"Joey, Vic, Diana, Tim, Debbie & Yukon"
Nov 22 Replay of CC
Great News Night..........Must listen to call if you want to know just how ready they are for the RV of the Iraqi Dinar
Hakuna Matata....No worries.....Again the news was incredible
Highlights from some of the Many great articles...and some of Joeys comments....Listen to the recording for all the rest of the great news
760-569-7676 Pin 219055#
Tim: Dedicates this Call to John F Kennedy Jr - assasinated 43 years ago today....plays a short clip from his favorite song "September Song" Deb......Precious days he didn't have enough of those days....very sad that he is gone Yukon: Shares some important information about the preparedness and security information shared on our previous calls and the MANY emails received today about certain individuals in the dinar community selling trusts for a reservation fee of $20 - $30 where you must give all of your personal information to them to be in line for a trust to be completed when the RV occurs. VERY IMPORTANT TO SHARE WITH ALL FELLOW DINARIANS!
Vic: Talks about a very important article shared by Joey many times over the last year that was so very important to her, The IQD team and our investment. Discusses the LOP and about Allawi and the many times we knew he was never going away...listen to recording for all the discussion between Vic and Joey
Joey: Discusses Allawi and why he was NEVER GOING ANYWHERE.....and our position about Allawi ...great analysis by Joey
Joey: Discusses how important the article below was to her and our investment since she read in it May... It is the key to everything we believe here at the IQD Team....most important article you will ever read about your investment This articles was her AHA moment...I understood everything about our investment when I read this article back in May This article is the truth...only printed one time.....do you want to know how very close we are...we are SOOO VERY CLOSE We see this unfolding in front of us....This is why The IQD Team knows how very close we are to the re-evaulation happening and the fullfillment of every dream we have had and the Iraqi people have had....
Flashback: Vice in Iraq: to resolve the security ministries after the agreement on the extension or withdrawal of the Americans
On: Friday 5/27/2011 9:17 BAGHDAD (newsletter) .. MP in / coalition in Iraq / al-Janabi, the appearance that the security ministries will be resolved after the completion of the extension or withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
Janabi said in a statement singled out by the Agency (news) said today that the political blocs are still preoccupied with resolving the issue of a U.S. withdrawal from the country end of the year and Maitbah to extend the decision to stay or exit of the entire U.S. military forces.
He called for the Iraqi government to take necessary measures to stop the escalating violence in the country in the absence of security ministers. Noting that everyone should be aware that the interest of the country is more important than any other goals and interests.
It is noted that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will be submitted to Parliament on the recommendations of the stay or departure of U.S. troops from Iraq. / Finished / (4. T. M)
JOEY: How much clearer does it get that this guys? I have watched since May for the announcement of the withdrawal of the troops...that is why the IQD Team has been so excited.....AND WHAT DID Mr Saleh say the other night..he said "the removal of troops will be the signal of the next phase to begin"....Saleh said Saleh said it will be a time of peace, stability, economic prosperity and that the currency they currently have in Iraq is NOT CORRECT FOR THE NEXT PHASE.. So when you see the American flags coming down on the military bases and you see the Iraqi flag going up EVERYTHING IS DONE.....and thats how close we are guys......MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLE WE HAVE EVER READ
3 OTHER IMPORTANT ARTICLES CAME OUT IN MAY.... One said Erbil was done....WE ARE JUST HAVING MEETINGS NOW WEEKLY Ministers...we have three names we voted on them but you can't have them until the troops are withdrawn May 14 very important article came out...Mr Melkert, UN Rep for Iraq came out from a 3 day meeting in May....when he came out after the meeting greeted by the press....he said "Today Iraq has turned a new leaf"..and every time he talked after that and about Iraqs relationship with any country he used the term bilateral....when you are on equal playing field with member nations of the WTO....May articles was a very important month for our investment....WE ARE SO VERY CLOSE TO THE RV HAPPENING
Joey: One of her Favs
Clever money -- bilingual bills will "eliminate inflation"
21/11/2011 14:48 Baghdad, Nov. 21 (AKnews) - The Iraqi Central Bank (ICB) will produce new denomination bill as well as coins in both Arabic and Kurdish languages. The 50,000 dinar notes will hopefully address the liquidity issue in Iraq, halting inflation, the ICB said on Monday. Deputy chairman of the ICB Dr Muzher Saleh told AKnews the largest denomination bill in the country is 25,000 dinars and its purchasing power does not exceed $23. "The new currency will include symbols that reflect the diversity of Iraqi sects and civilizations including the Kurdish culture. Iraq needs to support its economy and its currency through the issuance of high value bills." "In the financial transactions in the Iraqi market large amounts of cash are needed and therefore there is difficulty in transferring the money in bags. Sometimes Iraqi banks do not accept deposits because of counting problems for the large amounts of money." "The ICB is seeking to fix the payments system in Iraq and the monetary policy. Soon new currency will be issued and three zeroes will be canceled from the new notes. This procedure will help the payments system and eliminate inflation. Instead of needing large amounts of money to buy a small quantity of goods, we will need small amounts of money to buy more goods."
Central Bank of his intention to deny the issuance of currency in 50 thousand dinars
Source: the new currency will contain 12 categories, including coins
Denied a source in the Iraqi Central Bank Matnaqlth Alketronah some sites about the government’s intention to issue a class of Iraqi currency (50) thousand dinars
The source, who preferred anonymity in an interview (the citizen) that “the Iraqi currency is currently in the process of switching after lifting the three zeroes, and it is not possible to issue a new currency at the present time,” adding, “There was intent in the past to issue the currency of a large class to facilitate the deal, but the idea of lifting the zeros replaced this idea or intention of the Iraqi Central Bank to issue currency of a new category, “stressing that” the plans on the new version after the lifting of zeros take into account the issue of balance and the actual need for the trading currency (Cache), where there will be no less than 12 categories of including a number of mineral groups in addition to the paper, and certainly the last category will contain a large currency to facilitate the transactions as is the case in all countries of the world. “
Regarding the appointment process will raise the yolk between the “central bank ended a prepared full plans for change was submitted to the concerned authorities note that the issue of changing the currency was assigned to the Central Bank by the government which he is not a proposal or project adopted by the Bank and of course the decision of when to hold the process will be the prerogative of the party that adopts the project of any government. “
This has indicated some of the news sites about the intention of the Iraqi Central Bank to issue a new Iraqi currency of the class (50) thousand dinars
The deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the appearance of Dr. Saleh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Iraqi Central Bank is working to issue a new currency, a large class (50) thousand dinars due to the lack of coins in a big country.”
Saleh pointed out that “the largest currency in the country is now (25) thousand dinars and the purchasing power it does not exceed $ 23.”
Saleh added that “the central bank is also working on a version of small coins to the lack of these
categories that facilitate the process of buying and dealing between citizens and the Iraqi market that you need to return to the small metal coins had some dealings with the Central Bank.”
Salih stressed that “the new currency will be in the Kurdish language in addition to Arabic and symbols reflect the civilization of Iraq and the diversity of sects and civilization, including the Kurdish culture.”
And Saleh stressed that “Iraq needs to support its economy and its currency through the issuance of currency, similar to major foreign currencies, including the $ 100 bills.”
Saleh added that “in the cash transactions in the Iraqi market, you need to finance the cash (cash) large and therefore difficult to transfer the money in the form of bags in case of large transactions.”
He cautioned that the “Iraqi banks do not accept deposits, sometimes because of the problems and the account number of the large amounts of money.”
The increased benefit of earlier Iraq was seeking to reduce the monetary mass (Cache) from 25 trillion dinars to 15 billion dinars. “Noting that” the central bank fixes the payments system in Iraq and the policy of the monetary authority. “
Saleh pointed out that “it will soon be through the issuance of new currency and the elimination of three zeros from the new currency.”
Salih stressed that “this action is an important part of the reform of currency management and will facilitate the payments system and the elimination of the vestiges of inflation, the former by treating the mass of a strong monetary and easy,” adding that “instead of have to deal with large amounts of money to buy a small quantity of goods, we will deal in a little money to buy a large quantity of goods. “
Vic & Joey Discuss the CBI Auction Highest on Record and its meaning including Sovereign Wealth Funds...CBI reserves
in the banks
Deb thanks PTR "MRM" poster of the following article....GREAT ARTICLE
Economist: a lifting of the zeroes raise the value of Iraqi dinar
Author: news agency, Egypt Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 18:04
BAGHDAD - Mohammed Jabbar
The economist said Mohammed al-Samarrai, "Tuesday" to raise three zeroes from the Iraqi currency a very correct and is in the interest and the purpose of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar against other foreign currencies as dollar.
Explaining, for example, all Iraqi dinars would equal approximately $ added to the Masatertb that enhance the confidence in Iraqi dinars by local and foreign investors alike.
The particular importance of this procedure to move a major economic development and financial added to the reduced size of the vast amount of Iraqi currency and try to return toward the admissibility of the Iraqi dinar traded globally a feature that denied and lost long ago.
Added to the importance of learning the true size of the currency in circulation and the exclusion of counterfeit and damaged ones and restricting circulation within the country only accurate.
This in turn draws monetary and fiscal policy correctly, which will reflect positively on economic and development plans of the country.
This I consider Abdul-Hussein Ankpa Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs raise zeros from the currency is the biggest corruption in Iraq if it was during this period and fall under the name of tampering with the economic warning mafias currency is preparing to rig the trillions of Iraqi dinars to replace them in the light of the planned changes.
Conditioned samurai action in conjunction with the lifting of zeros for the success of this process, noting that the most important conditions is to support the private banking sector and to facilitate the procedures and controls domestic and foreign investment in addition to expanding activity of private banks and prevent its transformation to the homes of asthma through the granting of interest on the investment the night and push banks toward the exercise of investment banking other and work to overcome all the obstacles which stand without it, whether to amend the Banking Act in force or encourage the institutions of the state to deal with the private banking sector.
Add to prevent the accumulation of bank balances in government without the exploitation of this mass of cash and encourage the use of modern technology in the banking business to keep pace with global development and the reduction of use of cash and the trend towards the use of electronic cards.
And declared the Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi independent bodies during a meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's willingness to create all the supplies to the process of removing three zeros from the Iraqi currency.
Joey: Thanks PTR ....What an amazing article....they tell us alot in this article........listen to the recording for all the analysis...
Joey: Loved this article
Obscure U.S. delegation allegedly in Iraq for negotiations
21/11/2011 13:38
Baghdad, Nov. 21 (AKnews) - The negotiations between the United States and Iraq over U.S. military trainers staying in Iraq after the withdrawal of American forces at the end of the year, allegedly continue.
Adel Berwari, adviser for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the Kurdistan Region, said that a delegation from the United States is currently visiting Iraq to discuss current developments, the withdrawal and the bilateral relationship after the withdrawal.
The delegation, that allegedly met with Maliki and President Jalal Talabani, consists of "consultants from Congress and the Supreme Command in the United States," Berwari said. They were allegedly discussing the numbers of U.S. trainers that should stay in Iraq.
AKnews was unable to confirm the existence of such a delegation.
Also, Congress is a very vague description, since it encompasses both chambers of U.S. legislative, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Finally, there is no such thing a "Supreme Command" in the U.S. The Supreme Commander is usually a title for a senior commander in multinational military alliances. During World War II, Dwight D. Eisenhower was Supreme Commander during the Battle of Normandy. Today, the term is only used within NATO.
Besides this story, there are indeed U.S. attempts to keep military trainers in Iraq.
Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate committee on Tuesday that some U.S. forces will remain in Iraq as trainers but only inside of 10 bases. They will train Iraqis in counterterrorism and using tanks and fighter jets.
Although Dempsey did not give exact numbers, he said that there will be not more than 200 trainers in Iraq. There are currently 24,000 U.S. soldiers in the country. After Dec. 31, there will be roughly 16,000 personnel at the U.S. Embassy.
Joey......After Dec. 31, there will be roughly 16,000 personnel at the U.S. Embassy...Really? We have discussed this many times just how many troops, personnel will remain in Iraq...
Joey and Vic discuss the troops and Maliki and Allawi
Nassif calls for the United States to exercise its role in the Security Council to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
11.21.2011 | (Voice of Iraq) - Add comments - Baghdad - Where invited Deputy for the Iraqi bloc white U.S. administration to exert its role in removing Iraq from Chapter VII of the weight through the exploitation of the Security Council and the United Nations. The MP said in a statement high Nassif have received the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it on Monday that "the duty of the United States toward Iraq to strive at the international level to remove Iraq from Chapter VII and the abolition of Security Council resolution [833] of 1993, which is the decision of compliance for Iraq." She added that "America can use its Security Council and the United Nations to help Iraq in this regard, as well as its address France and Britain in this regard and to link this issue with investments of these countries in Iraq." She Nassif that "the duty of the Iraqi government also Bsulttaha executive and legislative work to rally the international community for this purpose, particularly those that are related to economic interests with Iraq and that we may be able to gain support for our side in this case.
Joey: "work to rally the international community for this purpose, particularly those that are related to economic interests with Iraq and that we may be able to gain support for our side in this case." So they are asking the intl community to say YEAH..COME ON AND HELP US...ESPECIALLY THE US.
Joey: Discusses article back in March about the Ministers.....
Iraqi Parliament hosts Al-Maliki to discuss about us withdrawal and Iraqi troop readiness
20 November 2011 -
Iraqi House hosts Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after returning from his current visit to Japan to discuss about the readiness of Iraqi security forces after the US withdrawal will end the year 2011.
Spokesman for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Tayeb supporter said Sunday that the House approved the proposal by the Chairperson of Osama alngivi to host Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and security leaders Maliki after Al-Maliki's return from his current visit to Japan, which began Saturday and lasts 3 days. "
He said Parliament would discuss security about Maliki and commanders how Iraqi troops ready to assume security dossier after the withdrawal of US troops from the country end of the year ".
He was speaker of the House of Osama alngivi said on 22 September that "Parliament has on negotiations between the Iraqi Government and the US side about the survival of US forces or trainers in the country, as well as the readiness of Iraqi forces receive the security dossier after us withdrawal by the end of the year".
He was waiting for a letter from the Government explain the stages they have discussions with the US side.
On the other hand, the Iraqi Council of representatives, said Sunday the first meeting of the second legislative term of the second legislative year Osama alngivi and attend 225 deputies, meeting agenda contains US pullout from Iraq, attacks on the country as well as the first reading of the law second amendment of the law of the District Councils Act, the public body to control the allocation of federal revenue.
Allawi arrives in Kuwait at the invitation of the Kuwaiti prime minister
Ali Abdullah -21/11/2011 ad-1: 30 | readers number: 108
Arrived yesterday night to Kuwait the Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, specially invited by the prime minister of Kuwait.
Well-informed sources said Told {Euphrates News "that" Allawi arrived yesterday night to Kuwait to meet with Kuwaiti Prime Minister and a number of Kuwaiti officials."
Joey: Shares many articles and analysis about WTO and the UN and Chapter 7...Kuwait...listen to recording for all the great info shared
Joey shares some articles and analysis about Investment.....
Mutlag asserts importance of protecting, increasing guarantees to investors
21/11/2011 14:56:00
Posted Image
Baghdad (NINA) – Deputy Prime Minister, Salih Al Mutlag, stressed necessity of opening doors in front of investors and businessmen in order to achieve exchanged interest and activate national economy.
He said, during attending Investing Gathering today in the National Investing Commission, “Iraq today faces the activating and encouraging investment mission in different domains and to upgrade the private sector in addition to exploit all human and natural resources in health, education, housing, agriculture, electricity, and environment domains.”
He pointed out that establishing the Investing Commission and the important amendments that the government made on the investment law reflects the keenness on opening doors to investors.
“The legal amendments on the investing law provided additional benefits to the investors like the tax exemption, freedom of transactions, benefits, hiring foreign laborers, and non confiscation or nationalization of projects, a thing that provided additional protection to investment in Iraq,” Mutlag concluded. /End/
Kurdish leaders accused Iraq’s prime minister of creating an “economic dictatorship.”
Bickering Over Oil and Gas Law Hurts Foreign Investment
22/11/2011 02:03:00 By HAWAR ABDULRAZAQ ALI ERBIL,
Iraqi Kurdistan -- Energy experts say that foreign investors are concerned about the bickering over Iraq’s oil and gas law and may be reluctant to invest in the country’s vast natural resources until legislation is passed.
For years, Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region have disagreed on the details of Iraq’s oil and gas law including whether regions can strike deals for natural gas projects.
The Kurdistan Region has its own investment law and the central government still works under laws from Saddam Hussein’s era.
A new row between Baghdad and Erbil started last week following reports that the Kurdish authorities had signed a contract with the American oil giant ExxonMobil, which already has an existing contract with Baghdad.
Jonathan Brown, Kurdistan’s project manager for the Canadian oil company Talisman Energy, which currently works in three different oil fields in Kurdistan, said the lack of clarity regarding Iraq’s oil and gas laws will hinder foreign investment in the region and Iraq.
“It’s a big problem; any company that wants come to Kurdistan or Iraq, the first thing they talk about is the law issue,” he said.
Todd F. Kozel, chairman and CEO of the British oil firm Gulf Keystone Petroleum Co., maintained that oil-related conflicts between Baghdad and Erbil will hurt the industry’s development but remains hopeful that the issues will be resolved.
“Our company has invested millions of dollars in its projects in the Kurdistan region and I believe that KRG and central government will solve the issue, or we would not have invested a lot of money in the region,” he said.
There were reports late last month that Iraqi Prime Minster Nuri al-Maliki and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minster Barham Salih agreed to amend Iraq’s 2007 oil and gas law by December 31.
That law was approved by most of Iraq’s political factions.
In August, Kurdish officials were upset when Iraq’s cabinet hastily passed a new draft of Iraq’s oil and gas law without consulting the Kurds. A previous draft of the law had sat in Parliament since 2007.
Kurdish leaders accused Iraq’s prime minister of becoming authoritarian and creating an “economic dictatorship.”
Natt Arian, a Kurdish investor based in Australia, believes that foreign investors have the right to be concerned about Iraq’s oil and gas law because it needs to protect their business. Arian also said the KRG should do more to attract foreign investment.
“Kurdistan should do more to expose the region to foreigners and give them more information about the situation,” he said. “For example, Australians haven’t got a lot of information about Kurdistan.”
Joey & Vic Discuss why they believe the deal with Shell was delayed 3 days....
November 21, 2011
Iraq to Sign Final Gas Deal With Shell, Mitsubishi on Nov. 27
Iraq will sign a final accord on Nov. 27 with Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Mitsubishi Corp. for a $17 billion project to capture natural gas from fields in the south of the country, according to the Oil Ministry.
The signing was delayed by three days for logistical reasons, Asim Jihad, a ministry spokesman, said by telephone from Baghdad today. The agreement was due to be signed Nov. 24, Deputy Oil Minister Ahmad al-Shamaa said last week.
According to the terms of the 25-year agreement, the government will have a 51 percent stake in the venture known as South Gas Co., while Shell will get 44 percent and Mitsubishi the rest.
South Gas will have a starting capital of $20 million and will help collect more than 2 billion cubic feet (57 million cubic meters) a day from the Rumailah, Zubair and West Qurna fields, Shamaa then said.
Iraq, holder of the fifth-biggest gas reserves in the Middle East, is struggling to restore power capacity after years of conflict and economic sanctions. The captured gas will meet domestic needs and may be exported at a later stage, Hans Nijkamp, Shell’s country chairman for Iraq, said Sept. 29.
Shell, Europe’s largest oil company, has been in talks with the Iraqi government since 2008 to gather gas that’s currently burned off, or flared.
Iraq has signed 15 licenses for the development of energy resources, including three for gas, since 2008, five years after the U.S.-led invasion that ousted the regime of then-President Saddam Hussein. It plans a fourth licensing round of oil and gas exploration rights for March.
Political stability returning to Kurdistan oil industry
Calgary’s WesternZagros heralds recent deals and oil-sharing pact
By Rebecca Penty, Postmedia News November 21, 2011
CALGARY — When Lisa Harriman of WesternZagros Resources Ltd. tours a group of investment analysts around northern Iraq’s Kurdistan region starting Tuesday, she’ll be careful to avoid the landmines.
Despite signs warning of off-road explosives, leftovers from the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, the landmines and other perils in a part of the world deemed politically unstable have the Calgary-based junior energy firm spending $3 million a year on security to protect its operations.
Risks in Kurdistan are “perceived” to be greater than they are, said Harriman — manager of investor relations — on Monday, on the sidelines of a Calgary conference hosted by SEPAC, the Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada.
“When we go to our well, it’s kind of like going to Medicine Hat,” chimed Greg Stevenson, WesternZagros chief financial officer.
Compared with its early days in Iraq, WesternZagros’ security spending is becoming small potatoes as the Political risk diminishes, prompting larger energy players to descend on Kurdistan.
One of four firms active in the semi-autonomous region six years ago, WesternZagros is now among some 45 energy companies, including majors Repsol YPF, S.A. from Spain and U.S. firms Murphy Oil Corp. and Hess Corp.
Last week, Kurdistan natural resources minister Ashti Hawrami revealed that major ExxonMobil Corp. inked a deal to develop six blocks of land in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan in October.
“Everybody sees that as huge, that Exxon, a big major, has come into Kurdistan,” Harriman said.
Exxon’s entrance was six weeks after ex-BP PLC chief executive Tony Hayward’s Vallares PLC put up $2.1 billion US to acquire Kurdistan’s largest oil producer, Turkish-based Genel Energy PLC.
The Political situation started improving late last year when the Kurds backed an Iraqi national government appointment in December. An oil and gas-sharing pact first drafted in 2007 between Kurdistan and Iraq now anticipated by the end of the year is expected to let oil flow from Kurdistan to other countries, lifting the price per barrel from just over $50 to the global benchmark Brent price — more than $100. The long-standing dispute over how to divide oil revenue meant majors active in Iraq couldn’t drill in the northern region of Kurdistan without penalty, limitations expected to end with the deal closing.
The Exxon development, which raised the ire of the Iraqi government, added a twist. Reuters reported that Baghdad has said any oil deals signed with the Kurdish Regional Government are illegal and has suggested the firm’s contract to develop an oilfield in south Iraq is in jeopardy.
Stevenson predicted mergers and acquisition activity will ramp up as firms look to gain a foothold in Kurdistan, which according to Bloomberg, Kurdistan’s Hawrami said could contain 40 per cent of Iraq’s 115 billion barrels of oil reserves — more than the Gulf of Mexico.
WesternZagros is about a year away from potentially becoming a takeover target, according to Calgary-based analyst Josef Schachter. The company’s highly anticipated Kurdamir-2 (K2) well, being drilled by its operator-partner on one of two Kurdistan blocks for WesternZagros, Calgary’s Talisman Energy Inc., is targeting the Oligocene carbonate reservoir, among the most prolific in Iraq.
“The big home run is what they get at Kurdamir,” Schachter said.
Schachter has a one-year target on the company’s share price of $2.10, far above the closing share price Monday of 72 cents.
WesternZagros, about 20 per cent owned by Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. (TAQA) since a share purchase late last month, reported third quarter financial results Monday, including a net loss of $2 million.
The firm is producing and selling oil in Kurdistan from its Sarqala-1 well, which it expects will produce 5,000 barrels per day before the end of 2011. WesternZagros has more than 3.6 billion barrels of oil equivalent per day of audited prospective reserves, more than half of that crude oil.
Tim: Shares an article about Biden and our Wounded War Veterans
Bidens host wounded troops
Cliff Owen/AP - Vice President Biden serves salad to Marine Lance Cpl. William Carpenter, who was wounded by a grenade in Afghanistan, during his annual Thanksgiving dinner for wounded warriors of the U.S. military in Washington, Monday, Nov. 21.
By Greg Jaffe, Published: November 21
Twelve wounded troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, several missing both their legs, were clustered Monday around two long tables at the vice president’s home.
Joe and Jill Biden’s third annual holiday meal for injured military personnel fell on an especially poisonous day of partisan finger-pointing in Washington. A special congressional “supercommittee” admitted that it had failed to cut the deficit by $1.2 trillion.
Vice President Biden did not mention the committee’s collapse. He barely acknowledged the war in Afghanistan or the controversial mission in Iraq, which is drawing to a close next month.
Instead, he spoke briefly about what he said was the country’s most sacred duty.
“We have a lot of obligations as a country,” Biden said. “We have obligations to the young, the old and the infirm. We have only one true sacred obligation, and that is to provide for those of you we send into harm’s way and give you every single, solitary thing that you could possibly need to make the transition back home reasonable and workable. That is the only truly, truly sacred obligation we have.”
To Biden’s right sat Marine Lance Cpl. Stephen Ayhens, 20, who in June lost both legs above the knee when he stepped on a buried bomb in Afghanistan. On Biden’s left was Marine Lance Cpl. William Carpenter, 22, who a year ago survived a blast from a hand grenade.
The dozen troops — 11 wounded in Afghanistan and one in Iraq — were joined by spouses and parents. A fire crackled in the dining room fireplace and glinted off of a crystal chandelier. The troops dined on turkey, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, a fall harvest salad and pumpkin pie.
At a table wedged into the entryway of the vice president’s home, Jill Biden sat with Marine Lance Cpl. Joshua Misiewicz, a 23-year-old from La Grange, Ill., near Chicago.
Misiewicz, a former hockey player who came to the dinner with his mother, lost both legs in Afghanistan’s Sangin district just four months ago.
The most exciting part of his day came several hours before he arrived at the vice president’s official home at the Naval Observatory on Monday and slid his wheelchair next to Mrs. Biden. It happened when doctors decided that his left stump had healed enough for him to get cast for a prosthetic leg.
Misiewicz said he will start off with a “shorty” prosthetic device, a smaller version of the leg that is designed to help amputees learn balance. “I’ll finally start walking,” he said. “I’ve been hopping around on one leg for quite a while.”
Before the meal began, the vice president spoke of one of the few issues that unites both Republicans and Democrats in Washington.
“We are absolutely committed — the president and I, and future presidents will be as well — to making sure that every single breakthrough that occurs in medicine and prostheses is available to you the rest of your lives,” Biden said. “So folks, we love you.”
Suicide bomber kills only himself
The IQD Team wishes everyone a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
Enjoy your family and friends...Eat lots...laugh & love alot
No Call on Thursday........We will see you on Sunday or before if we have any luck.....
The Shabibi Train is Moving Faster and Faster......Get R Done!
Conference Call Replay - Nov. 22, 2011
760-569-7699 Pin 219055#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
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