The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - May 1, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Some Comments about the articles discussed before the Recap......
CBI rolling down the Highway with what they need to do...bent on what they need to do....starting to get the help of the Finance Committe again and moving full steam ahead....Nice to see with all of the things going on in the government that Shabibi CBI is moving full steam ahead - They've been ready for at least a year.....they talked about the high tech....we know people that set up the ATM's are there...friend that went over and worked on that project - they are there - they are running - over there making sure this gets implemented - training of the people - we can see that they have backed off of that just a little - moving forward again with everything they are trying to do
Love it.....Shabibi is the only one that has the ability to make this happen and they know what they are doing and they are moving forward
All of it is really great stuff.....Chapter 7 is done....we believe - it has just not been announced - as we have said in the past and based on communication with the UN posted on our website there are only several things left and those will remain to protect Iraq.
Framework is in place and has all been done and voted on and all being held up by one person not letting it happen
and it is just as simple as getting people in place and things will change dramatically
National Agenda has been completd!! They have completed the agenda - key thing in this is that they have agreed on the agenda and Erbil - Sounds extremely positive - this is one of the most positive steps to make this move forward and the framework get set up
We have to have a government with framework.....They can fight all they want within that framework
This framework will give it the balance that it needs for Shabibi to move forward towards what he needs to do
When he sees resolutions and positive things being completed - he will do what he needs to do and know that he will then get the support he needs when this is all said and done
Extremely positive news - in 48 hrs next time we meet we will see whether this is done and everyone is holding hands and moving to the National Meeting - that will help the implementation of the things that need to be done
This was Key - stopping them from getting to the Meeting - as we talked about many times - The Agenda is the most important thing
because it would mean they have penned everything out and reached agreements with everybody they needed to reach agreements with and they have assurances these things will happen
We talked about the CBI has come out with some great articles - we like to see happening...
Meeting with the Finance Committee and the Committee has a study to help the CBI in helping with the monetary policy
They are looking at the rules and regulations and see what they can do to help pass those rules and regs to help implement the
monetary policy that they have going on
We talked about the new currency and the article that came out that CBI is moving forward - they have been under pressure lately from Maliki that they were not going to move forward with what they are doing and this article came out again today on a very quiet in politics to say LOOK WE ARE READY TO GO
We've got this out to print - we are going to be able to move forward
We are going to be able to do what we wanted to do with the currency and move forward
Don't get stuck on the article says and look for a date - they are not going to tell us and time etc
What we want to know is that they have their plan and are still moving forward with their plan
And as they start to move forward with it we will start to understand more and more what that plan is as they continue to educate the people because they are going to have to let them know whats going on and eventually that will happen - they have to add value to their currency to some point in timebefore they release this new currency - it doesn't work well if they don't do that
They are moving forward - thats what they are telling us in this article and we are happy they are not getting bumped off of what they want to do...The CBI is ready
Government...Lots going on - we talked about the protests - lots of protests - people talking about their basic living needs - electricity - employment - brings alot of pressure on Maliki
We read about some arrests and some people going down including family members-we are waiting to see more info on this - More pressure on Maliki
We talked about Maliki heading to Kirkurk to have a Council of ministers meeting to kinda get out of Baghdad - kinda gesture of good faith to come out side of Baghdad to have a meeting where it looks like they are not centralizing the power in Iraq
Trust me its alot of shopping and window dressing going on
They talked about the completion of the National Agenda for the Meeting and that they agreed upon things...Erbil was one of the things they agreed on - We are taking this with a grain of salt as we move forward ...all very very Positive things going on
As they move forward if this Agenda is in place the Natl meeting can happen very very quickly - putting the pressure on Maliki to do something or get out of the way - starting to see that - hes a tough guy - he will hang on to the very last minute -they will have to put as much pressure on him as they possibly can - we will have to see how that develops...
Getting to that National Meeting will be a really Great thing
to start to see these things happen- having Erbil implemented and figure out who is going to sign for the oil contracts would put us in a much much better position because we would know the oil is NOT going to stop
We talked about oil NOT stopping - Kurds not producing oil
we see April oil exports rose to the highest in decades -
they had huge numbers coming out of there even with the Kurds not pumping - those numbers should scare the Kurds a little bit because although they have the power of what they are going to sell in the oil - in the scheme of things of Iraq happening it puts them in a bit of a bind to get things done themselves - a little pressure designed to be on them - Look you tried to stop the oil and you couldn't get it done - your one part of the cog in this whole oil export game
and you need to make sure everybody is producing- with everybody producing and oil contracts being signed properly you can see what that production is going to be - It is just going to be huge
and they are getting rid of their oil - selling it 8.8 billion - HUGE -
outstanding that they are getting that much oil out there
put that in perspective..they are the 3rd largest reserves in the ME - theres alot of oil there folks
You are going to have to add value to the currency at some point in time - you can't be poor and pump out all of this oil - what happens is all of this money comes in the politicians get rich - people get upset - they want to give back to the people - the groundwork is laid for this all to work - If they could implement Erbil and get things going - if everybody would get that in their thick head they would be able to move forward - but everybody has their personal agenda
Last but not least we talked about Kuwait - Kuwait dropping its debt
Again they are moving forward with Kuwait
There was a file opened not in relation to Chapter 7 but in regards to them clearing issues with Kuwait from a human
effort standpoint - getting done - moving forward as fast as it possibly can - The UN is in charge of that and will complete when they are ready
ALL VERY POSITIVE - Today we took 2 or 3 steps ahead - the fact that we have this Agenda ready for the National Meeting
That was one of the biggest thing that came out today....THAT WAS KEY
As we have seen in the past they can move fast if they want to ...we have seen it before with the Budget when they wanted to get that done..Again it was great to see CBI come out and fight back saying we are ready to go........VERY VERY POSITIVE
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
Deb shares another article to Help our Veterans and their families
American Homecomings: Project chronicles the experiences of veterans returning home from war
American Homecomings will chronicle the lives of veterans across the country. It was created as a way to share veterans stories as they return home, provide the latest news relevant to veterans and offer connections to resources for vets that have been checked and verified.
These are just three of the projects:
Boots to Suits for vets returning to job market
Program to find foster homes for pets of deployed military
WWII Veteran fighting to help his homeless comrades
We as a huge group can help out in our areas with this great project in our area....More to follow on how we can help
We have to remember people who have fought for our country and have sacrificed - I think if you take a minute and you think about being upset that it has not RV'd and all of the things that we have there are people that gave their lives for service in this country...people who fought for and died for this to happen over thereand in their memory this WILL NOT FAIL - although they work hard to try to make it fail - Certainly it is NOT GOING TO FAIL
Remember there are people on the other end of all of this that have lost people - sometimes our problems seem so big we forget about the others who have sacrificed so boldlyfor the ability for us to have the freedoms we have and to do the things we do
Our hearts go out to those families and to the veterans
Anyone who comes back from is hell on our guys and gals and anything that helps to put it all in perspective anything that gets these guys and gals moving is great stuff
We received alot of emails about our call Sunday and your requests to bring on Private Bankers, Financial Reps, Bankers, Tax attorneys
prior to the RV...We here at The IQD Team talked at length about it and it is just NOT something we want to do BEFORE the RV
We always talk about we need to wait until we know what the rules are...We have people in place that we have talked to and that we trust from every field to come on after the RV that we will have on after the RV - We want to make sure they can give you the best information and actually say their names so you can trust their information and get in touch with them - not Joe the Banker, etc...or anything like that- its almost unfair to bring them on now - its information overload at this point in time - Putting the cart before the horse - there are certain things you need to do to be prepared - look thru our website - there is tons of information on our website - talk to people you know - you do NOT have to have all of these things in place NOW...You do NOT have to run out the first day and cash in
You will have time.....
Remember most lottery winners do not know they have won the lottery until there number is drawn - What happens...they usually wait several weeks - take their time and gather their team together that is going to help them - that is what we would like to do - when this RV happens we will have people who will help point you in the right direction & NOT TO SELL YOU ANYTHING - just to give you the information that will point you in the right direction in your own town
where you can go in your town - to talk with people you know and trust with the relationships you have so that you can be powerful enough to ask the right questions and gather your team in your own area
Once the RV happens, we will do that for you...Before that we just do not want to bring anyone on
We do have these people lined up and ready to go after this RV they can guide you and you will have the confidence to get your team in place
We talk about integrity and putting it out there - its too important to put people out there in the wrong way and give you the wrong impression at this point in time - You have all of these questions and half of them can not be answered until you know what you have and you know who you are going to be and you know the direction you need to go.
It also gives us more time to concentrate on bringing you the news and bringing you the best until we get to the end of this event
Please send all questions relating to Pre & Post RV to [email protected]
In the subject Please put QUESTIONS: Pre & Post RV
We will compile them and go over the answers on a future show in the Mailbag portion of the call
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Meeting of the Ministerial Committee in charge of studying the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the dinar
Central Bank of Iraq's new currency ... soon to market
OS: Tomorrow the Council of Ministers held its meeting in Kirkuk
Iraq’s April Crude Oil Exports Rose to Highest in ‘Decades’
Demanding high Nassif Kuwait dropped its debt owed by Iraq to demonstrate its good intentions
Completion of the preparation of the national agenda of the meeting within 48 hours
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A ...listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - May 1, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - May 1, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Some Comments about the articles discussed before the Recap......
CBI rolling down the Highway with what they need to do...bent on what they need to do....starting to get the help of the Finance Committe again and moving full steam ahead....Nice to see with all of the things going on in the government that Shabibi CBI is moving full steam ahead - They've been ready for at least a year.....they talked about the high tech....we know people that set up the ATM's are there...friend that went over and worked on that project - they are there - they are running - over there making sure this gets implemented - training of the people - we can see that they have backed off of that just a little - moving forward again with everything they are trying to do
Love it.....Shabibi is the only one that has the ability to make this happen and they know what they are doing and they are moving forward
All of it is really great stuff.....Chapter 7 is done....we believe - it has just not been announced - as we have said in the past and based on communication with the UN posted on our website there are only several things left and those will remain to protect Iraq.
Framework is in place and has all been done and voted on and all being held up by one person not letting it happen
and it is just as simple as getting people in place and things will change dramatically
National Agenda has been completd!! They have completed the agenda - key thing in this is that they have agreed on the agenda and Erbil - Sounds extremely positive - this is one of the most positive steps to make this move forward and the framework get set up
We have to have a government with framework.....They can fight all they want within that framework
This framework will give it the balance that it needs for Shabibi to move forward towards what he needs to do
When he sees resolutions and positive things being completed - he will do what he needs to do and know that he will then get the support he needs when this is all said and done
Extremely positive news - in 48 hrs next time we meet we will see whether this is done and everyone is holding hands and moving to the National Meeting - that will help the implementation of the things that need to be done
This was Key - stopping them from getting to the Meeting - as we talked about many times - The Agenda is the most important thing
because it would mean they have penned everything out and reached agreements with everybody they needed to reach agreements with and they have assurances these things will happen
We talked about the CBI has come out with some great articles - we like to see happening...
Meeting with the Finance Committee and the Committee has a study to help the CBI in helping with the monetary policy
They are looking at the rules and regulations and see what they can do to help pass those rules and regs to help implement the
monetary policy that they have going on
We talked about the new currency and the article that came out that CBI is moving forward - they have been under pressure lately from Maliki that they were not going to move forward with what they are doing and this article came out again today on a very quiet in politics to say LOOK WE ARE READY TO GO
We've got this out to print - we are going to be able to move forward
We are going to be able to do what we wanted to do with the currency and move forward
Don't get stuck on the article says and look for a date - they are not going to tell us and time etc
What we want to know is that they have their plan and are still moving forward with their plan
And as they start to move forward with it we will start to understand more and more what that plan is as they continue to educate the people because they are going to have to let them know whats going on and eventually that will happen - they have to add value to their currency to some point in timebefore they release this new currency - it doesn't work well if they don't do that
They are moving forward - thats what they are telling us in this article and we are happy they are not getting bumped off of what they want to do...The CBI is ready
Government...Lots going on - we talked about the protests - lots of protests - people talking about their basic living needs - electricity - employment - brings alot of pressure on Maliki
We read about some arrests and some people going down including family members-we are waiting to see more info on this - More pressure on Maliki
We talked about Maliki heading to Kirkurk to have a Council of ministers meeting to kinda get out of Baghdad - kinda gesture of good faith to come out side of Baghdad to have a meeting where it looks like they are not centralizing the power in Iraq
Trust me its alot of shopping and window dressing going on
They talked about the completion of the National Agenda for the Meeting and that they agreed upon things...Erbil was one of the things they agreed on - We are taking this with a grain of salt as we move forward ...all very very Positive things going on
As they move forward if this Agenda is in place the Natl meeting can happen very very quickly - putting the pressure on Maliki to do something or get out of the way - starting to see that - hes a tough guy - he will hang on to the very last minute -they will have to put as much pressure on him as they possibly can - we will have to see how that develops...
Getting to that National Meeting will be a really Great thing
to start to see these things happen- having Erbil implemented and figure out who is going to sign for the oil contracts would put us in a much much better position because we would know the oil is NOT going to stop
We talked about oil NOT stopping - Kurds not producing oil
we see April oil exports rose to the highest in decades -
they had huge numbers coming out of there even with the Kurds not pumping - those numbers should scare the Kurds a little bit because although they have the power of what they are going to sell in the oil - in the scheme of things of Iraq happening it puts them in a bit of a bind to get things done themselves - a little pressure designed to be on them - Look you tried to stop the oil and you couldn't get it done - your one part of the cog in this whole oil export game
and you need to make sure everybody is producing- with everybody producing and oil contracts being signed properly you can see what that production is going to be - It is just going to be huge
and they are getting rid of their oil - selling it 8.8 billion - HUGE -
outstanding that they are getting that much oil out there
put that in perspective..they are the 3rd largest reserves in the ME - theres alot of oil there folks
You are going to have to add value to the currency at some point in time - you can't be poor and pump out all of this oil - what happens is all of this money comes in the politicians get rich - people get upset - they want to give back to the people - the groundwork is laid for this all to work - If they could implement Erbil and get things going - if everybody would get that in their thick head they would be able to move forward - but everybody has their personal agenda
Last but not least we talked about Kuwait - Kuwait dropping its debt
Again they are moving forward with Kuwait
There was a file opened not in relation to Chapter 7 but in regards to them clearing issues with Kuwait from a human
effort standpoint - getting done - moving forward as fast as it possibly can - The UN is in charge of that and will complete when they are ready
ALL VERY POSITIVE - Today we took 2 or 3 steps ahead - the fact that we have this Agenda ready for the National Meeting
That was one of the biggest thing that came out today....THAT WAS KEY
As we have seen in the past they can move fast if they want to ...we have seen it before with the Budget when they wanted to get that done..Again it was great to see CBI come out and fight back saying we are ready to go........VERY VERY POSITIVE
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
Deb shares another article to Help our Veterans and their families
American Homecomings: Project chronicles the experiences of veterans returning home from war
American Homecomings will chronicle the lives of veterans across the country. It was created as a way to share veterans stories as they return home, provide the latest news relevant to veterans and offer connections to resources for vets that have been checked and verified.
These are just three of the projects:
Boots to Suits for vets returning to job market
Program to find foster homes for pets of deployed military
WWII Veteran fighting to help his homeless comrades
We as a huge group can help out in our areas with this great project in our area....More to follow on how we can help
We have to remember people who have fought for our country and have sacrificed - I think if you take a minute and you think about being upset that it has not RV'd and all of the things that we have there are people that gave their lives for service in this country...people who fought for and died for this to happen over thereand in their memory this WILL NOT FAIL - although they work hard to try to make it fail - Certainly it is NOT GOING TO FAIL
Remember there are people on the other end of all of this that have lost people - sometimes our problems seem so big we forget about the others who have sacrificed so boldlyfor the ability for us to have the freedoms we have and to do the things we do
Our hearts go out to those families and to the veterans
Anyone who comes back from is hell on our guys and gals and anything that helps to put it all in perspective anything that gets these guys and gals moving is great stuff
We received alot of emails about our call Sunday and your requests to bring on Private Bankers, Financial Reps, Bankers, Tax attorneys
prior to the RV...We here at The IQD Team talked at length about it and it is just NOT something we want to do BEFORE the RV
We always talk about we need to wait until we know what the rules are...We have people in place that we have talked to and that we trust from every field to come on after the RV that we will have on after the RV - We want to make sure they can give you the best information and actually say their names so you can trust their information and get in touch with them - not Joe the Banker, etc...or anything like that- its almost unfair to bring them on now - its information overload at this point in time - Putting the cart before the horse - there are certain things you need to do to be prepared - look thru our website - there is tons of information on our website - talk to people you know - you do NOT have to have all of these things in place NOW...You do NOT have to run out the first day and cash in
You will have time.....
Remember most lottery winners do not know they have won the lottery until there number is drawn - What happens...they usually wait several weeks - take their time and gather their team together that is going to help them - that is what we would like to do - when this RV happens we will have people who will help point you in the right direction & NOT TO SELL YOU ANYTHING - just to give you the information that will point you in the right direction in your own town
where you can go in your town - to talk with people you know and trust with the relationships you have so that you can be powerful enough to ask the right questions and gather your team in your own area
Once the RV happens, we will do that for you...Before that we just do not want to bring anyone on
We do have these people lined up and ready to go after this RV they can guide you and you will have the confidence to get your team in place
We talk about integrity and putting it out there - its too important to put people out there in the wrong way and give you the wrong impression at this point in time - You have all of these questions and half of them can not be answered until you know what you have and you know who you are going to be and you know the direction you need to go.
It also gives us more time to concentrate on bringing you the news and bringing you the best until we get to the end of this event
Please send all questions relating to Pre & Post RV to [email protected]
In the subject Please put QUESTIONS: Pre & Post RV
We will compile them and go over the answers on a future show in the Mailbag portion of the call
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Meeting of the Ministerial Committee in charge of studying the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the dinar
Central Bank of Iraq's new currency ... soon to market
OS: Tomorrow the Council of Ministers held its meeting in Kirkuk
Iraq’s April Crude Oil Exports Rose to Highest in ‘Decades’
Demanding high Nassif Kuwait dropped its debt owed by Iraq to demonstrate its good intentions
Completion of the preparation of the national agenda of the meeting within 48 hours
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A ...listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - May 1, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#