that everybody is coming back on the scene again to try to take their a piece of the means we are really close to that pie being divied up.... put in the oven... and baking
Kuwait is moving along...dont know if we are going to hear anything...lots of articles about Kuwait
My belief is that Chapter 7 is just a mere formality...the United Nations is there...everybody is talking with Kuwait..all good
The Port of Mubarek has become a mute point because Iraq has opened up an oil platform in the sea where they can actually load their oil onto tankers and get it out in bulk not over Pipelines, ...because pilelines have to go to a storage facility ..they get loaded on a truck and they go over land and they can only do so many gallons to get that out to the customer but on a ship they can put a whole oil tanker full of oil together and when it pulls into a port
they get paid for it immediately then..theres no liability there...
On the other end, if they have a pipeline blow up or someting goes wrong or they lose oil you've got people who can not be great on the other end....its a better transaction in the oil industry for them when they can load it up...
Now that they were able to load their first tanker and get it off today it really put the pressure on Kuwait because it makes Port Mubarek a little less attaractive to them....and Kuwait knows it now....that gambling chip they held is no longer a bargaining chip...kinda neutralized that....its all over but for the figuring out the borders between Kuwait and Iraq and they stopped stealing the oil down below...they will come up with some kind of agreement where they will pay the southern part of that country for the oil that they are getting....and it will all be worked out
Its not official but its all getting hashed out here...still think it will be a major announcment when he gets back..but it will be a major announcement between now and the Arab Summit to really let everybody know they are in good shape
So Everything was very positive about Kuwait.
Offical Holiday set for Arab Summit March 27-29....and that there will be a ban on civil aviation as part of security efforts
Now to the News we discussed and analyzed tonight:
The Dominoes are falling
Great article about the Central Finance Committee knowing they need to increase the value of the dinar against the dollar
we've read these articles..they've come out and very exciting
Shabibi can truly do this at any point in time - he doesn't have to wait for anything or anybody
He's holding out for hope that there is a unified government so he doesn't do something that creates an imbalance out there
and he ends up having a political imbalance that ends up adding strife to the country as opposed to having Erbil in place
and everybody is happy ...because the money will make them will make things better for them if everything is in place
We talked about inflation and that they are starting to experience inflation...indicator of things that put pressure on the RV to happen
We know that the National Meeting is going forward
they've got all the Councils ..they have met with everything
They have decided that this National Comm is the place where they are going to solve all of their political issues
They want to implement Erbil
They want to solve any outstanding issues with Hashemi & Mutlag
They want to make sure that they get everything implemented including the HCL Law
Everything that is on the blocs is going to be done thru this meeting
and the meeting is ready to be scheduled
its just a matter of when they are going to schedule this meeting and go
Everyone has agreed on the agenda
Everybody has agreed on what they want to do..its just a matter of getting all these parties in the right place at the right time so they can do what they need to
We talked about the National Cards being implemented ...this is great news
We've been talking about a means to get the oil revenues out to the people...this is a quick easy way to do that - implementing
this with this National ID Card....get those oil revenues into the peoples hands...HUGE NEWS
We talked about the financial mechanism for the distribution of the oil revenues to the citizens....they are ready to go
We discussed the Oil & Gas Law - Will be approved after the National Meeting....this will get done....
Just astounds me how these politicians can drag out things that are so simple....National Meeting dragged out for a whole month now.... meetings after will get done...they need to do it - we will find out in the next few days when that National Meeting will be
My guess is the earliest they can have this is Monday or Tues of next week... it can happen as early as Thur...or happen over the weekend...we will start to hear more Wed & Thursday
Council of Ministers had a meeting on March 6 and this is what came from that meeting...they've been working...we got to see what they kinda agreed upon...thats sorta the Cabinet that surrounds the Prime Minister - they vote on certain laws...they enact certain things
they have certain powers that they are able to do and
they need to do their job because they are the ones that can probably need to do anything on the financial end
that if this RV needs to go thru that they need to probably do some sort of check off on it
They Did talk about some financial issues that they passed in this particular meeting
so it was productive - we are seeing them act as they need to
and we also noticed that they voted to allocate funds from this years budget to go ahead and pay for the Arab Summit-$100 Billion
We talked about the many questions we get about how this Summit is going to be paid for...and how the RV is NOT contigent on one single event
There is not one event that is going to let us know when this RV will occur...Don't try to time this event based on any events...the only one that wins is the dinar dealers....
This is going to happen when Shabibi feels that he has his government is place....and he feels it is time....not based on any one event that occurs.
All things are moving in the right direction and they are doing well
There you have it.....The Straight Talk Express with Straight Talking Mike....INCREDIBLY AWESOME Night of News
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Articles Coverage
for Tuesday March 13, 2012
Member of the Finance Committee: The Central Bank has promised to reduce the value of the dinar against the dollar in the coming days
Economists: delete the zeros do not affect consumer purchasing power
Iraqi Planning begins by issuing 5 million national card
Minister of Planning: We Will Discuss Soon With Parliament and the Financial Mechanism of the Distribution Amounts of Oil on the Citizens
Inch: oil and gas law would approve the contract after the national meeting
Central Bureau of Statistics reveals high rates of annual inflation in Iraq
BREAKING NEWS Jumaily: Preparatory Committee agrees on implementing Erbil Agreement, solving Hashimi, Mutlaq cases
Preparatory Committee to decide date for National Meeting Thursday
Dabbagh announced the decisions of the Council of Ministers / the 11th meeting normal
What a great night of news, analysis, discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news analysis and discussion after each news article & the Q & A.....
We are getting closer every day.....GET R DONE
Conference Call Replay - March 13, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#