The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - July 5, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Highlights from some of the News Articles Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below - the following are the highlights after the articles were read and a Recap follows)
"Parliamentary Finance: Central Bank will continue to receive the old currency for a period of ten years"
Shabibi Had a meeting with Maliki a year ago on June 19, 2011...So lets see they were ready a year ago...Its now July 5, 2012 - yes I would say they are ready to go...
This is going to be "RV for Dummies" ...Let me break this down and understand why this is so important so all of the misinformation can go away..
You have 30 trillion dinars...thats the total M3 money have an internal money supply whats in the bank and whats in the Iraqis pockets..thats the M1 money supply...thats a smaller portion of the total money supply..there are countries that hold dinar
We hold dinar in another country...Theres 15 trillion or less in country...most of that other is held outside of the country..there is not much held in the banks
The reason this 10 yr period is so important is because when other countries cash out there money it goes to their Central Bank...Ours goes to the Federal Reserve Bank
Now they are not like all of us ...we just hit the lotto and going to run and cash in your money and go out and spend it...
Central Banks are going to hold onto that money which means the have a 10 yr period to exchange what they have in their reserves
for the new money.....they do that ...we don't do that....we just trade it in...this is almost like depreciating this money over 10 yrs for him as far as paying for the RV.....they are making it very clear to the world each time we see one of these articles that there is going to be a 10 yr period for these Central Banks to do that...
Now we may only have 2 yrs which is what they say and we are in this concurrently for 2 yrs and the new currency is
coming out ....We believe that sometime before this currency comes out this RV will take place because you can't issue the new currency with money that is worthless because it costs more to print it than it does...Now the debate can rage on all it wants on whether or not they are ready but when you have the Governor of the Bank a year ago telling them they are ready to do this and they wanted to do as of January of this year..June last year they went to Maliki and said we are ready to do this 2012...well all of the political stuff went on so they moved it to 2013 so they are beyond the point of no return..they know they are going to do this and that this is going to we move along this ride they are giving us all of friendly information to keep everybody on board...
Now everybody can come up with their theories and all of that other stuff...they are not not going to lop their currency...they are not going to take value away from it...we here on this team believe that this investment will be worth more than what we paid for it at some time in the future..period... end of story...You can talk about all of the other theories, etc but this is basically what these articles are telling us and that the Finance Committee is on board...I don't think we have had this kind of response from the Finance Committe ever....its almost like they are over zealous at the Finance Committee- they don't understand the difference between oversight and monetary policy..they think they have to implement all of they are out
there blabbering and talking away...half the time in these articles they don't know what they are are talking about - so when you read an article make sure where it is coming it coming from the Finance Commitee or is it coming from Shabibi at the CBI...the more correct information is going to come from the CBI....the overblown info from the Finance Committes because they truly do not understand what that process we really need to make sure you understand your frame of reference when you read these articles...but this is another article that lets us know that as they have been telling us for the last 1 1/2 years...there will be a 2 yr period...currencies will run concurrent which means they will have equal value....they keep on telling us that...and that at some point in time over 10 yrs people can turn these in and when they talk about people they are talking about the Central Banks...
It is truly that simple...people try to overcomplicate it....
Arthur....I think whats important Mike is that we now see a convergence of all these agencies and entities in Iraq all on the same page at you said the Finance Commitee may go a little overboard and not be totally in sync with Shabibi and the CBI but they are on board....we remember earlier in the year when Shabibi himself was trying to maek sure that Parliament and the
Council of Ministers and the Finance Commitee everybody would get on board..because he was already ready then - slowly seeing the convergence of all of these entities getting on board and as you said we can beat this to death all day about if and when they are ready and what Shabibi is looking for and all that but we can see they are telling us everything we need to know....and that everybody is on board and ready...So we wait for the Next Step
Mike and Arthur:
Have you ever seen the Finance Commitee this positive about this particular event since you have been in this investment?
Actually the Finance Committee is one of the entities I have been waiting on to get to this point...they were the one kinda lagging
behind...even to the point where I was wondering if is was going to happen and if it did they would maybe have to go around the Finance Commitee but they are now blowing a horn just as loud if not louder than the Central Bank...This is a good omen for us - overzealous and maybe not knowing completely what they are talking about but they are anxious..and this is a big deal - to actually delete the zeroes and raise the currency rate in Iraq after so many years is a major deal and I think the Finance Commitee just wants to be on board and let the citizens know Yes we were all of part of this too and we are on board and this is going to happen...
"JD .. published decisions of the Commission amend the investment law"
Investment Laws hmmm....Wonder if they had any help with those...wonder if The Guillotine Process was involved......
You know we talk about how quickly things can get done - Why are these important? Remember Saddam - part of their Constitution that they gave all of the power to pretty much the dictator so
instead of gutting everything they took their Constitution..reworked it and added things..kept things..knowing that down the road they would have to get rid of these things...when we look at the Future of Iraq Project the last part of this is getting the banking and investments on line...Now its hard to say what can come first...the cart or the can RV your money and eventually whats going to happen is you have a ton of people coming in and investing because the money has now you have have a solvent are guarateed...its a huge influx...people will run because it is guaranteed money...if I told you could put in 15 million homes and you had no worries about getting paid for those homes you just had to go build them you are there...its profit and once your contracts are signed your profits are guaranteed for the 2, 3, 4, 5 yrs..the length of the project companies will run - - they need to make sure these laws are in place to handle these investors coming in wanting to buy land..wanting to buy things....we saw articles today about the malls going up....these are just like malls we have...local malls with all of the vendors....these are modern malls that you see everyday where you are at.....these are the type of investments that are going to be flowing in - You do NOT do this if you have a valueless some point in time that RV has to take place which is going to ignite all of this so the regulations need to be in place and that is what we are seeing happening now - They are struggling to get this done very quickly and they are moving and it's been a topic of conversation - I don't know if it has been voted on or where they are at with it but there is alot moving and we are keeping our eye on it making sure that it goes because all of this needs to be in place at or about the time they are ready to RVs because it influxes...
We are seeing contracts that they are starting to be signed in dinars to smaller companies that are willing to come over and sign them in people are really starting to take a risk at this at some point in time...waiting to see how this is all going to work out and they take educated risks when they do these things....
We are starting to see what we need to see with the banking sector coming on line and with the banks being the centerpiece of loaning money and making sure they can do that properly once these regulations are in place the banking system will need to have fuel and that fuel is the RV...that fuel is the money coming into the economy and that will ignite this banking system and ignite this country very quickly so it is nice to see these things moving and getting themselves into position to take advantage of this when it
Arthur & Mike have a great discussion about all of the companies and deals..Automobiles...Kia...GM..Ford...etc.....and why these companies are running to Iraq (listen to the recording)
Just the very fact that this is happening right now ...The fact that they are putting their investment laws in place and the fact that these huge companies are going to do business with Iraq right now it bodes 100% well not only for our investment but where we are for all of this to it show that our investment has bite and backing....very exciting and shows us we are in a very good place..
"Energy Commission confirms the enactment of the oil and gas during the next two months"
"We are forced to vote on the law during the next two months, the law technically written in 2007 and did not see the legislative light to now"
In process and moving forward....funny the only thing the people in the community see is it is going to take two months..No think about the progress we have made with this Oil & Gas Law...they are now putting it is now front and now has to go forward...I contend that Shabibi needs to know whether or not his contracts that are signed are going to be legal and constitutional so that he knows that the lifeblood of his economy is going to happen and come forward...Once he knows or he has guarantees that will happen he is going to move forward...but that is the most important part for him
He has to know and for this to come out front and center....this is what we want to see get done...It is on the agenda - they are talking about moving it forward and actually bringing it out and the one we want done is the one from 2007 because that is the one that has teeth that gives a little bit of automony back to Barzani and those guys...they know what they have - down in Kurdistan their govts are operating - they are building things...they are giving away money....all they need to know is make sure these oil contracts that they have signed..45 of them...are going to be legal and that is what they are fighting about in this whole thing
But to have this move forward is a major piece of legislation that will come to putting these parties to rest and it is my opinion this is probably all part of what they are negotiating on to get these meetings done and to move forward - nice to see that these things are on the means things are moving forward all over the place...Very Very major step...
Everybody sees two months and gets upset in our community....but LJ has taught us all how to look at the words they are using...
nowhere in that article did it say even this law was going to be in 2 actually said they confirmed the enactment of the law of oil and gas DURING THE NEXT FEW MONTHS...during the next two months could be tomorrow.....Some of the other wording in the article it said "the next session of the House of Representatives will put the oil & gas law... to create a parliamentary law to provide vote within the council"
So they are going to put the law up in the next meeting of Parliament within the next said the current time is appropriate to vote on the OIl & Gas law to regulate everything....This is something that is happening NOW..
Barney: Read an article yesterday where Barzani came right out and said "that the new future and even the past contracts are for the Country of Iraq....and he was basically going away from the Kurdistan saying we are now for IRAQ...and why would he do that? Because he knows what is coming up.....It leads us to believe he is on board with this and they are moving forward
We are Now for Iraq is a Very significant statement...with what we are seeing on our side...somebody has done something behind the scenes
Mike, Barney & Arthur discuss more about the different versions of the Law and the contracts..listen to the recording for more
"Banking expert: Iraqi dinar to the economic stability needed to be desirable in the outside"
"He added that the Central Bank of afraid to enter the counterfiet currency when allowing entry and exit of the Iraqi currency, but allowed to get out of the country will force countries to deal with and become internationaly accepted and has a real value against other currencies"
That sentence doesn't sound like I am going to have to fly back and get my money to Iraq like others in the community threw out there.....This is just good news....its called internationally traded currency and they are working towards it...This is how the process works....This article was fantastic......all the steps they are taking to make it an internationally traded currency
Right now before the RV they are limiting the amount of money that goes outside the country...brilliant idea...logical step
Talks about this becoming a Hard currency...a hard currency is a currency that Federal Reserves keep in reserves so they can add to their 63 billion in reserves because it has value and it doesn't fluctuate.... like gold..silver...dinars won't fluctuate because it is a managed float and they have value based on what they have in the country...(listen to the recording for more)
LJ & Mike discuss a CBI article and Shabibi...what a brilliant man he is and how this process has taken place ( listen to recording)
"Kurdistan Alliance: our discussions with the federal government failed to reach a result and are continuing to question al-Maliki and the withdrawal of confidence"
The reason I included this article is because I wanted you to see that I told you they were not going to take their foot off the gas pedal on wanting to remove Maliki but you have to realize we had various stories that came out and the one that came out that really stood out to me was one that stipulated Noone believes in Maliki promises...he said he has done so many things Mike said earlier these articles are starting to show redundancy here...I brought this up because I want you to know just because we believe we are on the verge of something huge here
Kurdistan Aliance said they are okay with getting the reforms.....and they will go ahead and as soon as they get the reforms which is Erbil Agreement we will step away from the No-conf vote but they never backed away from questioning him..we always thought it would be a watered down event when they did do this....Now they are basically saying we have met .... and these reforms that these people are writing initiatives inside these reforms and wanting them to dialogue on these things..this is what Maliki has wanted this whole is almost feeling like Maliki is getting his way with having a dialogue instead of Erbil....Allawi is saying just give us Erbil and lets move on from here...You want to continue to muddy the water by throwing these other things in here...everybody thinks you are wasting time..
we are telling you we are going to remove confidence from you when Parliament returns - you have a window of time to get this done....we are seeing what the CBI is doing and how they are waiting for things to happen and so right now Kurdistan is NOT going to let up and they shouldn't and we shouldn't expect them to...we should expect them to hold the petal to the metal until he gives them what they want....sending a message to him and they are sticking to what they want...I think we are going to see resolve thru reform..they are just sticking to their guns....
Once they give us Erbil and Shabibi does what he needs to do to get us where we need to be...we won't care what they do with Maliki after that....Iraqiya List and Kurdistan have to keep the pressure on ...thats is there job...(listen to the recording for rest of the discussion)
"Khuzaie to a U.S. official: the political crisis is over and we will work to bring the parties to dismantle the various differences"
He works for Talabani.....Khuzaie saying we are going to work these reforms...we are going to bring this all together....and then you have our US Ambassador show up with a delegation in his office today and he says we are on the path to reform...even though we have faced obstacles we are going to get this done...don't worry about it ...the crisis is over and we will work to get all of the parties together to dismantle the differences....I hate hearing the crisis is over because we do not have Erbil...when the crisis is really over is when we have the Erbil Agreement but we are moving in the steps that Mike talked about..starting to see these little baby steps are making progress...We are one step closer with the CBI and the government to getting things done because they are praising Khuzaie's efforts in bringing all of the people together in a framework of unity to make them strong...What we are seeing is Talabani that has now been corresponding with all of the people of Iraq and especially Khuzaie
and you have an interaction with US Ambassador and Khuzaie who has been working for the betterment of bringing the reforms and finding the common ground to get it done.......this news is just so common sense and to the point.....we are watching something happen right now
(LJ, Arthur & Barney discuss more about this and how they are working Right NOW behind the scenes prior to the Parliament meeting before the 10th..great info..must listen to ..... listen to the recording)
"State law: the repair option is a suitable alternative and is currently available out of the crisis"
All they are saying is compromise..compromise....compromise...
We really would love to get rid of Maliki but The Natl Alliance has put together this reform committee and we tried to make
the environment pleasant for all parties because Hakim is a diplomat and tried to figure out all desires of each party
They got to the hot points of each - we know that the Kurds want HCL and Article 140....we know that Allawi wants the NCSP
and we know that Maliki doesn't want to be questioned....the fact that they are saying now that this is the only choice we have to take a path that gives us an advantage and gives us an opportunity to make sure that our government succeeds and by doing that the Reform Committee is basically taking the option of declining to withdraw confidence off if possible and also having an option - we don't have to adhere to it - we can try to remove confidence but if he does these things then we can see him not being interrogated as well...we will not care about whether or not they do what they want to with Maliki AFTER he gives us the Erbil Agreement...and this is just saying in order for us to have this work and everybody get what they want ...Allawi gets what he wants... Barzani gets what he wants...Maliki gets what he wants...its a recipe for success and coming up with an Erbil Agreement and thats all I care about right now....They have to compromise...they are not going to get out of this any other way...this is the only path they can take...they have already worked it out...each of them willing to take steps back in order to see the progress of the whole.........todays news is really really good...Arthur talks about how they forming sorta of a Super Committee to get this done.
With the CBI and the government articles we are seeing we have front row seats because noone really cares about what is going on in Iraq except us...We have front row seats to watching democracy there so they can have an RV....we have to work backwards from the completion and see the steps backward in order to get to the completed event and thats why we have ringside seat to watching all of the completed steps...although they are small.....and they are killing us....we want this RV NOW
LJ: Talabani watch again today..but he didn't show up ...don't know what is going on with the guy..Maybe they can get him a bionic knee....maybe he can get in touch with Steve Austin and they can work this thing out....He can run from and get there in 3
Mikes thoughts on Talabani..think that there might be a lot more negotiations going on behind the scenes where he is not in the news - don't think he is bad off as everybody says he is..I don't think he is outside of the country for this so can't really keep major illnesses a problem...boy when these guys want to disappear they really can disappear but alot seems to get done when they do...
We read an article talked about the CBI being done and ready to go last year at this time..great articles....
We talked about if there was one article that everybody needs to read is "JD published decisions of the Commission to amend the Investment Law ...Talks about the investment laws that are on track and need to be done and get everything moving forward
We talked about companies coming in - these laws that need to be put in place to let the expansion of the dinar when they add value to it...Bring this investment in - ability to buy land..etc
We talked about a great article ...for all of those people who have fears about this currency being worthless need to read this "Banking expert: Iraqi Dinar to the economic stability needed to be desirable in the outside"..Talked about it becoming an international currency and how it moves forward thru the system....Discussed how the banks outside are going to be forced to deal with it because it is going to be valuable and it is going to be a reserve currency and that it is going to have value....probably one of the most awesome articles we have read in a long time about what the outside is looking at when all of this happens
We talked about the Oil & Gas law - bringing this up in the next session which is the current session July 10 - good news from that article is they are talking about it now and it is all in play
Both the CBI and the government sides "perfect storm is coming" its brewing on both sides of this...CBI is ready and willing to wait for the government to finish up in order them to accomplish what they want
We have the CBI and the Finance Committee on the same page which we have not seen in a long time and this train is moving forward and we are here watching it as the scenery goes by and it all looks great
Allawi supposedly has a victory he is talking about in Amman Jordan...Barzani saying we are tired of everything..we should have had 140 a long time ago....If you give us what we want we just might pull No-confidence off the table and take off questioning
But until you do this and we are going to stick to our guns and hold pressure on you....Based on what Shabibi is telling us and Parliament they have to start and implement these laws
CBI has to implement the 3 zeroes to get their economy back in line
They just have to do what they set out to do back in 2010 and set this government the way it was meant to be and then Maliki just goes off on his own...They are going to stick to their guns and we are going to hear REFORM REFORM
Everybody is line....Sadr came out today - I am stickin with it but lets not forget if we go to a No-Confidence Vote he's going against Maliki.....We have a proper environment to knock this thing out...get rid of it....set it behind us...Get our government one for the people if you guys would just continue on with where we started and where we are today...Beautiful thing to watch..all of the parties are saying the right things and the parties that need to stick to their guns are sticking to their guns...
Don't wory...don't panic...the perfect storm is brewing...we are just watching is fun to watch...tedious but fun
This is your dues for getting the kind of windfall you could possibly get with the RV of the dinar....This is the price we all pay........
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike plus LJ's NEXT STEP On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Thursday, - July 5, 2012
Energy Commission confirms the enactment of the oil and gas during the next two months
Parliamentary Finance: Central Bank will continue to receive the old currency for a period of ten years
Banking expert: Iraqi dinar to the economic stability needed to be desirable in the outside
JD .. published decisions of the Commission amend the investment law
Khuzaie to a U.S. official: the political crisis is over and we will work to bring the parties to dismantle the various differences
State law: the repair option is a suitable alternative and is currently available out of the crisis
Kurdistan Alliance: our discussions with the federal government failed to reach a result and are continuing to question al-Maliki and the withdrawal of confidence
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - July 5, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - July 5, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Highlights from some of the News Articles Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below - the following are the highlights after the articles were read and a Recap follows)
"Parliamentary Finance: Central Bank will continue to receive the old currency for a period of ten years"
Shabibi Had a meeting with Maliki a year ago on June 19, 2011...So lets see they were ready a year ago...Its now July 5, 2012 - yes I would say they are ready to go...
This is going to be "RV for Dummies" ...Let me break this down and understand why this is so important so all of the misinformation can go away..
You have 30 trillion dinars...thats the total M3 money have an internal money supply whats in the bank and whats in the Iraqis pockets..thats the M1 money supply...thats a smaller portion of the total money supply..there are countries that hold dinar
We hold dinar in another country...Theres 15 trillion or less in country...most of that other is held outside of the country..there is not much held in the banks
The reason this 10 yr period is so important is because when other countries cash out there money it goes to their Central Bank...Ours goes to the Federal Reserve Bank
Now they are not like all of us ...we just hit the lotto and going to run and cash in your money and go out and spend it...
Central Banks are going to hold onto that money which means the have a 10 yr period to exchange what they have in their reserves
for the new money.....they do that ...we don't do that....we just trade it in...this is almost like depreciating this money over 10 yrs for him as far as paying for the RV.....they are making it very clear to the world each time we see one of these articles that there is going to be a 10 yr period for these Central Banks to do that...
Now we may only have 2 yrs which is what they say and we are in this concurrently for 2 yrs and the new currency is
coming out ....We believe that sometime before this currency comes out this RV will take place because you can't issue the new currency with money that is worthless because it costs more to print it than it does...Now the debate can rage on all it wants on whether or not they are ready but when you have the Governor of the Bank a year ago telling them they are ready to do this and they wanted to do as of January of this year..June last year they went to Maliki and said we are ready to do this 2012...well all of the political stuff went on so they moved it to 2013 so they are beyond the point of no return..they know they are going to do this and that this is going to we move along this ride they are giving us all of friendly information to keep everybody on board...
Now everybody can come up with their theories and all of that other stuff...they are not not going to lop their currency...they are not going to take value away from it...we here on this team believe that this investment will be worth more than what we paid for it at some time in the future..period... end of story...You can talk about all of the other theories, etc but this is basically what these articles are telling us and that the Finance Committee is on board...I don't think we have had this kind of response from the Finance Committe ever....its almost like they are over zealous at the Finance Committee- they don't understand the difference between oversight and monetary policy..they think they have to implement all of they are out
there blabbering and talking away...half the time in these articles they don't know what they are are talking about - so when you read an article make sure where it is coming it coming from the Finance Commitee or is it coming from Shabibi at the CBI...the more correct information is going to come from the CBI....the overblown info from the Finance Committes because they truly do not understand what that process we really need to make sure you understand your frame of reference when you read these articles...but this is another article that lets us know that as they have been telling us for the last 1 1/2 years...there will be a 2 yr period...currencies will run concurrent which means they will have equal value....they keep on telling us that...and that at some point in time over 10 yrs people can turn these in and when they talk about people they are talking about the Central Banks...
It is truly that simple...people try to overcomplicate it....
Arthur....I think whats important Mike is that we now see a convergence of all these agencies and entities in Iraq all on the same page at you said the Finance Commitee may go a little overboard and not be totally in sync with Shabibi and the CBI but they are on board....we remember earlier in the year when Shabibi himself was trying to maek sure that Parliament and the
Council of Ministers and the Finance Commitee everybody would get on board..because he was already ready then - slowly seeing the convergence of all of these entities getting on board and as you said we can beat this to death all day about if and when they are ready and what Shabibi is looking for and all that but we can see they are telling us everything we need to know....and that everybody is on board and ready...So we wait for the Next Step
Mike and Arthur:
Have you ever seen the Finance Commitee this positive about this particular event since you have been in this investment?
Actually the Finance Committee is one of the entities I have been waiting on to get to this point...they were the one kinda lagging
behind...even to the point where I was wondering if is was going to happen and if it did they would maybe have to go around the Finance Commitee but they are now blowing a horn just as loud if not louder than the Central Bank...This is a good omen for us - overzealous and maybe not knowing completely what they are talking about but they are anxious..and this is a big deal - to actually delete the zeroes and raise the currency rate in Iraq after so many years is a major deal and I think the Finance Commitee just wants to be on board and let the citizens know Yes we were all of part of this too and we are on board and this is going to happen...
"JD .. published decisions of the Commission amend the investment law"
Investment Laws hmmm....Wonder if they had any help with those...wonder if The Guillotine Process was involved......
You know we talk about how quickly things can get done - Why are these important? Remember Saddam - part of their Constitution that they gave all of the power to pretty much the dictator so
instead of gutting everything they took their Constitution..reworked it and added things..kept things..knowing that down the road they would have to get rid of these things...when we look at the Future of Iraq Project the last part of this is getting the banking and investments on line...Now its hard to say what can come first...the cart or the can RV your money and eventually whats going to happen is you have a ton of people coming in and investing because the money has now you have have a solvent are guarateed...its a huge influx...people will run because it is guaranteed money...if I told you could put in 15 million homes and you had no worries about getting paid for those homes you just had to go build them you are there...its profit and once your contracts are signed your profits are guaranteed for the 2, 3, 4, 5 yrs..the length of the project companies will run - - they need to make sure these laws are in place to handle these investors coming in wanting to buy land..wanting to buy things....we saw articles today about the malls going up....these are just like malls we have...local malls with all of the vendors....these are modern malls that you see everyday where you are at.....these are the type of investments that are going to be flowing in - You do NOT do this if you have a valueless some point in time that RV has to take place which is going to ignite all of this so the regulations need to be in place and that is what we are seeing happening now - They are struggling to get this done very quickly and they are moving and it's been a topic of conversation - I don't know if it has been voted on or where they are at with it but there is alot moving and we are keeping our eye on it making sure that it goes because all of this needs to be in place at or about the time they are ready to RVs because it influxes...
We are seeing contracts that they are starting to be signed in dinars to smaller companies that are willing to come over and sign them in people are really starting to take a risk at this at some point in time...waiting to see how this is all going to work out and they take educated risks when they do these things....
We are starting to see what we need to see with the banking sector coming on line and with the banks being the centerpiece of loaning money and making sure they can do that properly once these regulations are in place the banking system will need to have fuel and that fuel is the RV...that fuel is the money coming into the economy and that will ignite this banking system and ignite this country very quickly so it is nice to see these things moving and getting themselves into position to take advantage of this when it
Arthur & Mike have a great discussion about all of the companies and deals..Automobiles...Kia...GM..Ford...etc.....and why these companies are running to Iraq (listen to the recording)
Just the very fact that this is happening right now ...The fact that they are putting their investment laws in place and the fact that these huge companies are going to do business with Iraq right now it bodes 100% well not only for our investment but where we are for all of this to it show that our investment has bite and backing....very exciting and shows us we are in a very good place..
"Energy Commission confirms the enactment of the oil and gas during the next two months"
"We are forced to vote on the law during the next two months, the law technically written in 2007 and did not see the legislative light to now"
In process and moving forward....funny the only thing the people in the community see is it is going to take two months..No think about the progress we have made with this Oil & Gas Law...they are now putting it is now front and now has to go forward...I contend that Shabibi needs to know whether or not his contracts that are signed are going to be legal and constitutional so that he knows that the lifeblood of his economy is going to happen and come forward...Once he knows or he has guarantees that will happen he is going to move forward...but that is the most important part for him
He has to know and for this to come out front and center....this is what we want to see get done...It is on the agenda - they are talking about moving it forward and actually bringing it out and the one we want done is the one from 2007 because that is the one that has teeth that gives a little bit of automony back to Barzani and those guys...they know what they have - down in Kurdistan their govts are operating - they are building things...they are giving away money....all they need to know is make sure these oil contracts that they have signed..45 of them...are going to be legal and that is what they are fighting about in this whole thing
But to have this move forward is a major piece of legislation that will come to putting these parties to rest and it is my opinion this is probably all part of what they are negotiating on to get these meetings done and to move forward - nice to see that these things are on the means things are moving forward all over the place...Very Very major step...
Everybody sees two months and gets upset in our community....but LJ has taught us all how to look at the words they are using...
nowhere in that article did it say even this law was going to be in 2 actually said they confirmed the enactment of the law of oil and gas DURING THE NEXT FEW MONTHS...during the next two months could be tomorrow.....Some of the other wording in the article it said "the next session of the House of Representatives will put the oil & gas law... to create a parliamentary law to provide vote within the council"
So they are going to put the law up in the next meeting of Parliament within the next said the current time is appropriate to vote on the OIl & Gas law to regulate everything....This is something that is happening NOW..
Barney: Read an article yesterday where Barzani came right out and said "that the new future and even the past contracts are for the Country of Iraq....and he was basically going away from the Kurdistan saying we are now for IRAQ...and why would he do that? Because he knows what is coming up.....It leads us to believe he is on board with this and they are moving forward
We are Now for Iraq is a Very significant statement...with what we are seeing on our side...somebody has done something behind the scenes
Mike, Barney & Arthur discuss more about the different versions of the Law and the contracts..listen to the recording for more
"Banking expert: Iraqi dinar to the economic stability needed to be desirable in the outside"
"He added that the Central Bank of afraid to enter the counterfiet currency when allowing entry and exit of the Iraqi currency, but allowed to get out of the country will force countries to deal with and become internationaly accepted and has a real value against other currencies"
That sentence doesn't sound like I am going to have to fly back and get my money to Iraq like others in the community threw out there.....This is just good news....its called internationally traded currency and they are working towards it...This is how the process works....This article was fantastic......all the steps they are taking to make it an internationally traded currency
Right now before the RV they are limiting the amount of money that goes outside the country...brilliant idea...logical step
Talks about this becoming a Hard currency...a hard currency is a currency that Federal Reserves keep in reserves so they can add to their 63 billion in reserves because it has value and it doesn't fluctuate.... like gold..silver...dinars won't fluctuate because it is a managed float and they have value based on what they have in the country...(listen to the recording for more)
LJ & Mike discuss a CBI article and Shabibi...what a brilliant man he is and how this process has taken place ( listen to recording)
"Kurdistan Alliance: our discussions with the federal government failed to reach a result and are continuing to question al-Maliki and the withdrawal of confidence"
The reason I included this article is because I wanted you to see that I told you they were not going to take their foot off the gas pedal on wanting to remove Maliki but you have to realize we had various stories that came out and the one that came out that really stood out to me was one that stipulated Noone believes in Maliki promises...he said he has done so many things Mike said earlier these articles are starting to show redundancy here...I brought this up because I want you to know just because we believe we are on the verge of something huge here
Kurdistan Aliance said they are okay with getting the reforms.....and they will go ahead and as soon as they get the reforms which is Erbil Agreement we will step away from the No-conf vote but they never backed away from questioning him..we always thought it would be a watered down event when they did do this....Now they are basically saying we have met .... and these reforms that these people are writing initiatives inside these reforms and wanting them to dialogue on these things..this is what Maliki has wanted this whole is almost feeling like Maliki is getting his way with having a dialogue instead of Erbil....Allawi is saying just give us Erbil and lets move on from here...You want to continue to muddy the water by throwing these other things in here...everybody thinks you are wasting time..
we are telling you we are going to remove confidence from you when Parliament returns - you have a window of time to get this done....we are seeing what the CBI is doing and how they are waiting for things to happen and so right now Kurdistan is NOT going to let up and they shouldn't and we shouldn't expect them to...we should expect them to hold the petal to the metal until he gives them what they want....sending a message to him and they are sticking to what they want...I think we are going to see resolve thru reform..they are just sticking to their guns....
Once they give us Erbil and Shabibi does what he needs to do to get us where we need to be...we won't care what they do with Maliki after that....Iraqiya List and Kurdistan have to keep the pressure on ...thats is there job...(listen to the recording for rest of the discussion)
"Khuzaie to a U.S. official: the political crisis is over and we will work to bring the parties to dismantle the various differences"
He works for Talabani.....Khuzaie saying we are going to work these reforms...we are going to bring this all together....and then you have our US Ambassador show up with a delegation in his office today and he says we are on the path to reform...even though we have faced obstacles we are going to get this done...don't worry about it ...the crisis is over and we will work to get all of the parties together to dismantle the differences....I hate hearing the crisis is over because we do not have Erbil...when the crisis is really over is when we have the Erbil Agreement but we are moving in the steps that Mike talked about..starting to see these little baby steps are making progress...We are one step closer with the CBI and the government to getting things done because they are praising Khuzaie's efforts in bringing all of the people together in a framework of unity to make them strong...What we are seeing is Talabani that has now been corresponding with all of the people of Iraq and especially Khuzaie
and you have an interaction with US Ambassador and Khuzaie who has been working for the betterment of bringing the reforms and finding the common ground to get it done.......this news is just so common sense and to the point.....we are watching something happen right now
(LJ, Arthur & Barney discuss more about this and how they are working Right NOW behind the scenes prior to the Parliament meeting before the 10th..great info..must listen to ..... listen to the recording)
"State law: the repair option is a suitable alternative and is currently available out of the crisis"
All they are saying is compromise..compromise....compromise...
We really would love to get rid of Maliki but The Natl Alliance has put together this reform committee and we tried to make
the environment pleasant for all parties because Hakim is a diplomat and tried to figure out all desires of each party
They got to the hot points of each - we know that the Kurds want HCL and Article 140....we know that Allawi wants the NCSP
and we know that Maliki doesn't want to be questioned....the fact that they are saying now that this is the only choice we have to take a path that gives us an advantage and gives us an opportunity to make sure that our government succeeds and by doing that the Reform Committee is basically taking the option of declining to withdraw confidence off if possible and also having an option - we don't have to adhere to it - we can try to remove confidence but if he does these things then we can see him not being interrogated as well...we will not care about whether or not they do what they want to with Maliki AFTER he gives us the Erbil Agreement...and this is just saying in order for us to have this work and everybody get what they want ...Allawi gets what he wants... Barzani gets what he wants...Maliki gets what he wants...its a recipe for success and coming up with an Erbil Agreement and thats all I care about right now....They have to compromise...they are not going to get out of this any other way...this is the only path they can take...they have already worked it out...each of them willing to take steps back in order to see the progress of the whole.........todays news is really really good...Arthur talks about how they forming sorta of a Super Committee to get this done.
With the CBI and the government articles we are seeing we have front row seats because noone really cares about what is going on in Iraq except us...We have front row seats to watching democracy there so they can have an RV....we have to work backwards from the completion and see the steps backward in order to get to the completed event and thats why we have ringside seat to watching all of the completed steps...although they are small.....and they are killing us....we want this RV NOW
LJ: Talabani watch again today..but he didn't show up ...don't know what is going on with the guy..Maybe they can get him a bionic knee....maybe he can get in touch with Steve Austin and they can work this thing out....He can run from and get there in 3
Mikes thoughts on Talabani..think that there might be a lot more negotiations going on behind the scenes where he is not in the news - don't think he is bad off as everybody says he is..I don't think he is outside of the country for this so can't really keep major illnesses a problem...boy when these guys want to disappear they really can disappear but alot seems to get done when they do...
We read an article talked about the CBI being done and ready to go last year at this time..great articles....
We talked about if there was one article that everybody needs to read is "JD published decisions of the Commission to amend the Investment Law ...Talks about the investment laws that are on track and need to be done and get everything moving forward
We talked about companies coming in - these laws that need to be put in place to let the expansion of the dinar when they add value to it...Bring this investment in - ability to buy land..etc
We talked about a great article ...for all of those people who have fears about this currency being worthless need to read this "Banking expert: Iraqi Dinar to the economic stability needed to be desirable in the outside"..Talked about it becoming an international currency and how it moves forward thru the system....Discussed how the banks outside are going to be forced to deal with it because it is going to be valuable and it is going to be a reserve currency and that it is going to have value....probably one of the most awesome articles we have read in a long time about what the outside is looking at when all of this happens
We talked about the Oil & Gas law - bringing this up in the next session which is the current session July 10 - good news from that article is they are talking about it now and it is all in play
Both the CBI and the government sides "perfect storm is coming" its brewing on both sides of this...CBI is ready and willing to wait for the government to finish up in order them to accomplish what they want
We have the CBI and the Finance Committee on the same page which we have not seen in a long time and this train is moving forward and we are here watching it as the scenery goes by and it all looks great
Allawi supposedly has a victory he is talking about in Amman Jordan...Barzani saying we are tired of everything..we should have had 140 a long time ago....If you give us what we want we just might pull No-confidence off the table and take off questioning
But until you do this and we are going to stick to our guns and hold pressure on you....Based on what Shabibi is telling us and Parliament they have to start and implement these laws
CBI has to implement the 3 zeroes to get their economy back in line
They just have to do what they set out to do back in 2010 and set this government the way it was meant to be and then Maliki just goes off on his own...They are going to stick to their guns and we are going to hear REFORM REFORM
Everybody is line....Sadr came out today - I am stickin with it but lets not forget if we go to a No-Confidence Vote he's going against Maliki.....We have a proper environment to knock this thing out...get rid of it....set it behind us...Get our government one for the people if you guys would just continue on with where we started and where we are today...Beautiful thing to watch..all of the parties are saying the right things and the parties that need to stick to their guns are sticking to their guns...
Don't wory...don't panic...the perfect storm is brewing...we are just watching is fun to watch...tedious but fun
This is your dues for getting the kind of windfall you could possibly get with the RV of the dinar....This is the price we all pay........
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike plus LJ's NEXT STEP On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Thursday, - July 5, 2012
Energy Commission confirms the enactment of the oil and gas during the next two months
Parliamentary Finance: Central Bank will continue to receive the old currency for a period of ten years
Banking expert: Iraqi dinar to the economic stability needed to be desirable in the outside
JD .. published decisions of the Commission amend the investment law
Khuzaie to a U.S. official: the political crisis is over and we will work to bring the parties to dismantle the various differences
State law: the repair option is a suitable alternative and is currently available out of the crisis
Kurdistan Alliance: our discussions with the federal government failed to reach a result and are continuing to question al-Maliki and the withdrawal of confidence
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - July 5, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#