The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
March 25, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of CC
Thanks to Brenda for the Summary
Conference Call Replay - March 25, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Great to have Tariq join us again on tonights call and sharing his perspective...He talks about
His Daily Life in Iraq
How Diana met Tariq over a year ago and how they have become great friends (and that he is NOT an intel source)
The security in Iraq
The Summit having one hours notice to either stay in their home or get to another location with the shutdown for 8 days for the Summit
The government
His opinion on the Revalaution
Work Visa - He is coming to the US in April on a Work Visa and reminded anyone who has a product they would like to market in Iraq to get in touch with him PRIOR TO APRIL 1 so he can arrange it prior to coming here...
and so much more shared by Tariq during the intro, the news and the Q & A
Favorite callers question at the end of the call....
Are we learning more from Tariq or is Tariq learning more from us?
It is our hope that we all are learning more about the Iraqi culture and that it is giving us a better perspective of what the Iraqi people are going thru on a daily basis and that it is not all about the RV....
Straight Talking Mike Recaps and summarizes tonights news....
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed - so much great information shared the following is just the recap of the articles discussed on the call)
Tonight Tariq joined us with his perspective - was very cool to have him on almost the entire call...and answered some questions during the Q & A...even joined us again after his electricity came back on and said Good Night...
We read an article about the Deleting of the Zeroes - Great article for you to go thru and take a look at.
It gives you the history and the perspective of what they are trying to do....Again they are NOT going to put out in the papers exactly what they are doing...they are going to put out there what their plans are to move forward...they are NOT going to give you dates, times or rate....they are not going to tell you exactly how it is going to be done because that would be very counterproductive to the plan and people want to come in and destroy the plan and it very much can be for the economy
Its a very delicate thing for them to do to get this exchanged and to get all the new funds out there and get it in the peoples hands
and theres lots of things that can go wrong so they are putting out a position...there showing part of their cards but not showing all of their cards
We discussed a unique article from Kuwait that came out on saying they are going to a MANAGED FLOAT
for their economy - they want to control the speculation in their currency and they want to be able to maintain their exchange rate
according to a basket of currencies rather than having it being speculated on in the market
We discussed another article where they are going to have 10 billion dollar surplus this year because of oil revenues
which could wildly start to speculation on their currency
what we are seeing is that the countries in the Middle East are going to a managed float to try to keep a stable currency so they dont have these major fluctuations according to when they have surpluses or when oil is good
Remember...oil is great now..they are making lots of money
the money would go up...their value or exchange rate would go up if they are speculated on
If there making less money their exchange rates would come down
its not good for their people who are controlling the inflation
and the Central Banks that are trying to maintain this
It's much easier for them to go ahead and maintain their currency with a Managed Float
Where did they hear the Managed Float from?...probably Shabibi - he's been over there preaching it and something he wanted to do... what he wants to come out with and I think they are seeing some value to having that Managed Float as part of their tools to control inflation and speculation in their country....VERY GOOD...Interesting they are going to do this now
Moving to the Government
We see that Iraq is been conditionally accepted to the WTO based on some things they have to do.
Tariq tells us the labor laws really needs to be changed over there to really help them move into this organization because they are very stringent..they want to employ - most of the people who are unemployed regardless of whether they have the skills or not
and we need to bring in skilled laborers to teach these people so they can take these jobs over and do it and they are running into some problems there as well as taxes and tariffs which are most important
They want to make sure they are controlling the goods and the flow of goods into the country so that you are not bombarding the country with cheap goods and hurting the economy and hurting the people who are buying those goods
You can have inferior goods that are used for building and all that type of stuff and you want to make sure before everything really gets underway to a major degree that you can control some of that so that you dont have major things built and then people ending up getting killed from things that are built.....
The WTO opens up many windows for them and they can move forward into the world organization being part of the world and have many trading partners
So if they can pull of the Arab Summit
along with the WTO it bodes well for the country and the future
Absolutely a wonderful of the things we wanted to see...they now have a plan to do this
Tariffs etc ....
Great for the Future of Iraq and the future of the dinar.
The WTO will help support that economy and make sure they dont get flooded with goods and gives them good world trading partners that allow them opportunites in the market they may not have had
and vice versa...
We read an article calling for the parties to stop the bickeringand running to the newspapers with every little thing that goes on
they need to settle these differences amongst themselves
we heard from Tariq, and as we have discussed many times, the differences between the regions are very deep..the strife that has happened amongst the people in Iraq ...there are lots of scars..lots of distrust among certain regions...alot of harsh words come out
That all needs to be mulled over - because they just dont trust each other and they have to build this trust....apparently Maliki hasnt been showing people he is trustworthy ernough to share the power and doign what he needs to do in order to the agreements that were agreed upon
Maliki needs to give up some of that power and let these other regions share in some of this power so they have safety and security...but Really what it really comes down to is the signing of the contracts and how the money is going to be divided ....
eventually that is how it will all be solved...
Lastly we discussed how they are preparing for the Arab Summit...
Tariq discussed the security is there and very tight ...people had 1 hr to get out their apartments...they either had to stay inside or had 1 hr to get to where they wanted to go.....very similar to a prison......cant drive cars, can not be on the roads, can't move around, making sure noone is out there doing anything bad...they also closed borders with Iran to make sure there are no problems coming in from that neck of the woods...
hopefully we will read in the next few days that this Arab Summit will be absolutely wonderful and they have done what they needed to do
and make some new trading partners ...and they've discussed some of the issues that need to be discussed with the regions...
with Iran and Syria having issues and being under sanctions.....everybody wants to really try to confer and be with the world especially Iraq because they had have their own sanctions to get rid of to get out of Chapter 7
We will have to see what has been a little light because of whats been going on over there
The World is Watching........and so is The Dinar Community...
There you have it.....The Straight Talk Express with Straight Talking Mike...Great Night of News........Thank you Tariq for your Insight and Perspective during the News and the Q & A
Tariq answers many questions during the Q & A (excuse the tones during a portion of the Q & A - it was eventually fixed)
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday, March 25, 2012
Iraq is to delete the zeros of the Danarh and raise its value against the dollar
«Central»: the dinar basket «secret» to protect it from speculative
Kuwaiti fiscal surplus put at over KD10 bn
Iraq receives requests from the World Trade Organization membership to accept conditional
State law calls for the media to stop bickering between the parties during the upcoming Arab summit
Arab owners: the Arab world needs to Iraq because he is a strong country
Urgent. Talabani determines the fifth of April as a date to hold a national meeting
Talabani and Maliki agree on the need to resolve the internal problems in a spirit of understanding and agreements in the scope of the Constitution
Iran, Iraq Temporarily Close Border for Arab Summit Meeting
Statement issued by the Office of the President of the Republic
Conference Call Replay - March 25, , 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
March 25, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of CC
Thanks to Brenda for the Summary
Conference Call Replay - March 25, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Great to have Tariq join us again on tonights call and sharing his perspective...He talks about
His Daily Life in Iraq
How Diana met Tariq over a year ago and how they have become great friends (and that he is NOT an intel source)
The security in Iraq
The Summit having one hours notice to either stay in their home or get to another location with the shutdown for 8 days for the Summit
The government
His opinion on the Revalaution
Work Visa - He is coming to the US in April on a Work Visa and reminded anyone who has a product they would like to market in Iraq to get in touch with him PRIOR TO APRIL 1 so he can arrange it prior to coming here...
and so much more shared by Tariq during the intro, the news and the Q & A
Favorite callers question at the end of the call....
Are we learning more from Tariq or is Tariq learning more from us?
It is our hope that we all are learning more about the Iraqi culture and that it is giving us a better perspective of what the Iraqi people are going thru on a daily basis and that it is not all about the RV....
Straight Talking Mike Recaps and summarizes tonights news....
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed - so much great information shared the following is just the recap of the articles discussed on the call)
Tonight Tariq joined us with his perspective - was very cool to have him on almost the entire call...and answered some questions during the Q & A...even joined us again after his electricity came back on and said Good Night...
We read an article about the Deleting of the Zeroes - Great article for you to go thru and take a look at.
It gives you the history and the perspective of what they are trying to do....Again they are NOT going to put out in the papers exactly what they are doing...they are going to put out there what their plans are to move forward...they are NOT going to give you dates, times or rate....they are not going to tell you exactly how it is going to be done because that would be very counterproductive to the plan and people want to come in and destroy the plan and it very much can be for the economy
Its a very delicate thing for them to do to get this exchanged and to get all the new funds out there and get it in the peoples hands
and theres lots of things that can go wrong so they are putting out a position...there showing part of their cards but not showing all of their cards
We discussed a unique article from Kuwait that came out on saying they are going to a MANAGED FLOAT
for their economy - they want to control the speculation in their currency and they want to be able to maintain their exchange rate
according to a basket of currencies rather than having it being speculated on in the market
We discussed another article where they are going to have 10 billion dollar surplus this year because of oil revenues
which could wildly start to speculation on their currency
what we are seeing is that the countries in the Middle East are going to a managed float to try to keep a stable currency so they dont have these major fluctuations according to when they have surpluses or when oil is good
Remember...oil is great now..they are making lots of money
the money would go up...their value or exchange rate would go up if they are speculated on
If there making less money their exchange rates would come down
its not good for their people who are controlling the inflation
and the Central Banks that are trying to maintain this
It's much easier for them to go ahead and maintain their currency with a Managed Float
Where did they hear the Managed Float from?...probably Shabibi - he's been over there preaching it and something he wanted to do... what he wants to come out with and I think they are seeing some value to having that Managed Float as part of their tools to control inflation and speculation in their country....VERY GOOD...Interesting they are going to do this now
Moving to the Government
We see that Iraq is been conditionally accepted to the WTO based on some things they have to do.
Tariq tells us the labor laws really needs to be changed over there to really help them move into this organization because they are very stringent..they want to employ - most of the people who are unemployed regardless of whether they have the skills or not
and we need to bring in skilled laborers to teach these people so they can take these jobs over and do it and they are running into some problems there as well as taxes and tariffs which are most important
They want to make sure they are controlling the goods and the flow of goods into the country so that you are not bombarding the country with cheap goods and hurting the economy and hurting the people who are buying those goods
You can have inferior goods that are used for building and all that type of stuff and you want to make sure before everything really gets underway to a major degree that you can control some of that so that you dont have major things built and then people ending up getting killed from things that are built.....
The WTO opens up many windows for them and they can move forward into the world organization being part of the world and have many trading partners
So if they can pull of the Arab Summit
along with the WTO it bodes well for the country and the future
Absolutely a wonderful of the things we wanted to see...they now have a plan to do this
Tariffs etc ....
Great for the Future of Iraq and the future of the dinar.
The WTO will help support that economy and make sure they dont get flooded with goods and gives them good world trading partners that allow them opportunites in the market they may not have had
and vice versa...
We read an article calling for the parties to stop the bickeringand running to the newspapers with every little thing that goes on
they need to settle these differences amongst themselves
we heard from Tariq, and as we have discussed many times, the differences between the regions are very deep..the strife that has happened amongst the people in Iraq ...there are lots of scars..lots of distrust among certain regions...alot of harsh words come out
That all needs to be mulled over - because they just dont trust each other and they have to build this trust....apparently Maliki hasnt been showing people he is trustworthy ernough to share the power and doign what he needs to do in order to the agreements that were agreed upon
Maliki needs to give up some of that power and let these other regions share in some of this power so they have safety and security...but Really what it really comes down to is the signing of the contracts and how the money is going to be divided ....
eventually that is how it will all be solved...
Lastly we discussed how they are preparing for the Arab Summit...
Tariq discussed the security is there and very tight ...people had 1 hr to get out their apartments...they either had to stay inside or had 1 hr to get to where they wanted to go.....very similar to a prison......cant drive cars, can not be on the roads, can't move around, making sure noone is out there doing anything bad...they also closed borders with Iran to make sure there are no problems coming in from that neck of the woods...
hopefully we will read in the next few days that this Arab Summit will be absolutely wonderful and they have done what they needed to do
and make some new trading partners ...and they've discussed some of the issues that need to be discussed with the regions...
with Iran and Syria having issues and being under sanctions.....everybody wants to really try to confer and be with the world especially Iraq because they had have their own sanctions to get rid of to get out of Chapter 7
We will have to see what has been a little light because of whats been going on over there
The World is Watching........and so is The Dinar Community...
There you have it.....The Straight Talk Express with Straight Talking Mike...Great Night of News........Thank you Tariq for your Insight and Perspective during the News and the Q & A
Tariq answers many questions during the Q & A (excuse the tones during a portion of the Q & A - it was eventually fixed)
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday, March 25, 2012
Iraq is to delete the zeros of the Danarh and raise its value against the dollar
«Central»: the dinar basket «secret» to protect it from speculative
Kuwaiti fiscal surplus put at over KD10 bn
Iraq receives requests from the World Trade Organization membership to accept conditional
State law calls for the media to stop bickering between the parties during the upcoming Arab summit
Arab owners: the Arab world needs to Iraq because he is a strong country
Urgent. Talabani determines the fifth of April as a date to hold a national meeting
Talabani and Maliki agree on the need to resolve the internal problems in a spirit of understanding and agreements in the scope of the Constitution
Iran, Iraq Temporarily Close Border for Arab Summit Meeting
Statement issued by the Office of the President of the Republic
Conference Call Replay - March 25, , 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#