Wise Words THINK YOUR BEST THOUGHTS by Ralph Marston 11/23/2011
Think Your Best Thoughts
Your thoughts give specific direction to the immense energy
that is your life. So focus those thoughts not on what you
fear or detest, but on what you love.
Fill your mind with thoughts of the very best you can
imagine. Think your way in the direction of where you truly
wish to go.
Your life will faithfully express whatever you genuinely
think of it. The highest, most consistently positive
thoughts are what will push your life in the most positive
and fulfilling direction.
In every moment you are thinking about something. Each of
those thoughts is an opportunity to set the direction of
your life.
Think thoughts of joy, of love, of healing, compassion and
achievement. Where your most persistent thoughts lead, your
actions and your life do naturally follow.
Think, with passion and in great detail, of how you wish
your world to be. Think your best thoughts, again and again,
and bring those thoughts to life.
Ralph Marston
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Think Your Best Thoughts
Your thoughts give specific direction to the immense energy
that is your life. So focus those thoughts not on what you
fear or detest, but on what you love.
Fill your mind with thoughts of the very best you can
imagine. Think your way in the direction of where you truly
wish to go.
Your life will faithfully express whatever you genuinely
think of it. The highest, most consistently positive
thoughts are what will push your life in the most positive
and fulfilling direction.
In every moment you are thinking about something. Each of
those thoughts is an opportunity to set the direction of
your life.
Think thoughts of joy, of love, of healing, compassion and
achievement. Where your most persistent thoughts lead, your
actions and your life do naturally follow.
Think, with passion and in great detail, of how you wish
your world to be. Think your best thoughts, again and again,
and bring those thoughts to life.
Ralph Marston
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