The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - Oct 11, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Recap of the News tonight
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article from the list at the bottom - the following is just a brief Recap)
Recap from the articles we read and discussed tonight.....
"Haitham al-Jubouri called "central" to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar"
What he is really calling for here is he would like to see the value of the dinar increase before they do the new budget
which is what the CBI had called for before - Now Remember lets see what has happened over the last couple of article comes out by one newspaper they are going to oust Shabibi which turns out to be false - only one other article that showed up that kinda backs that just a small bit and then they disappear - of course what happens is you get people rallying for the Central Bank and these articles start to come out - One of the things they would really like to do is to re-determine their budget if they are going to increase the value which they have to increase the value at some point in time - they would like to do it so that they can do the budget in the new dollars - you are going to see those articles come out in the next couple of days and you are going to hear the pros and cons for all of that coming out shortly which we would love to see..........more power to them.........keep on talking like that
The CBI came out and said the other day the deletion of the zeroes is not going away - we would like to get the new currency out there - we would like to do at the beginning of the year
Remember releasing that currency and adding value are two different things
it would make sense for them to add some value first and then release the new currency
That is kinda the thought process out there and we would love to see them follow that....we are with you all the way
"The signing of a cooperation protocol between Kurdistan and Dubai in the stock market and currency"
We read an article about Dubais and the Dubais traders wanting to have entry into the currency - to trade the currency because they see great value like everybody else - everybody is getting excited about it and wanting to participate in it and they were talking about trading the currency - well this is one of the first steps to getting the stock market going and to opening up trading so they can trade some of this currency and get involved in all of that and this is their first input in - we would like to see the secondary markets like the stock market starting to come to fruition because that is where people can go to raise capital
But it also interesting because of the fact they are doing this because of the article that we read about a month ago
where they talked whole heartedly about them wanting to get involved with the currency....
Here we see Step 1 ..........then we see step 2......and again when we see these articles why do these people want to get involved? These are people with money - they want to come in and they want to get involved with the GDP and the growth here and everybody wants to be in there - obviously they want to get involved with whats going on.....Love it
"Syrian crisis hit the local market and traders do not know where the money went"
Very you an idea of whats going on inside - The money is drying up, hard currency is driving up - salaries are fixed
Talks about the economy and how they relied on Syria for alot of things and how they rely on Iran - for their day to day goods
You think about the people they trade with and they talk about some of the money that went out of the country that didn't come back in goods and that affects their you an idea of whats going inside the economy
One of the things I am happy to see is what they are talking about since they got rid of the street changors and vendors - money is just really hard to come by - you have to go to the bank to get it - they are trying to figure out where it all goes to...and they always throw something in about the money that goes out
Really the money seems to be drying up - the merchants are out there trying to make a living and go - that all is good for us because You really need to add some value to currency to stimulate the economy
& it tells you how important these trade agreements they are trying to set up and getting other people to come in
You have your 2 trading partners under sanctions - you have that going on - You need to open up deals outside of the country - you have to bring new goods in and they are looking to China, etc to bring in these goods to start filling them in to get their economy going - Really good article
"Central Bank confirms that the policy reduced the difference between the exchange rate within and outside the Bank"
I like that article - it tells you alot about whats going on - how they really need to get the currency stabilized & that theres alot going on inside and outside the country and as I have said before you want those rates to very close to the actual rates as they are doing them - Very important if they are going to add value you don't want fluctuation in either direction and you really need to have that stabilized - these articles give us a great look into the economy and whats going on over there
All of the articles tonight we discussed are all signs that you would look for if you are trying to increase the value of currency - they are going in the right direction AS USUAL ....The CBI knows what they are doing...they know whats going on and they are getting it done
"Iyad Allawi offers three solutions to Talabani on the political crisis"
They are talking about the conditions that will come....these are good articles and you will see these......But remember Talabani is talking to the choir here - he knows what he needs to do to get these people - he was in the agreement and he knows what he needs to do - It is the agreement he needs from Maliki to make sure all of this stuff happens and Allawi giving his assurances and as long as we get the things that what we need we will be there - Talabani is saying yes we get this - Talabani is trying that end run and gathering all the information as we come back to get all their political stuff in line so when he sits in front of Maliki he can bring him everything that he needs to - Talabani is making sure that he gets his deals in order - lining up all the parties to make sure they everything signed that they need - we know they have to have Erbil in place before they go to the National Meeting
"The new U.S. ambassador arrives in Baghdad and sworn in as ambassador of his country to Iraq"
Good news - Beecroft is confirmed now - This is the guy that is supposed to put our political pressure on so we are going to keep an eye on what he has to say - hopefully he will put the pressure on them to get these deals done - we have him there now - we had nobody there for a few months - Certainly fantastic news our representative is now in place- these are the people we use for diplomatic pressure that need to be meeting with them telling them what the consequences are if you dont do XYZ...Love it and so very important
"Deputy for the rule of law: demanding the implementation of the Convention on Arbil to attend National impede meeting"
Trying to get everything done and of those news days you can say "no crap" to some of the news we read ....its because we know what needs to get done....we are looking at things that need to be there so that they can move forward and what we are seeing today is that all of the parties know what they want in the news and getting this stuff out there and they are all agreeing on that so its whether they are going to have the teeth to fight it when Maliki comes back and start to push everything forward
Remember Whats Maliki out there doing? He's out there trying to get weapons - and get a different ally other than the United States to protect themselves to stay in power and get some security for his people so he can gain popularity..
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team's News Coverage
for Thursday, October 11, 2012
Haitham al-Jubouri called "central" to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar
The signing of a cooperation protocol between Kurdistan and Dubai in the stock market and currency
Syrian crisis hit the local market and traders do not know where the money went
Central Bank confirms that the policy reduced the difference between the exchange rate within and outside the Bank
Iyad Allawi offers three solutions to Talabani on the political crisis
The new U.S. ambassador arrives in Baghdad and sworn in as ambassador of his country to Iraq
Deputy for the rule of law: demanding the implementation of the Convention on Arbil to attend National impede meeting
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - Oct 11, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues & Thurs 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - Oct 11, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Recap of the News tonight
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article from the list at the bottom - the following is just a brief Recap)
Recap from the articles we read and discussed tonight.....
"Haitham al-Jubouri called "central" to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar"
What he is really calling for here is he would like to see the value of the dinar increase before they do the new budget
which is what the CBI had called for before - Now Remember lets see what has happened over the last couple of article comes out by one newspaper they are going to oust Shabibi which turns out to be false - only one other article that showed up that kinda backs that just a small bit and then they disappear - of course what happens is you get people rallying for the Central Bank and these articles start to come out - One of the things they would really like to do is to re-determine their budget if they are going to increase the value which they have to increase the value at some point in time - they would like to do it so that they can do the budget in the new dollars - you are going to see those articles come out in the next couple of days and you are going to hear the pros and cons for all of that coming out shortly which we would love to see..........more power to them.........keep on talking like that
The CBI came out and said the other day the deletion of the zeroes is not going away - we would like to get the new currency out there - we would like to do at the beginning of the year
Remember releasing that currency and adding value are two different things
it would make sense for them to add some value first and then release the new currency
That is kinda the thought process out there and we would love to see them follow that....we are with you all the way
"The signing of a cooperation protocol between Kurdistan and Dubai in the stock market and currency"
We read an article about Dubais and the Dubais traders wanting to have entry into the currency - to trade the currency because they see great value like everybody else - everybody is getting excited about it and wanting to participate in it and they were talking about trading the currency - well this is one of the first steps to getting the stock market going and to opening up trading so they can trade some of this currency and get involved in all of that and this is their first input in - we would like to see the secondary markets like the stock market starting to come to fruition because that is where people can go to raise capital
But it also interesting because of the fact they are doing this because of the article that we read about a month ago
where they talked whole heartedly about them wanting to get involved with the currency....
Here we see Step 1 ..........then we see step 2......and again when we see these articles why do these people want to get involved? These are people with money - they want to come in and they want to get involved with the GDP and the growth here and everybody wants to be in there - obviously they want to get involved with whats going on.....Love it
"Syrian crisis hit the local market and traders do not know where the money went"
Very you an idea of whats going on inside - The money is drying up, hard currency is driving up - salaries are fixed
Talks about the economy and how they relied on Syria for alot of things and how they rely on Iran - for their day to day goods
You think about the people they trade with and they talk about some of the money that went out of the country that didn't come back in goods and that affects their you an idea of whats going inside the economy
One of the things I am happy to see is what they are talking about since they got rid of the street changors and vendors - money is just really hard to come by - you have to go to the bank to get it - they are trying to figure out where it all goes to...and they always throw something in about the money that goes out
Really the money seems to be drying up - the merchants are out there trying to make a living and go - that all is good for us because You really need to add some value to currency to stimulate the economy
& it tells you how important these trade agreements they are trying to set up and getting other people to come in
You have your 2 trading partners under sanctions - you have that going on - You need to open up deals outside of the country - you have to bring new goods in and they are looking to China, etc to bring in these goods to start filling them in to get their economy going - Really good article
"Central Bank confirms that the policy reduced the difference between the exchange rate within and outside the Bank"
I like that article - it tells you alot about whats going on - how they really need to get the currency stabilized & that theres alot going on inside and outside the country and as I have said before you want those rates to very close to the actual rates as they are doing them - Very important if they are going to add value you don't want fluctuation in either direction and you really need to have that stabilized - these articles give us a great look into the economy and whats going on over there
All of the articles tonight we discussed are all signs that you would look for if you are trying to increase the value of currency - they are going in the right direction AS USUAL ....The CBI knows what they are doing...they know whats going on and they are getting it done
"Iyad Allawi offers three solutions to Talabani on the political crisis"
They are talking about the conditions that will come....these are good articles and you will see these......But remember Talabani is talking to the choir here - he knows what he needs to do to get these people - he was in the agreement and he knows what he needs to do - It is the agreement he needs from Maliki to make sure all of this stuff happens and Allawi giving his assurances and as long as we get the things that what we need we will be there - Talabani is saying yes we get this - Talabani is trying that end run and gathering all the information as we come back to get all their political stuff in line so when he sits in front of Maliki he can bring him everything that he needs to - Talabani is making sure that he gets his deals in order - lining up all the parties to make sure they everything signed that they need - we know they have to have Erbil in place before they go to the National Meeting
"The new U.S. ambassador arrives in Baghdad and sworn in as ambassador of his country to Iraq"
Good news - Beecroft is confirmed now - This is the guy that is supposed to put our political pressure on so we are going to keep an eye on what he has to say - hopefully he will put the pressure on them to get these deals done - we have him there now - we had nobody there for a few months - Certainly fantastic news our representative is now in place- these are the people we use for diplomatic pressure that need to be meeting with them telling them what the consequences are if you dont do XYZ...Love it and so very important
"Deputy for the rule of law: demanding the implementation of the Convention on Arbil to attend National impede meeting"
Trying to get everything done and of those news days you can say "no crap" to some of the news we read ....its because we know what needs to get done....we are looking at things that need to be there so that they can move forward and what we are seeing today is that all of the parties know what they want in the news and getting this stuff out there and they are all agreeing on that so its whether they are going to have the teeth to fight it when Maliki comes back and start to push everything forward
Remember Whats Maliki out there doing? He's out there trying to get weapons - and get a different ally other than the United States to protect themselves to stay in power and get some security for his people so he can gain popularity..
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team's News Coverage
for Thursday, October 11, 2012
Haitham al-Jubouri called "central" to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar
The signing of a cooperation protocol between Kurdistan and Dubai in the stock market and currency
Syrian crisis hit the local market and traders do not know where the money went
Central Bank confirms that the policy reduced the difference between the exchange rate within and outside the Bank
Iyad Allawi offers three solutions to Talabani on the political crisis
The new U.S. ambassador arrives in Baghdad and sworn in as ambassador of his country to Iraq
Deputy for the rule of law: demanding the implementation of the Convention on Arbil to attend National impede meeting
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - Oct 11, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues & Thurs 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#