The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - July 8, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Recap of tonights news Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below)
WOW...What a alot of great news and discussion tonight with The IQD Team & LJ's Next Step Team...........must listen to information after each news article read tonight...Such Great News about our mutual investment....Its All Great News!!!
CBI had some great articles today and have had in the last 2-3
We've talked about the time they have moved forward putting their plan together...getting themselves moving forward
We discussed a great article from Reuters talking about how the banks are hitting their private capital goals..and that
80% of their banks are there and they are moving forward and getting their capital met -what this is doing is setting up their banks to be healthy lenders so that when the investment comes in and the RV happens they can go ahead and relend that money...the unique thing about this article is we read an article from Reuters 4 months ago saying how the banks were not shambles...etc...
Goes to show you there is alot going on and you have to be careful what you read but we know because we have been talking about this and have read about just how ready they are over the lst 4-5 months - we've been telling you all along that the banking system is there....they have what they need....they are ready to go...they are electronic...tied in...ready to bank....ready for investment...ready to exchange dollars ...ready to become an international banking system...they are moving forward in implementing everything they need to do all of the things they are doing
We discussed about the DFI Funds..saying there are no frozen Iraqi assets around the world....everything has been returned..everything has been put into the DFI....which makes sense why we secured the DFI FUnds for them so noone could come after them now that they are a central sovereign country...protects those funds so anyone laying claim to those from the old Saddam Hussain days...looks like they are moving forward... about 80% of their debt gone... negotiating with the rest of it....this should all fall into the hands of the people once this RV's occurs and there will be more strength in the country
We discussed a great article about the Central Bank about how this is going to be a great it is going to be a sovereign currency....going to be a world currency.....take the time to read this great article on the News Article Links below...great read...."Currency strength and looking towards the Future Today.....encourage everyone to read this - will give you great clarity about what we are involved in and where this is going...its not today - its not tomorrow folks but keep in mind that these articles are telling us something is going on with this currency and it is not going to be valueless forever...these are things we are looking for....
Talked about European investment coming in and the Central Banks inviting European investors to come in...with what is going on in Europe it makes a great marriage for them if you are going to add value and will unleash more money into Europe.....Europe will bring more money to them with fractional banking....things will will help their situation on both sides of the end - you see them really courting the European people to come also very close for them to trade with them so theres really not alot of over land or overseas travel very far...not like they are coming from China..easier to get goods....quicker to get get better goods you can keep track of it better
We had a great discussion about the continuing process of deleting the zeroes and Arthur shared 3 exciting articles that pretty much summed up that the Central Bank needs NO MORE permission from anybody...that they are in line fully with the Finance Commitee
When I looked at it when Shabibi was brought in front of the Finance Committe almost 2 months ago where he had to answer questions
it was almost like what they wanted to do was to bring him into to embarass him - But he was able to show them what he wanted to do...what he was doing with the currency and they all got it!!!
We started to see articles after that that they kinda understood what was going on and realized that they are missing the boat because what truly is going to be the value here is to revalue their currency -
The wealth will go back to the people.....
So they have jumped on board and there is really nothing more for them to do at this particular point in time
They are in the process...doesn't mean it is going to happen today or tomorrow but they are moving step by step and getting closer each and every day...moving forward...there are still some things they need from Parliamenet they are getting
We noticed that in the Gazette 13 new items have been listed and put in the Gazette over the last week
This might not be things you will see hit the papers but there are things being done on a regular basis that are all moving them forward
Remember what they need ---they need a stable government....they need a stable dinar inside their economy and at some point in time they need the investments to come in to blow the balloon up and then everything starts taking off.....people have money.....entrepenuers start going and it creates a cycle where people will grow their country and grow their economy
We are watching an economy come off the ground from the bottom up...Remember slowly slowly ..there are going to be hiccups along the way but that is the process of the CBI to realize those things
Over all extremely positive day for the CBI but we have been seeing this over and over again...if we ever had to say something the CBI is ready to go forward - we just don't know what we don't know
So We watch as we move forward for The Next Step...
Now as we walk into the government side...
Talabani says he is healthy.....I think he is out there negotiating behind the scenes....I think he knows exactly what is going on..
We are seeing the results of meetings that have been happening - Parliament coming back on the 10th... there seems to be a pressure point coming this week where Maliki does not want to get in front of Parliament and there seems to be things moving very briskly along as we move forward
We talked about the Minsters of Defense and Interior being any nomintions are going to be accepted and throw them over to Parliament...stepping point that has been in the process
We talked about the Erbil Agreement they are moving forward
Sadr came forward with a 10 point plan talking about the things he needed to do - they were all very reasonable keeping Maliki
on a leash and then Jafaari kinda announced the outline for reform.....almost an outline for the Natl Conference to resolve all of these processes...Do not be surprised that we hear things are getting signed - things that are going to be done...we are well into the next step along with Maliki and where he is at....once these things start moving forward the time limits are going down on him..he has no place left to place - the only thing he really has to do is implement things and start agreeing to these things beause the ultimate is once he gets in front of Parliament he has to bear what he has to bear - he will end up alot less favorable condition than we had with Shabibi - he's go along of things that the Amnesty Law and because it has not been passed ..the things that he has done will be unconstitutional and it would lead him to probably being tossed out at that point in time
As we move forward, we are going to keep our eyes on the news.....everything is so positive
CBI is certainly acting like things are done....we've got the govt that is moving forward and putting themselves in the drivers seat acting like they have alot of these things agreed upon
We've always talked about it - there are always alot of backdoor agreements - it truly is about the implementation - if you say you are going to do it we need to see it being done... thats what they are really saying
Once they get those things moving forward then the Perfect Storm will go forward...Really the next step will be how the economy looks for him to move his RV forward and to add things going forward
Remember we have Budget coming up ..and alot of other things coming up.....they really need to get through these steps in order to go ahead and enact these next steps...all of these are important along the way
Arthur shares some great insight into where we are....and again informing people to be warned about the things going on in the dinar community..please make sure you listen to the warnings at the beginning of the call from Straight Talkin Mike and Arthur
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike plus LJ's NEXT STEP On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday - July 8, 2012
Most Iraqi private banks hit capital goal
Iraq asserts that all his money in banks turned to the International Fund of (DFI)
Currency’s strength and looking to the future Today
CBI welcomes investment banks to enter the European
Central Bank: are continuing the process of deletion of zeros
Central Bank: Switch currency and delete zeros will take two years
Committee reveal a tripartite agreement on the project to delete the zeros from the currency
President Talabani in excellent health status
Announcement of candidates for the ministries of defense and interior next week
Hamid al-Mutlaq: the implementation of the Arbil will solve a lot of problems and strengthen the political process
Sadr calls for a ten-point .. And state law determine the state denies
Jaafari announced the completion of political reform paper
Law Library of Iraq~~Gazette Postings as of July 6th 2012
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - July 8, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - July 8, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Recap of tonights news Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below)
WOW...What a alot of great news and discussion tonight with The IQD Team & LJ's Next Step Team...........must listen to information after each news article read tonight...Such Great News about our mutual investment....Its All Great News!!!
CBI had some great articles today and have had in the last 2-3
We've talked about the time they have moved forward putting their plan together...getting themselves moving forward
We discussed a great article from Reuters talking about how the banks are hitting their private capital goals..and that
80% of their banks are there and they are moving forward and getting their capital met -what this is doing is setting up their banks to be healthy lenders so that when the investment comes in and the RV happens they can go ahead and relend that money...the unique thing about this article is we read an article from Reuters 4 months ago saying how the banks were not shambles...etc...
Goes to show you there is alot going on and you have to be careful what you read but we know because we have been talking about this and have read about just how ready they are over the lst 4-5 months - we've been telling you all along that the banking system is there....they have what they need....they are ready to go...they are electronic...tied in...ready to bank....ready for investment...ready to exchange dollars ...ready to become an international banking system...they are moving forward in implementing everything they need to do all of the things they are doing
We discussed about the DFI Funds..saying there are no frozen Iraqi assets around the world....everything has been returned..everything has been put into the DFI....which makes sense why we secured the DFI FUnds for them so noone could come after them now that they are a central sovereign country...protects those funds so anyone laying claim to those from the old Saddam Hussain days...looks like they are moving forward... about 80% of their debt gone... negotiating with the rest of it....this should all fall into the hands of the people once this RV's occurs and there will be more strength in the country
We discussed a great article about the Central Bank about how this is going to be a great it is going to be a sovereign currency....going to be a world currency.....take the time to read this great article on the News Article Links below...great read...."Currency strength and looking towards the Future Today.....encourage everyone to read this - will give you great clarity about what we are involved in and where this is going...its not today - its not tomorrow folks but keep in mind that these articles are telling us something is going on with this currency and it is not going to be valueless forever...these are things we are looking for....
Talked about European investment coming in and the Central Banks inviting European investors to come in...with what is going on in Europe it makes a great marriage for them if you are going to add value and will unleash more money into Europe.....Europe will bring more money to them with fractional banking....things will will help their situation on both sides of the end - you see them really courting the European people to come also very close for them to trade with them so theres really not alot of over land or overseas travel very far...not like they are coming from China..easier to get goods....quicker to get get better goods you can keep track of it better
We had a great discussion about the continuing process of deleting the zeroes and Arthur shared 3 exciting articles that pretty much summed up that the Central Bank needs NO MORE permission from anybody...that they are in line fully with the Finance Commitee
When I looked at it when Shabibi was brought in front of the Finance Committe almost 2 months ago where he had to answer questions
it was almost like what they wanted to do was to bring him into to embarass him - But he was able to show them what he wanted to do...what he was doing with the currency and they all got it!!!
We started to see articles after that that they kinda understood what was going on and realized that they are missing the boat because what truly is going to be the value here is to revalue their currency -
The wealth will go back to the people.....
So they have jumped on board and there is really nothing more for them to do at this particular point in time
They are in the process...doesn't mean it is going to happen today or tomorrow but they are moving step by step and getting closer each and every day...moving forward...there are still some things they need from Parliamenet they are getting
We noticed that in the Gazette 13 new items have been listed and put in the Gazette over the last week
This might not be things you will see hit the papers but there are things being done on a regular basis that are all moving them forward
Remember what they need ---they need a stable government....they need a stable dinar inside their economy and at some point in time they need the investments to come in to blow the balloon up and then everything starts taking off.....people have money.....entrepenuers start going and it creates a cycle where people will grow their country and grow their economy
We are watching an economy come off the ground from the bottom up...Remember slowly slowly ..there are going to be hiccups along the way but that is the process of the CBI to realize those things
Over all extremely positive day for the CBI but we have been seeing this over and over again...if we ever had to say something the CBI is ready to go forward - we just don't know what we don't know
So We watch as we move forward for The Next Step...
Now as we walk into the government side...
Talabani says he is healthy.....I think he is out there negotiating behind the scenes....I think he knows exactly what is going on..
We are seeing the results of meetings that have been happening - Parliament coming back on the 10th... there seems to be a pressure point coming this week where Maliki does not want to get in front of Parliament and there seems to be things moving very briskly along as we move forward
We talked about the Minsters of Defense and Interior being any nomintions are going to be accepted and throw them over to Parliament...stepping point that has been in the process
We talked about the Erbil Agreement they are moving forward
Sadr came forward with a 10 point plan talking about the things he needed to do - they were all very reasonable keeping Maliki
on a leash and then Jafaari kinda announced the outline for reform.....almost an outline for the Natl Conference to resolve all of these processes...Do not be surprised that we hear things are getting signed - things that are going to be done...we are well into the next step along with Maliki and where he is at....once these things start moving forward the time limits are going down on him..he has no place left to place - the only thing he really has to do is implement things and start agreeing to these things beause the ultimate is once he gets in front of Parliament he has to bear what he has to bear - he will end up alot less favorable condition than we had with Shabibi - he's go along of things that the Amnesty Law and because it has not been passed ..the things that he has done will be unconstitutional and it would lead him to probably being tossed out at that point in time
As we move forward, we are going to keep our eyes on the news.....everything is so positive
CBI is certainly acting like things are done....we've got the govt that is moving forward and putting themselves in the drivers seat acting like they have alot of these things agreed upon
We've always talked about it - there are always alot of backdoor agreements - it truly is about the implementation - if you say you are going to do it we need to see it being done... thats what they are really saying
Once they get those things moving forward then the Perfect Storm will go forward...Really the next step will be how the economy looks for him to move his RV forward and to add things going forward
Remember we have Budget coming up ..and alot of other things coming up.....they really need to get through these steps in order to go ahead and enact these next steps...all of these are important along the way
Arthur shares some great insight into where we are....and again informing people to be warned about the things going on in the dinar community..please make sure you listen to the warnings at the beginning of the call from Straight Talkin Mike and Arthur
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike plus LJ's NEXT STEP On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday - July 8, 2012
Most Iraqi private banks hit capital goal
Iraq asserts that all his money in banks turned to the International Fund of (DFI)
Currency’s strength and looking to the future Today
CBI welcomes investment banks to enter the European
Central Bank: are continuing the process of deletion of zeros
Central Bank: Switch currency and delete zeros will take two years
Committee reveal a tripartite agreement on the project to delete the zeros from the currency
President Talabani in excellent health status
Announcement of candidates for the ministries of defense and interior next week
Hamid al-Mutlaq: the implementation of the Arbil will solve a lot of problems and strengthen the political process
Sadr calls for a ten-point .. And state law determine the state denies
Jaafari announced the completion of political reform paper
Law Library of Iraq~~Gazette Postings as of July 6th 2012
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - July 8, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#