The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - June 21, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Highlights from the CBI/Economy News
"Central Bank: the project to delete the zeros from the currency represents a new infrastructure of the country"
The key statement in this article
He said...."This project represents the process of reforming the system of monetary management and the transition of large numbers to smaller numbers with the SAME VALUE OF THE CURRENCY WITHOUT AFFECTING THE TRADING CURRENCY, because the switch would be suitable for people getting used to the new currency trading." That is awesome...we believe that before they release those there will be some sort of revaluation and they are certainly giving us a pretty hard date out there when they really want this currency moving forward - my guess is they would probably hit that earlier than that date because they are staying pretty hard on that number out there...we wait and see...that bottom statement is the salient point out of this article
and remember...smaller numbers with the same value on the currency without affecting the trading currency - that means they want to keep the value of the two currencies identical until people get used to the new currency....Awesome article...
This process is moving forward quickly but moving one day at a time and they are pounding this drum and moving it out there
"FLASHBACK...Republic of Iraq Ministry of Planning" The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies
Several key statements from this
"It is demonstrated in this context to call for assessing the dinar for less than (3.208) dollar (official exchange rate) when assessing project outputs and inputs of traded goods of exports, substitute imports and imports... etc."
"Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities."
Listen to this part of the call - Great information shared about how confident you should be with your investment
"Economic Committee decision: session Saturday sessions will be to establish economic laws"
GREAT Article....We've talked about the privatization of the banks and getting this private sector started and what they needed to do - Shabibi came out and spoke about it ....
I about fell over when I read this article..this is exactly what he needs to get things jump started over there and get this rolling real fast.....Awesome....Shabibi spoke 2 weeks ago and now Parliament is coming back on Saturday and these are the things that we need
done......Guillotine process brought into Iraq in 2011 that helps them to speed up the these laws very quickly - sounds like they are going to do 1st and 2nd reading at the same time and then vote....modify and get the things they need done to move forward.....Great article...Lets see the actions now....Get in session and get it done
CBI - Tonight we talked about a Great post by Scooter (Thanks Scooter) with information about a CRITICAL BENCHMARK BEING MET - "RE-BOOT" OF TWO GOVERNMENT BANKS...we talked about the supporting documentation from the IMF - the big thing is for the banks to reset and re-calibrate these banks so that they get away from the government - this is a BIG step in moving forward and resetting these banks to come into the private sector - raising and recapitalizing all the banks is going to get them ready to deal with the money that is going to be coming in for investments as they well as the money they will have from the Revalue...
So Why would you have banks put up more capital if your money is not going to be worth more if you have a fractional banking system? Let me say that again........Why would you have to recapitalize your banks if you have valueless currency and you want them to have higher capital requirements..why would you do that? That must mean that they are going to be handling more money at some time in the future....well certainly they will be handling more investments coming thru....thats correct..but they are also wanting to handle the money from the Iraqi people so increasing the capitalization now so they will have the money to service this increase in demand for the banking sector as well as being able to grow with things that are invested in their banks.....
Remember we talked about people not wanting to put their money in banks - you really have to raise that capital because you know that you are going to increase your currency at some point in time..thats going to open up the flood gates...very important for things for them to move forward
We talked about the deletion of the zeros from Saleh...the salient point from this article -
He said...."This project represents the process of reforming the system of monetary management and the transition of large numbers to smaller numbers with the SAME VALUE OF THE CURRENCY WITHOUT AFFECTING THE TRADING CURRENCY,
because the switch would be suitable for people getting used to the new currency trading."
They are going to have the same value.......they are going to co-exist however long that will be they are going to co-exist til the people get used to it.. He also talked about in this article that everything is done...all the studies are done and it has been presented.
We talked about Ministry of Planning Feasibility Study
Oldie but Goodie Link...check it out and listen to the great discussion about this important document
Like a White paper from the Ministry of Planning.....talks about the exchange rate by the Ministry of Planning
It talks about the rate of 3.20 versus where they were as the official exchange rate and it says in the last sentence
"Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities."
Basically these are studies that say the bottom line it will support is 1.13 all the way up to $3.22 ...thats what the study said....
looked at it and asked if they could handle these rates ..they recommended the rate be low at the point in time this was put out based on the studies they put forward...don't get caught up on what it says...get caught up in the fact that they actually say this can be worth more than $ should make you feel confident when people say it will not be worth anything or $.01 or it is a scam...the bottom line rate is in this document from the MOP and other documents - this is where all of the others are getting these numbers from - There are accounting firms that went thru and did these same studies....came up with very similar numbers......
Think about how much more oil they are pumping much gold they have found since this study was much natural gas......etc etc ...this is after this Feasibility Study was done...Great Info.....When we talk about those things on our call and we give you our rate ranges this is just one of the document that backs up what we say.......Excellent article to read....
Listen to the beginning of the call during the CBI portion to hear so much more about this document and how confident you should feel with your investment based on documented information on the rates etc
As the government turns
One of the things Maliki did is he ticked off Nujaifi and Parliament
He took down the barriers - Well now they are not going to come to Parliament - He thought he could scare them off - not voting if he took the barriers down - They demanded they be put back up and now he has himself between a rock and a hard spot because he did something he shouldn't have - bascially they said if it is so secure take down the barriers everywhere including in front of your house Maliki...don't just do it in front of ours......
Nujaifi was out there big time today......Great to see
We learned the Sadrists and the Kurds are going to try and form one big political party which would give them the majority and would be able to let them form a goverment in an election - go after it in the election year coming up.....that should be scaring Maliki because his days are numbered...even he decides to pull this off and get into the next election unless he changes the Constitution and allows himself to run again which would pretty much be an act of war...very difficult for him to beat down this pressure that is coming up
We talked about the Saturday Session in Parliament - all the laws they need for investment and anything they need for the private sector including the 140, Oil & whole nine yards...all dedicated to this Saturdays session....
Lets see if they can get thru it........and get these done...
We talked about the 140 and the monies going to be passed out to these people....lot of dinars....lot of wealth going to be passed out to these people - could be a lot of influx into this country for rebuilding
Remember we talk about it....
What are they going to do with their money when they get it
What we would like them to do is stay cars...start businesses...don't take the monies out of the country...take the money and put it back into the economy here....
Just like what we do here..when our economy is going really well you are buying things - that money goes back to the retailers who in turn buy more goods...they can put people to work - all works very fast that way
Its very interesting all of that happening and moving
Been tremendous movement that we have seen from the Parliament and what they are doing and how they are doing things
its just great to see..I think we have reached a head to this and getting to the point where we are going to start to see some action
What Maliki did today was ticked off alot of people and set himself up for failure
We talked about the 15th postings appearing in the Arabic- one which was "Law of conservation of hydracarbon wealth No 84 for the year 1985" ...Could be some really great stuff in there....
As I always say...We don't know what we don't know.......we are about to find out some of those things that we don't know and as Shabibi said we think....."Very Soon"
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Thursday - June 21, 2012
Rasheed Bank proceed to open current accounts of the Islamic branches in Baghdad and Basra
Obliging the banks to raise capital
Central Bank: the project to delete the zeros from the currency represents a new infrastructure of the country
:: OLDIE but GOODIE :: FLASHBACK :: Republic of Iraq Ministry of Planning
The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies
Scooter Post: Critical Benchmark Being Met - "Re-Boot" of Two Government Banks
Urgent Sadrists will enter the coming elections in one list we share with the Iraqi Kurds. Thanks Bacardi Rick
Iraq parliament speaker threatens to oust premier
Iraq witnesses significant economic improvement – minister
Iraq lawmakers stop work until blast walls put back
Economic Committee decision: session Saturday sessions will be to establish economic laws
Article 140 Committee Announces Exchange 474 billion dinars for more than 57,000 family in Kirkuk
Urgent. Maliki calls for convening a special meeting of the House of Representatives Thanks Jimmy
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - June 21, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - June 21, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Highlights from the CBI/Economy News
"Central Bank: the project to delete the zeros from the currency represents a new infrastructure of the country"
The key statement in this article
He said...."This project represents the process of reforming the system of monetary management and the transition of large numbers to smaller numbers with the SAME VALUE OF THE CURRENCY WITHOUT AFFECTING THE TRADING CURRENCY, because the switch would be suitable for people getting used to the new currency trading." That is awesome...we believe that before they release those there will be some sort of revaluation and they are certainly giving us a pretty hard date out there when they really want this currency moving forward - my guess is they would probably hit that earlier than that date because they are staying pretty hard on that number out there...we wait and see...that bottom statement is the salient point out of this article
and remember...smaller numbers with the same value on the currency without affecting the trading currency - that means they want to keep the value of the two currencies identical until people get used to the new currency....Awesome article...
This process is moving forward quickly but moving one day at a time and they are pounding this drum and moving it out there
"FLASHBACK...Republic of Iraq Ministry of Planning" The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies
Several key statements from this
"It is demonstrated in this context to call for assessing the dinar for less than (3.208) dollar (official exchange rate) when assessing project outputs and inputs of traded goods of exports, substitute imports and imports... etc."
"Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities."
Listen to this part of the call - Great information shared about how confident you should be with your investment
"Economic Committee decision: session Saturday sessions will be to establish economic laws"
GREAT Article....We've talked about the privatization of the banks and getting this private sector started and what they needed to do - Shabibi came out and spoke about it ....
I about fell over when I read this article..this is exactly what he needs to get things jump started over there and get this rolling real fast.....Awesome....Shabibi spoke 2 weeks ago and now Parliament is coming back on Saturday and these are the things that we need
done......Guillotine process brought into Iraq in 2011 that helps them to speed up the these laws very quickly - sounds like they are going to do 1st and 2nd reading at the same time and then vote....modify and get the things they need done to move forward.....Great article...Lets see the actions now....Get in session and get it done
CBI - Tonight we talked about a Great post by Scooter (Thanks Scooter) with information about a CRITICAL BENCHMARK BEING MET - "RE-BOOT" OF TWO GOVERNMENT BANKS...we talked about the supporting documentation from the IMF - the big thing is for the banks to reset and re-calibrate these banks so that they get away from the government - this is a BIG step in moving forward and resetting these banks to come into the private sector - raising and recapitalizing all the banks is going to get them ready to deal with the money that is going to be coming in for investments as they well as the money they will have from the Revalue...
So Why would you have banks put up more capital if your money is not going to be worth more if you have a fractional banking system? Let me say that again........Why would you have to recapitalize your banks if you have valueless currency and you want them to have higher capital requirements..why would you do that? That must mean that they are going to be handling more money at some time in the future....well certainly they will be handling more investments coming thru....thats correct..but they are also wanting to handle the money from the Iraqi people so increasing the capitalization now so they will have the money to service this increase in demand for the banking sector as well as being able to grow with things that are invested in their banks.....
Remember we talked about people not wanting to put their money in banks - you really have to raise that capital because you know that you are going to increase your currency at some point in time..thats going to open up the flood gates...very important for things for them to move forward
We talked about the deletion of the zeros from Saleh...the salient point from this article -
He said...."This project represents the process of reforming the system of monetary management and the transition of large numbers to smaller numbers with the SAME VALUE OF THE CURRENCY WITHOUT AFFECTING THE TRADING CURRENCY,
because the switch would be suitable for people getting used to the new currency trading."
They are going to have the same value.......they are going to co-exist however long that will be they are going to co-exist til the people get used to it.. He also talked about in this article that everything is done...all the studies are done and it has been presented.
We talked about Ministry of Planning Feasibility Study
Oldie but Goodie Link...check it out and listen to the great discussion about this important document
Like a White paper from the Ministry of Planning.....talks about the exchange rate by the Ministry of Planning
It talks about the rate of 3.20 versus where they were as the official exchange rate and it says in the last sentence
"Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities."
Basically these are studies that say the bottom line it will support is 1.13 all the way up to $3.22 ...thats what the study said....
looked at it and asked if they could handle these rates ..they recommended the rate be low at the point in time this was put out based on the studies they put forward...don't get caught up on what it says...get caught up in the fact that they actually say this can be worth more than $ should make you feel confident when people say it will not be worth anything or $.01 or it is a scam...the bottom line rate is in this document from the MOP and other documents - this is where all of the others are getting these numbers from - There are accounting firms that went thru and did these same studies....came up with very similar numbers......
Think about how much more oil they are pumping much gold they have found since this study was much natural gas......etc etc ...this is after this Feasibility Study was done...Great Info.....When we talk about those things on our call and we give you our rate ranges this is just one of the document that backs up what we say.......Excellent article to read....
Listen to the beginning of the call during the CBI portion to hear so much more about this document and how confident you should feel with your investment based on documented information on the rates etc
As the government turns
One of the things Maliki did is he ticked off Nujaifi and Parliament
He took down the barriers - Well now they are not going to come to Parliament - He thought he could scare them off - not voting if he took the barriers down - They demanded they be put back up and now he has himself between a rock and a hard spot because he did something he shouldn't have - bascially they said if it is so secure take down the barriers everywhere including in front of your house Maliki...don't just do it in front of ours......
Nujaifi was out there big time today......Great to see
We learned the Sadrists and the Kurds are going to try and form one big political party which would give them the majority and would be able to let them form a goverment in an election - go after it in the election year coming up.....that should be scaring Maliki because his days are numbered...even he decides to pull this off and get into the next election unless he changes the Constitution and allows himself to run again which would pretty much be an act of war...very difficult for him to beat down this pressure that is coming up
We talked about the Saturday Session in Parliament - all the laws they need for investment and anything they need for the private sector including the 140, Oil & whole nine yards...all dedicated to this Saturdays session....
Lets see if they can get thru it........and get these done...
We talked about the 140 and the monies going to be passed out to these people....lot of dinars....lot of wealth going to be passed out to these people - could be a lot of influx into this country for rebuilding
Remember we talk about it....
What are they going to do with their money when they get it
What we would like them to do is stay cars...start businesses...don't take the monies out of the country...take the money and put it back into the economy here....
Just like what we do here..when our economy is going really well you are buying things - that money goes back to the retailers who in turn buy more goods...they can put people to work - all works very fast that way
Its very interesting all of that happening and moving
Been tremendous movement that we have seen from the Parliament and what they are doing and how they are doing things
its just great to see..I think we have reached a head to this and getting to the point where we are going to start to see some action
What Maliki did today was ticked off alot of people and set himself up for failure
We talked about the 15th postings appearing in the Arabic- one which was "Law of conservation of hydracarbon wealth No 84 for the year 1985" ...Could be some really great stuff in there....
As I always say...We don't know what we don't know.......we are about to find out some of those things that we don't know and as Shabibi said we think....."Very Soon"
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Thursday - June 21, 2012
Rasheed Bank proceed to open current accounts of the Islamic branches in Baghdad and Basra
Obliging the banks to raise capital
Central Bank: the project to delete the zeros from the currency represents a new infrastructure of the country
:: OLDIE but GOODIE :: FLASHBACK :: Republic of Iraq Ministry of Planning
The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies
Scooter Post: Critical Benchmark Being Met - "Re-Boot" of Two Government Banks
Urgent Sadrists will enter the coming elections in one list we share with the Iraqi Kurds. Thanks Bacardi Rick
Iraq parliament speaker threatens to oust premier
Iraq witnesses significant economic improvement – minister
Iraq lawmakers stop work until blast walls put back
Economic Committee decision: session Saturday sessions will be to establish economic laws
Article 140 Committee Announces Exchange 474 billion dinars for more than 57,000 family in Kirkuk
Urgent. Maliki calls for convening a special meeting of the House of Representatives Thanks Jimmy
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - June 21, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#