The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - July 22, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
This call was dedicated to the Victims, Family Friends & Heros of the Colorado Tragedy
Recap of tonights news Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below)
Highlights CBI/Economy
"Cabinet agrees to accept the instruments of private banks $25 million, rather than 5 million"
Banking system being able to issue Letters of Credit...financing..we talk about the small little laws that need to be approved and the regulations that need to be approved for the banking sector
This is one of those that is just fantastic...because who needs a performance bond for $20,000...did you catch that? Its talking about dinars..not dollars...found this interesting - if you have a currency that revalues and you then start talking about 25 million versus 5 million dollar projects...
lets just say if it does it at $1.00 then then it makes much more sense to you this is one of those pre-regulations that they are putting in that makes sense on a revalued currency - even if it does it at $3.00 - that would be 75 million outside dollars to the 25 million dinar makes sense...and then it talks about the banks guaranteeing this....this really blew me away today because I am looking for laws to be passed on the CBI side from the government - and this is the Cabinet that is passing this..already made its way thru Parliament has the approval and is now enacted...It shows you that things are going on during Ramadan...things are getting done...
"Shabibi announce the selection of British and German companies for the printing of the currency after you delete the zeros of which"
Some great quotes from the article..
Shabibi and explained that the main reason in the process of deletion of zeros Due to the economic stability experienced by the country and the ability of the large cash at the bank Central.
And on the currency auction Shabibi between the operation as a window to enter the Foreign currency and raise the value of Iraqi dinar.
During the meeting, discuss the latest Developments reached by the Central Bank in the subject to delete the zeros and replacing the national currency The policy followed in the completion of this process...
The meeting also discussed the issue of Controls adopted in the auction currency and the volume of the money supply.
Great stuff shared by Mike.....CBI is all on board...they have read the Future of Iraq Project...FOI project has to do with the economic side....Shabibi is worried about the economics...would he love to have a great government thats all for the future of his people...Yes he would...but what is more worried about is the economic future of his people and that differs...he is not there to pick the people who are in office...he is not there to give his approval to the people in office...he is there to do what he needs to do and get it that when his term is over he can say what he was sent there to do which was to build the economy..get the new currency going..and get it RV'd to the point where they have viable economic circumstances and then someone is going to come in and take it to the next level...real simple from his side....what they didn't tell him along the way is that he was going to have a government that would fight him every step of the way....
and thats been the biggest difference - why you see him time and time again probably moving a little faster now because there are alot of things he would like to get done...he wants this to be a 2 yr process and if his term ends in 2014 hes got two years so he really can't expect much more delay from the things he wants to do...if he wants to pull this off and have his economy going - there seems to be a sense of urgency from the Central Bank that we have seen past month and 1/2..they are just moving forward
Stock market: the end of dependence on a sophisticated system to encourage trading
Arthur from LJ's Next Step Team....Great order to be the country that we know Iraq is going to be they have to have a robust stock exchange....these stock systems around the world need sophisticated technology - Preparations in the final stages...usually when we see this it is already in place..finished and they are just testiong....This will put them in the global international financial market to gain that access to the intl stock market They will have to be traded on Forex - to do that obviously you need a tradeable viable currency which we know they are going to have....having this advance system will attract funds and investors in order to raise the volume commensurate with the aspriations of the countrys economic revival that they are going to experience - amazing for us to see - putting all of these systems in place..they need these systems in place in order to have a robust stock get this it has to be a revalued currency has to be coming very soon because they are putting systems in place for this to more step in the process
Again they are talking about international markets...every time we read articles over the last 3 weeks they are talking about on an international level....great stuff...
Government...Round Table Discussion about all of the Government articles with Arthur & DON from LJ's Next Step Team and Straight Talkin Mike The IQD Team....listen to the great discussion and analysis of the incredible articles shared tonight
Great news night.....if you missed it go back and listen to the recording because there was some great juicy news discussed and read tonight....especially on the political of those nights where we started the news night not knowing where it was going to take us...took us to some very positive stuff going on...some positive movement ....status quo has changed...things moving forward quickly
CBI.....there was an article that talked about the implementation of tariffs...designed to be a negative article but we gleaned some info from it about the political side kinda taking a jab at the political side - kinda getting them in order - the economic side is ready for the tariffs but the politcal side was not quite ready and not supporting the value of the dinar at this particular point in time- I would agree with that....that is probably right
We talked about the existence of the National Currency being effected by the political situation - telling us this political situation could affect the currency in a negative a few reasons in the article and again we kinda back that up
Juicy article about the Cabinet agreeing to let private banks lift their loan rates from 5 million to 25 million dinars...
We talked about the last 3 articles talking alot about being international and doing international business - word international used throughout all of the articles when they refer to the currency tonight and for the last 3 weeks
We discussed an article where it referred to the currency and we said great there are alot of banks that need to do things - this is one of those things that are regulations that are being implemented that are ready for the RV because 25 million 3 times..1 time...2 times...50-75 million......these are the type of projects you want your banks to loan money to...these are buildings downtown - these are condos homes all of those type of things - small businesses - those type of things...and things are being done...quite honestly alot of things are being done during Ramadan ..quite honestly alots of things getting done during Ramadan we were not sure what to expect but moving quite quickyl thru that
Talked about Shabibi going to the Finance Committee this week - he talked about having selecting the German and British company to complete the process of printing the new currency
We talked about Shabs is ready to go ahead and move forward - he needs absolutely nothing...and we also issued word of warning that usually when Shabs meets with The Finance Committee 3 days later you will always read 1 or 2 negative articles from the Finance Committee...he needs nothing from the government side to move straight no attention to the man behind the curtain if you see the negative is usually put out there by Maliki....let other people run with it - you will not have to worry knowing everything is in place and ready to go
Arthur brought an article out about the Stock Market and the sophisticated things that are going to be implemented - international trading of the stock market - they don't do this for currency that does not have any value and have a program rate...
All of these articles lead us to believe that these are the things that need to be in place on the CBI side for him to increase his value and we start to see these more and more very day coming out of the CBI....CBI is ready to add value to their currency at some point in time...there maybe some sort of circumstances economically they are waiting for and they maybe waiting for some things to be cleared up on the political side...which brings us to the political side
House is meeting tomorrow to work....working during on 10 bills...they are working...there was a posting in the Gazette this morning...
Then we started into the juicy part of the news which was the reforms that are going on over there..
We talked about developments in Kurdistan....where Kurdistan was moving the oil and all of sudden Baghdad is ready to start talking - saying we are ready to go ahead implement Article 140..we are ready to talk to you and get these reforms done and move forward
We talked about National Alliance and Iraqiya List coming together for reform....Allawi all of sudden involved in the negotiations...Great article....on how they are moving forward with reform - how everybody is being included in these they are very hopeful that these things are getting moved forward and that they are moving towards a Natl Conf with Talabani when he gets back and they hope to announce these things...
In the last few days the ministers out there being announced...seeing movement towards the 140...seeing some movement towards reform...they are talking about the Vote of No Confidence being off the well as throwing Maliki out and now they are talking about negotiating...2-3 things that probably have forced this is the Kurds taking the oil out to turkey which forced Maliki to come to the negotiation table because thats all his money going out the back door - he's got to make sure he has that money...we have seen him put in election reform to limit his term limits which means he has a limited amount of time that he can still do anything he is trying to do - eventually that he knows that there is an ending point to him and other things with the election the last thing we will probably look for coming out the Natl Meeting which we probably won't hear too much about which will be some sort of reform for all the old things people have done wrong..amnesty law eventually once they all agree...
We had a great round table Government discussion....listen to the recording....We talked about some of the winners and losers in the govt side...Certainly as we have all agreed wasn't quite going to look like we thought it was...Things are moving forward...the status quo has changed and now people are negotiating...we keep a watchful eye for the implementation of these things..they are talking about time limits being put in here to put Malikis feet to the fire
For some reason everybody is ending up at this Reform table and that the people in charge are moving this project forward - and that they are getting the guarantees they need to make these people happy
not talking negatively toward each other at this part point in time
as much as they were 2-3 weeks ago....and there you have it...
What a great call.......Must listen to.....
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
News Coverage for Sunday - July 22, 2012
Proposal to apply the tariff without impact on the citizen
Financial expert: power of the national currency is the existence of political and economic stability in the country
Cabinet agrees to accept the instruments of private banks $25 million, rather than 5 million
Shabibi announce the selection of British and German companies for the printing of the currency after you delete the zeros of which
Stock market: the end of dependence on a sophisticated system to encourage trading
House of Representatives will reconvene tomorrow after reading the first and the second for 10 bills
Kurdistan government announces its willingness to meet with officials in Baghdad to resolve the outstanding problems in the oil sector
National Alliance, Iraqiya near agreement on reforms paper, MP
Kurdistan Alliance: the return of President Talabani start to solve the crisis and the National Conference
Jaafari, Allawi to meet project attached interrogation and gives life to idea of holding a national meeting
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - July 22, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - July 22, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
This call was dedicated to the Victims, Family Friends & Heros of the Colorado Tragedy
Recap of tonights news Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below)
Highlights CBI/Economy
"Cabinet agrees to accept the instruments of private banks $25 million, rather than 5 million"
Banking system being able to issue Letters of Credit...financing..we talk about the small little laws that need to be approved and the regulations that need to be approved for the banking sector
This is one of those that is just fantastic...because who needs a performance bond for $20,000...did you catch that? Its talking about dinars..not dollars...found this interesting - if you have a currency that revalues and you then start talking about 25 million versus 5 million dollar projects...
lets just say if it does it at $1.00 then then it makes much more sense to you this is one of those pre-regulations that they are putting in that makes sense on a revalued currency - even if it does it at $3.00 - that would be 75 million outside dollars to the 25 million dinar makes sense...and then it talks about the banks guaranteeing this....this really blew me away today because I am looking for laws to be passed on the CBI side from the government - and this is the Cabinet that is passing this..already made its way thru Parliament has the approval and is now enacted...It shows you that things are going on during Ramadan...things are getting done...
"Shabibi announce the selection of British and German companies for the printing of the currency after you delete the zeros of which"
Some great quotes from the article..
Shabibi and explained that the main reason in the process of deletion of zeros Due to the economic stability experienced by the country and the ability of the large cash at the bank Central.
And on the currency auction Shabibi between the operation as a window to enter the Foreign currency and raise the value of Iraqi dinar.
During the meeting, discuss the latest Developments reached by the Central Bank in the subject to delete the zeros and replacing the national currency The policy followed in the completion of this process...
The meeting also discussed the issue of Controls adopted in the auction currency and the volume of the money supply.
Great stuff shared by Mike.....CBI is all on board...they have read the Future of Iraq Project...FOI project has to do with the economic side....Shabibi is worried about the economics...would he love to have a great government thats all for the future of his people...Yes he would...but what is more worried about is the economic future of his people and that differs...he is not there to pick the people who are in office...he is not there to give his approval to the people in office...he is there to do what he needs to do and get it that when his term is over he can say what he was sent there to do which was to build the economy..get the new currency going..and get it RV'd to the point where they have viable economic circumstances and then someone is going to come in and take it to the next level...real simple from his side....what they didn't tell him along the way is that he was going to have a government that would fight him every step of the way....
and thats been the biggest difference - why you see him time and time again probably moving a little faster now because there are alot of things he would like to get done...he wants this to be a 2 yr process and if his term ends in 2014 hes got two years so he really can't expect much more delay from the things he wants to do...if he wants to pull this off and have his economy going - there seems to be a sense of urgency from the Central Bank that we have seen past month and 1/2..they are just moving forward
Stock market: the end of dependence on a sophisticated system to encourage trading
Arthur from LJ's Next Step Team....Great order to be the country that we know Iraq is going to be they have to have a robust stock exchange....these stock systems around the world need sophisticated technology - Preparations in the final stages...usually when we see this it is already in place..finished and they are just testiong....This will put them in the global international financial market to gain that access to the intl stock market They will have to be traded on Forex - to do that obviously you need a tradeable viable currency which we know they are going to have....having this advance system will attract funds and investors in order to raise the volume commensurate with the aspriations of the countrys economic revival that they are going to experience - amazing for us to see - putting all of these systems in place..they need these systems in place in order to have a robust stock get this it has to be a revalued currency has to be coming very soon because they are putting systems in place for this to more step in the process
Again they are talking about international markets...every time we read articles over the last 3 weeks they are talking about on an international level....great stuff...
Government...Round Table Discussion about all of the Government articles with Arthur & DON from LJ's Next Step Team and Straight Talkin Mike The IQD Team....listen to the great discussion and analysis of the incredible articles shared tonight
Great news night.....if you missed it go back and listen to the recording because there was some great juicy news discussed and read tonight....especially on the political of those nights where we started the news night not knowing where it was going to take us...took us to some very positive stuff going on...some positive movement ....status quo has changed...things moving forward quickly
CBI.....there was an article that talked about the implementation of tariffs...designed to be a negative article but we gleaned some info from it about the political side kinda taking a jab at the political side - kinda getting them in order - the economic side is ready for the tariffs but the politcal side was not quite ready and not supporting the value of the dinar at this particular point in time- I would agree with that....that is probably right
We talked about the existence of the National Currency being effected by the political situation - telling us this political situation could affect the currency in a negative a few reasons in the article and again we kinda back that up
Juicy article about the Cabinet agreeing to let private banks lift their loan rates from 5 million to 25 million dinars...
We talked about the last 3 articles talking alot about being international and doing international business - word international used throughout all of the articles when they refer to the currency tonight and for the last 3 weeks
We discussed an article where it referred to the currency and we said great there are alot of banks that need to do things - this is one of those things that are regulations that are being implemented that are ready for the RV because 25 million 3 times..1 time...2 times...50-75 million......these are the type of projects you want your banks to loan money to...these are buildings downtown - these are condos homes all of those type of things - small businesses - those type of things...and things are being done...quite honestly alot of things are being done during Ramadan ..quite honestly alots of things getting done during Ramadan we were not sure what to expect but moving quite quickyl thru that
Talked about Shabibi going to the Finance Committee this week - he talked about having selecting the German and British company to complete the process of printing the new currency
We talked about Shabs is ready to go ahead and move forward - he needs absolutely nothing...and we also issued word of warning that usually when Shabs meets with The Finance Committee 3 days later you will always read 1 or 2 negative articles from the Finance Committee...he needs nothing from the government side to move straight no attention to the man behind the curtain if you see the negative is usually put out there by Maliki....let other people run with it - you will not have to worry knowing everything is in place and ready to go
Arthur brought an article out about the Stock Market and the sophisticated things that are going to be implemented - international trading of the stock market - they don't do this for currency that does not have any value and have a program rate...
All of these articles lead us to believe that these are the things that need to be in place on the CBI side for him to increase his value and we start to see these more and more very day coming out of the CBI....CBI is ready to add value to their currency at some point in time...there maybe some sort of circumstances economically they are waiting for and they maybe waiting for some things to be cleared up on the political side...which brings us to the political side
House is meeting tomorrow to work....working during on 10 bills...they are working...there was a posting in the Gazette this morning...
Then we started into the juicy part of the news which was the reforms that are going on over there..
We talked about developments in Kurdistan....where Kurdistan was moving the oil and all of sudden Baghdad is ready to start talking - saying we are ready to go ahead implement Article 140..we are ready to talk to you and get these reforms done and move forward
We talked about National Alliance and Iraqiya List coming together for reform....Allawi all of sudden involved in the negotiations...Great article....on how they are moving forward with reform - how everybody is being included in these they are very hopeful that these things are getting moved forward and that they are moving towards a Natl Conf with Talabani when he gets back and they hope to announce these things...
In the last few days the ministers out there being announced...seeing movement towards the 140...seeing some movement towards reform...they are talking about the Vote of No Confidence being off the well as throwing Maliki out and now they are talking about negotiating...2-3 things that probably have forced this is the Kurds taking the oil out to turkey which forced Maliki to come to the negotiation table because thats all his money going out the back door - he's got to make sure he has that money...we have seen him put in election reform to limit his term limits which means he has a limited amount of time that he can still do anything he is trying to do - eventually that he knows that there is an ending point to him and other things with the election the last thing we will probably look for coming out the Natl Meeting which we probably won't hear too much about which will be some sort of reform for all the old things people have done wrong..amnesty law eventually once they all agree...
We had a great round table Government discussion....listen to the recording....We talked about some of the winners and losers in the govt side...Certainly as we have all agreed wasn't quite going to look like we thought it was...Things are moving forward...the status quo has changed and now people are negotiating...we keep a watchful eye for the implementation of these things..they are talking about time limits being put in here to put Malikis feet to the fire
For some reason everybody is ending up at this Reform table and that the people in charge are moving this project forward - and that they are getting the guarantees they need to make these people happy
not talking negatively toward each other at this part point in time
as much as they were 2-3 weeks ago....and there you have it...
What a great call.......Must listen to.....
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
News Coverage for Sunday - July 22, 2012
Proposal to apply the tariff without impact on the citizen
Financial expert: power of the national currency is the existence of political and economic stability in the country
Cabinet agrees to accept the instruments of private banks $25 million, rather than 5 million
Shabibi announce the selection of British and German companies for the printing of the currency after you delete the zeros of which
Stock market: the end of dependence on a sophisticated system to encourage trading
House of Representatives will reconvene tomorrow after reading the first and the second for 10 bills
Kurdistan government announces its willingness to meet with officials in Baghdad to resolve the outstanding problems in the oil sector
National Alliance, Iraqiya near agreement on reforms paper, MP
Kurdistan Alliance: the return of President Talabani start to solve the crisis and the National Conference
Jaafari, Allawi to meet project attached interrogation and gives life to idea of holding a national meeting
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - July 22, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#