The IQD Team
March 18, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of CC
Thanks to Brenda for the Summary
Conference Call Replay - March 18, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talking Mike Recaps and summarizes tonights news
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed - so much great information shared
the following is just the recap of the articles discussed on the call)
We heard tonight from our friend Tariq straight from Iraq....
Diana reminded everyone about what has happened to Tariq with the difficulties he has had in obtaining his VISA to get back to the US
after working with our troops....He is doing very well....for all of you who have followed his plight he was a translator who helped our troops
He helped out alot of people in Iraq even after the war ended he helped to out contractors who were doing things that were wrong
He has been trying to get a Visa to get out of the country with no luck..He finally got a invitation to work with Mircosoft Technologies after he got certified and will be coming to the US in April - he has applied for his Business Visa to be able to attend and come to the US
He is asking anyone who has any kind of product, service, etc that he can help you market in Iraq, he would love to hear from you
and if your product or service is accepted, he will meet with you while he is here in April in Orlando...he would love to help you market your products in Iraq and it will help him stay in the US longer and help you get your products into Iraq....Please do this before April 1 as it has to be submitted and approved before then...California, Florida, Virginia is already 3 of the states he will be going to at this time
You can go to the link below to get all of the information about how to possibly get your product accepted by Tariq and meet with him while heis here in the US...short window of time so please do it soon...
Link to the Information on Tariq and for submission of your products
He updated us a little bit about what is going on in was 4AM in Iraq...
He talked about the people being educated and being able to understand that there is going to be some sort of revalue soon
He is excited about the value going to be added to the his words the RV is much more of a reality now...getting
closer day by day...all the steps are being taken...printing the money and getting everything thru for that process
He understands there is a training period going on - the government employees are the first being taken thru this process
He talked about that it would be a smooth process and that it is going to be a 2 yr process and they understand the old currencies
and the new currencies will work together throughout that 2 yr process so they can make the exchange very easy
and how noone should be in a rush to cash in their dinars..there will be time
One of the things he did say - it was his opinion that the currency would not revalue until after the Arab Summit because of the amount of security and how they need to make sure that there is nothing going on...he even talked about security coming to his home and checking the place where he lives day in and day checking to be sure noone will do any harm to the people coming in for the Summit
He also said that there would be, as we have said before, when the RV occurs there will be a tremendous amount of confusion
and that they want to help decrease that confusion going on at the same time....makes perfect sense when you think about it...and common sense as we use on this call that thats going to happen in that manner
He talked about the currency being exchanged only at the govt banks and not the private banks which is good so the govt can control that - they all understand that all of the things we read tonight he told us about and re-confirmed alot of things we have said in the past and they are ready for that
The government seems to be on track moving forward
there seems to be a problem with the Iraqi list that has been avoided...still seeing that play out
and we still think we will see the Natl Conf before the Summit and that they will all come together getting their government moving in the right direction
Oil revenues expected to double and we heard it from Tariq they are drilling all over the country and how the economy and things are moving in very positive light
When Tariq was on our call in the past, he was not quite sure about this whole RV process...he has since then changed his opinion
and if you did not have a chance to hear him speak you will want to
listen to the excitement in his voice when he was talking about all that is going on in the country on the replay
News recap....
Makes sense when Tariq talked about the government employees being the 1st group of people to get the information out to from the government...this makes alot of sense to me know that this is what they are doing letting the retirees know what they are trying to do ....more education to let them know that things are changing
to get ready for the change and as Tariq said he understands that there is going to be change and it is going to be a very profitable change for them
Great that we have had confirmation about the training and this is exactly what they are telling us again tonight
to let them know that things are changing
It sounds like they all seem to understand what that process is inside the country and that internal process and they are not fearful of that process...sounds like it all working like thought it was
We read a Great article stating "The Central Bank of Iraq has reached advanced stages of preparation for the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency, and after obtaining approval from the federal government to implement it will be working on a larger scale as a project is a strategic interest to the general public of Iraqi." Tariq expressed this same sentiment
As we have discussed, what we have to realize is what is going to happen inside the country and outside of the country are two different things....they will reduce the level in country but over here, we will get an exchange rate outside the country because we do not have to exchange our dinars...we do not need it for every day so we will get an exchange rate outside the country so we will get whatever the CBI rate is ..we do not have to exchange is for the local economy that they are doing this whatever that value is will buy will be a larger value but we will get an exchange rate - how they determine that exchange rate would have to be a straight exchange rate per how many dinars you turn in - because they are going to run concurrent....he talked about it running for 2 side by side
We discussed an article - key in this article - They took 2 billion US dollars - they are de-dollarizing the economy taking that off and forcing the Iraqi people to use the dinar and you can see that the street changers as Tariq even talked about tonight are trying to make a profit out there so they are noticing these dollars are coming off the market and they are trying to make their profit because they are getting scarce and we know they have to de-dollarize to have them use only one currency and eventually that currency has to be worth more than what that dollar can buy them or Tariq will continue to do what he does - go after the street changers and get dollars for his dinars so he can buy more of what he can in the country.....
Huge to see de-dollarization happening - looks like it is going on
To hear Tariq come on and actually tell us what we have been saying is actually happening and sees it out in the streets and in the news and that he understands this is very all very very good
Turning to the government...
We read an article......All oil is bought with dollars - would love to have that changed to dinar....You may ask yourself why would they want to do that?
Tariq said this tonight on the call... ...these are from Economic Committees - 40% of the people work for the government -they understand that they need to increase the value of their dinar so it would seem right to them to say hey lets buy oil with our our dinar to increase the value of our dinar so that we can have more value...the dollars are disappearing from the streets...the value has not been added to the system yet where they have an exchange rate thats comparable to what it should be
So you've got these economic comittees saying hey lets do that....well that would be very difficult to do that because if they started to do that the US would smack them down very quickly...because we want to keep continuing using the oil dollar as we move forward so you can see where they are starting to get some of these ideas to increase the value....they understand they need to increase the value and as Tariq said he understands that there has to be a revaluation...some sort of RV...they have to add value to the dinar so they can use it in the everyday...
Iraq renewed its threat to boycott the govt if there are not met in 72 hrs...then denied it later
sounds like they are playing hardball right now
trying to get this natl. conv together and they are trying to get the summit together and sounds like
they are really batting everything around in the political arena
all positive articles I read today...this was the only negative thing we read today...things are moving forward
We discussed Finance will adopt the customs tarrif June 1, 2012..."the application of the customs tariff would help facilitate Iraq's accesion to the WTO"
moving things forward very quickly....they know what they are doing....dominoes are in place....sounds like they are working forward toward the WTO - want to be a good member in the WTO....and they need to have their taxes and tariffs in place and
that they have a plan for their taxes and tariffs.....and they definetely have to RV before they are in place.
We discussed an article about the Iraqi government bonds in international markets
Parliamentary held intensive meetings to resolve important laws.....
There you have it.....The Straight Talk Express with Straight Talking MikE.....Another positive Night of News
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday March 18, 2012
Applicable: The Central Bank has promised to reduce the value of the dollar and the potential to modify the pension law
Mahma Khalil contract with four international companies for the printing of currency seriously .. and reveals the categories
Economic Parliamentary: the dollar out of the market affects the strengthof the Iraqi Dinar
The parliamentary Economic Committee proposes the sale of crude oil with the dinar the lraqi to support and increase value
Iraq renewed its threat to boycott the government if their demands are not met in 72 hours
Issawi: Finance will adopt the customs tariff in June next for consumer protection
Embarking upon the Iraqi government bonds in international markets
Parliamentary committees held intensive meetings to resolve important laws
Crude Oil Reserves ‘Expected to Double’
Iraq denies its intention to withdraw its ministers from the government again
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A ...listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared....we are getting closer every day......
Conference Call Replay - March 18, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
March 18, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of CC
Thanks to Brenda for the Summary
Conference Call Replay - March 18, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talking Mike Recaps and summarizes tonights news
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed - so much great information shared
the following is just the recap of the articles discussed on the call)
We heard tonight from our friend Tariq straight from Iraq....
Diana reminded everyone about what has happened to Tariq with the difficulties he has had in obtaining his VISA to get back to the US
after working with our troops....He is doing very well....for all of you who have followed his plight he was a translator who helped our troops
He helped out alot of people in Iraq even after the war ended he helped to out contractors who were doing things that were wrong
He has been trying to get a Visa to get out of the country with no luck..He finally got a invitation to work with Mircosoft Technologies after he got certified and will be coming to the US in April - he has applied for his Business Visa to be able to attend and come to the US
He is asking anyone who has any kind of product, service, etc that he can help you market in Iraq, he would love to hear from you
and if your product or service is accepted, he will meet with you while he is here in April in Orlando...he would love to help you market your products in Iraq and it will help him stay in the US longer and help you get your products into Iraq....Please do this before April 1 as it has to be submitted and approved before then...California, Florida, Virginia is already 3 of the states he will be going to at this time
You can go to the link below to get all of the information about how to possibly get your product accepted by Tariq and meet with him while heis here in the US...short window of time so please do it soon...
Link to the Information on Tariq and for submission of your products
He updated us a little bit about what is going on in was 4AM in Iraq...
He talked about the people being educated and being able to understand that there is going to be some sort of revalue soon
He is excited about the value going to be added to the his words the RV is much more of a reality now...getting
closer day by day...all the steps are being taken...printing the money and getting everything thru for that process
He understands there is a training period going on - the government employees are the first being taken thru this process
He talked about that it would be a smooth process and that it is going to be a 2 yr process and they understand the old currencies
and the new currencies will work together throughout that 2 yr process so they can make the exchange very easy
and how noone should be in a rush to cash in their dinars..there will be time
One of the things he did say - it was his opinion that the currency would not revalue until after the Arab Summit because of the amount of security and how they need to make sure that there is nothing going on...he even talked about security coming to his home and checking the place where he lives day in and day checking to be sure noone will do any harm to the people coming in for the Summit
He also said that there would be, as we have said before, when the RV occurs there will be a tremendous amount of confusion
and that they want to help decrease that confusion going on at the same time....makes perfect sense when you think about it...and common sense as we use on this call that thats going to happen in that manner
He talked about the currency being exchanged only at the govt banks and not the private banks which is good so the govt can control that - they all understand that all of the things we read tonight he told us about and re-confirmed alot of things we have said in the past and they are ready for that
The government seems to be on track moving forward
there seems to be a problem with the Iraqi list that has been avoided...still seeing that play out
and we still think we will see the Natl Conf before the Summit and that they will all come together getting their government moving in the right direction
Oil revenues expected to double and we heard it from Tariq they are drilling all over the country and how the economy and things are moving in very positive light
When Tariq was on our call in the past, he was not quite sure about this whole RV process...he has since then changed his opinion
and if you did not have a chance to hear him speak you will want to
listen to the excitement in his voice when he was talking about all that is going on in the country on the replay
News recap....
Makes sense when Tariq talked about the government employees being the 1st group of people to get the information out to from the government...this makes alot of sense to me know that this is what they are doing letting the retirees know what they are trying to do ....more education to let them know that things are changing
to get ready for the change and as Tariq said he understands that there is going to be change and it is going to be a very profitable change for them
Great that we have had confirmation about the training and this is exactly what they are telling us again tonight
to let them know that things are changing
It sounds like they all seem to understand what that process is inside the country and that internal process and they are not fearful of that process...sounds like it all working like thought it was
We read a Great article stating "The Central Bank of Iraq has reached advanced stages of preparation for the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency, and after obtaining approval from the federal government to implement it will be working on a larger scale as a project is a strategic interest to the general public of Iraqi." Tariq expressed this same sentiment
As we have discussed, what we have to realize is what is going to happen inside the country and outside of the country are two different things....they will reduce the level in country but over here, we will get an exchange rate outside the country because we do not have to exchange our dinars...we do not need it for every day so we will get an exchange rate outside the country so we will get whatever the CBI rate is ..we do not have to exchange is for the local economy that they are doing this whatever that value is will buy will be a larger value but we will get an exchange rate - how they determine that exchange rate would have to be a straight exchange rate per how many dinars you turn in - because they are going to run concurrent....he talked about it running for 2 side by side
We discussed an article - key in this article - They took 2 billion US dollars - they are de-dollarizing the economy taking that off and forcing the Iraqi people to use the dinar and you can see that the street changers as Tariq even talked about tonight are trying to make a profit out there so they are noticing these dollars are coming off the market and they are trying to make their profit because they are getting scarce and we know they have to de-dollarize to have them use only one currency and eventually that currency has to be worth more than what that dollar can buy them or Tariq will continue to do what he does - go after the street changers and get dollars for his dinars so he can buy more of what he can in the country.....
Huge to see de-dollarization happening - looks like it is going on
To hear Tariq come on and actually tell us what we have been saying is actually happening and sees it out in the streets and in the news and that he understands this is very all very very good
Turning to the government...
We read an article......All oil is bought with dollars - would love to have that changed to dinar....You may ask yourself why would they want to do that?
Tariq said this tonight on the call... ...these are from Economic Committees - 40% of the people work for the government -they understand that they need to increase the value of their dinar so it would seem right to them to say hey lets buy oil with our our dinar to increase the value of our dinar so that we can have more value...the dollars are disappearing from the streets...the value has not been added to the system yet where they have an exchange rate thats comparable to what it should be
So you've got these economic comittees saying hey lets do that....well that would be very difficult to do that because if they started to do that the US would smack them down very quickly...because we want to keep continuing using the oil dollar as we move forward so you can see where they are starting to get some of these ideas to increase the value....they understand they need to increase the value and as Tariq said he understands that there has to be a revaluation...some sort of RV...they have to add value to the dinar so they can use it in the everyday...
Iraq renewed its threat to boycott the govt if there are not met in 72 hrs...then denied it later
sounds like they are playing hardball right now
trying to get this natl. conv together and they are trying to get the summit together and sounds like
they are really batting everything around in the political arena
all positive articles I read today...this was the only negative thing we read today...things are moving forward
We discussed Finance will adopt the customs tarrif June 1, 2012..."the application of the customs tariff would help facilitate Iraq's accesion to the WTO"
moving things forward very quickly....they know what they are doing....dominoes are in place....sounds like they are working forward toward the WTO - want to be a good member in the WTO....and they need to have their taxes and tariffs in place and
that they have a plan for their taxes and tariffs.....and they definetely have to RV before they are in place.
We discussed an article about the Iraqi government bonds in international markets
Parliamentary held intensive meetings to resolve important laws.....
There you have it.....The Straight Talk Express with Straight Talking MikE.....Another positive Night of News
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday March 18, 2012
Applicable: The Central Bank has promised to reduce the value of the dollar and the potential to modify the pension law
Mahma Khalil contract with four international companies for the printing of currency seriously .. and reveals the categories
Economic Parliamentary: the dollar out of the market affects the strengthof the Iraqi Dinar
The parliamentary Economic Committee proposes the sale of crude oil with the dinar the lraqi to support and increase value
Iraq renewed its threat to boycott the government if their demands are not met in 72 hours
Issawi: Finance will adopt the customs tariff in June next for consumer protection
Embarking upon the Iraqi government bonds in international markets
Parliamentary committees held intensive meetings to resolve important laws
Crude Oil Reserves ‘Expected to Double’
Iraq denies its intention to withdraw its ministers from the government again
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A ...listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared....we are getting closer every day......
Conference Call Replay - March 18, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#