The IQD Team Connection with LJ from LJ's Next Step Team
Straight Talkin Mike, LJ, Diana & Debbie
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - January 31, 2013
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Another Great Night of News Analysis and Discussion Last Night With:
Straight Talkin' Mike & L.J. of L.J.'s Next Step Team... THE I.Q.D. Team Connection
Please listen to the replay in its entirety for all the
latest CBI, Economy and Government News from Iraq
Notes and Highlights from One Karat:
Thanks to One Carat
One Carat Notes - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Formation of Iraq government is key. Emergent deadlines approaching. Iraq needs to "grow up" & value their dinar in order to run w/the big boys. CBI moving forward as quick as it can. Adding too much value too quickly could cause instability. Economic process takes a lot of time considering factors that need to be correct. CBI slower without Shabibi, but has to get it in gear for emergent deadlines. Maliki doesn't want the Iraqis to have anything. When Maliki is gone, it seems Shabibi would be back to restructure the bank & thereafter cause great change in a few weeks time.
Visas now available causing good standing in the world when people can move freely & legally in & out of the country. UK will have workers coming into Iraq to help build infrastructure, etc. Open door for others to come in. Really good progress.
Concerning the HCL and Erbil Agreement, the people were denied their % of profits by Maliki last year. It has come to pass, this year they should receive it. It's been agreed upon. Moving forward!
Maliki wants to divide Iraq into 3 states, known as the Biden Plan (What was Joe thinking???). They would each have their own
Prime Minister & each their own currency. No one likes this & no one agrees. Sadr's in Maliki's camp, but even he disagrees with this & has spoken out. Basically he is choosing Allawi"s "side" in this matter. When Sadr speaks, everybody listens. Allawi speaks out against this as well. It is unconstitutional. Maliki's days as PM are numbered, he will be questioned soon enough, as well as other corrupt ministers.
US troops sent in to protect demonstrators. We are there to try to keep peace and prevent a civil war from happening when Maliki is ousted. Countries wanting to do business with Iraq are watching closely.
Head of National Alliance, al-Jaafari says a third meeting will take place to discuss ideas to make amendments to the General Amnesty Law, Justice & Accountability Law, and Article four terrorism. When complete, these changes will become an important building block for Iraq.
Maliki trying to take control of finance committee; he wants even more $. Ministers thought to boycott meetings, decided to go, SIGN IN & then not attend Maliki's meetings. These ministers stand w/the protesters, their constituents. Maliki thinks he can replace ministers to gain control to access $. Sadr refuses to replace minister positions. Maliki thinks with his signature (being PM) & the signature of the head of the finance committee he could have access to money.
Many countries: US, UK, EU, Italy, Spain,Sweden, etc. support Iraq's political process. They are concerned as to how they will meet the demands of the people providing drinkable water, roads, & other demands for human rights.They want Iraq to "Git r done!" so they can do business. Exxon anxious to do business, trying to determine who to do business with, Bagdad or Barzani? Most likely Barzani. Maliki interferes with Iraq's progress in so many ways, he is in his last days!
And there you have it!
The I.Q.D. Team Connection News Coverage
for Thursday, January 31, 2013
Parliamentary finance committee hosts representatives of CBI to discuss banking law
Parliamentary Finance Committee discussed with a delegation from the Central Bank amend the Banking Act
Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive political crises
UK Open New Visa Centre in Baghdad
Parliamentary Finance: resolving the division of the budget surplus to the people next Monday
Maliki Performs Biden Plan!!
Deputy for Iraq: al-Sadr's refusal to take over positions and existing ministers "neutral" and evidence of a sense of national responsibility
Allawi meets with some of foreign ambassadors in Iraq, separately.
Urgent: the return of American troops to Iraq and orders Bthrkha toward Fallujah!!
Jaafari: Third National Forum will discuss amendments to General Amnesty and Legal Accountability, Justice and Article 4 of the Anti-terrorism
Albzona: Liberals refuse to serve as Minister of Finance and Maliki will nominate Shaways or the managed-Shahristani
Attiyah to ambassadors of the European Union: the government intends to meet the legitimate demands of the protesters
Immunity of Iraq's money in foreign banks will end in 22 of the next month of May
One of the organizers of demonstrations in Mosul: next Friday and depicts the martyrs of Fallujah and the only requirement topple the government of Maliki
And many more.......
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared....
Conference Call Replay - Jan 31, 2013
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues & Thurs 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Straight Talkin Mike, LJ, Diana & Debbie
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - January 31, 2013
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Another Great Night of News Analysis and Discussion Last Night With:
Straight Talkin' Mike & L.J. of L.J.'s Next Step Team... THE I.Q.D. Team Connection
Please listen to the replay in its entirety for all the
latest CBI, Economy and Government News from Iraq
Notes and Highlights from One Karat:
Thanks to One Carat
One Carat Notes - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Formation of Iraq government is key. Emergent deadlines approaching. Iraq needs to "grow up" & value their dinar in order to run w/the big boys. CBI moving forward as quick as it can. Adding too much value too quickly could cause instability. Economic process takes a lot of time considering factors that need to be correct. CBI slower without Shabibi, but has to get it in gear for emergent deadlines. Maliki doesn't want the Iraqis to have anything. When Maliki is gone, it seems Shabibi would be back to restructure the bank & thereafter cause great change in a few weeks time.
Visas now available causing good standing in the world when people can move freely & legally in & out of the country. UK will have workers coming into Iraq to help build infrastructure, etc. Open door for others to come in. Really good progress.
Concerning the HCL and Erbil Agreement, the people were denied their % of profits by Maliki last year. It has come to pass, this year they should receive it. It's been agreed upon. Moving forward!
Maliki wants to divide Iraq into 3 states, known as the Biden Plan (What was Joe thinking???). They would each have their own
Prime Minister & each their own currency. No one likes this & no one agrees. Sadr's in Maliki's camp, but even he disagrees with this & has spoken out. Basically he is choosing Allawi"s "side" in this matter. When Sadr speaks, everybody listens. Allawi speaks out against this as well. It is unconstitutional. Maliki's days as PM are numbered, he will be questioned soon enough, as well as other corrupt ministers.
US troops sent in to protect demonstrators. We are there to try to keep peace and prevent a civil war from happening when Maliki is ousted. Countries wanting to do business with Iraq are watching closely.
Head of National Alliance, al-Jaafari says a third meeting will take place to discuss ideas to make amendments to the General Amnesty Law, Justice & Accountability Law, and Article four terrorism. When complete, these changes will become an important building block for Iraq.
Maliki trying to take control of finance committee; he wants even more $. Ministers thought to boycott meetings, decided to go, SIGN IN & then not attend Maliki's meetings. These ministers stand w/the protesters, their constituents. Maliki thinks he can replace ministers to gain control to access $. Sadr refuses to replace minister positions. Maliki thinks with his signature (being PM) & the signature of the head of the finance committee he could have access to money.
Many countries: US, UK, EU, Italy, Spain,Sweden, etc. support Iraq's political process. They are concerned as to how they will meet the demands of the people providing drinkable water, roads, & other demands for human rights.They want Iraq to "Git r done!" so they can do business. Exxon anxious to do business, trying to determine who to do business with, Bagdad or Barzani? Most likely Barzani. Maliki interferes with Iraq's progress in so many ways, he is in his last days!
And there you have it!
The I.Q.D. Team Connection News Coverage
for Thursday, January 31, 2013
Parliamentary finance committee hosts representatives of CBI to discuss banking law
Parliamentary Finance Committee discussed with a delegation from the Central Bank amend the Banking Act
Parliamentary Finance: reset the currency project has been postponed because of the successive political crises
UK Open New Visa Centre in Baghdad
Parliamentary Finance: resolving the division of the budget surplus to the people next Monday
Maliki Performs Biden Plan!!
Deputy for Iraq: al-Sadr's refusal to take over positions and existing ministers "neutral" and evidence of a sense of national responsibility
Allawi meets with some of foreign ambassadors in Iraq, separately.
Urgent: the return of American troops to Iraq and orders Bthrkha toward Fallujah!!
Jaafari: Third National Forum will discuss amendments to General Amnesty and Legal Accountability, Justice and Article 4 of the Anti-terrorism
Albzona: Liberals refuse to serve as Minister of Finance and Maliki will nominate Shaways or the managed-Shahristani
Attiyah to ambassadors of the European Union: the government intends to meet the legitimate demands of the protesters
Immunity of Iraq's money in foreign banks will end in 22 of the next month of May
One of the organizers of demonstrations in Mosul: next Friday and depicts the martyrs of Fallujah and the only requirement topple the government of Maliki
And many more.......
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared....
Conference Call Replay - Jan 31, 2013
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues & Thurs 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#