The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - August 9, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Highlights from all of the News Articles Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below - the following are the highlights after the articles were read)
LJ's Next Step Team
"Hakim: Next stage to witness decisive results for settling political crisis"
"The next stage will witness decisive results for settling political crisis."
"The INA is the basic side in the political process stressing the importance of preserving its unity and expressing his happiness for the positive updates for the current meetings and dialogues to settle the crisis."
"For his part, Jaafary emphasized the unity of the Iraqis, stressing that dialogue is the best way to solve the disputes"
The next meetings will be attended by all the political sides and blocs,"
LJ: Here we have our distinquished Hakim..they call him Wise and I hope that he is wise because he goes around and he gets things done and what he tells us is "the next phase will witness decisive results for settling the political crisis".....We will see this be a theme of all of our articles tonight because all of these guys seem to be working toward the reform..The reforms have now been shared and so I I believe we are going to see some excessives going on in the next articles we read
The Syrian crisis is such a big deal because it borders Iraq to the left and when you have this crisis getting a little more out of control....I was watching the news and the military for Syria has gone in and pushed back the insurgents from their base using all the weapons they have - this is a big time crisis for Iraq and Iraq has to make a decision - you have Iran calling them up wanting them to allow Iran to use their air space to support Syria....we also read an article wanting Maliki to back Syria as well and they are waiting for Malikis response...
When Hakim is talking about coming up with decisive results for the crisis in Iraq we have to look at it from the standpoint of security...right now we don't have our ministers in place and security is in disarray in Iraq and so when we hear him call for this, we should hear him call for stabilizing the security inside Iraq because the Syria issue is out of control so with the Natl Coalition and Hakim basically saying the INA is inside of the political process stressing the importance of preserving its unity inside of that List..they want to make sure that dialogue happens and it solves the disputes and they can continue to build a nation that is unified and a theme being of oneness....Iraq being one....this is a great article from the standpoint that we have people inside the National Alliance that are going to want to back this reform movement...Hakim has been very busy and there have been meetings that have been attended by all the political blocs and they are putting the reform movement ahead
"State law: Najafi al-Maliki and Barzani meets soon"
"the political blocs is counting on this meeting, to be the first of the work to solve many of the outstanding problems" .
"for the meeting will be held between the anticipated last-Maliki and Massoud Barzani, president of the region, date to be determined so far," asserting "there is an effort by everyone to reconciliation and understanding."
He Mayahi that "everyone is now calling for a truce, and the commitment of language understanding, dialogue and moderate discourse and all the blocks subscribed to these contexts."
LJ: We have Najafi meeting with Maliki and then Maliki turning around and meeting with Barzani..The information coming out between Maliki and Nujafi has been really powerful and really positive because Najafi is part of the Iraqi List and Speaker of the House...the fact that they are meeting with each other is a positive step of moving toward this reform and the unity of the country again...we have the theme of oneness taking place in the unification of Iraq...all of the news has changed and we are not hearing the things we heard before which is absolutely wonderful - we are hearing the things we are wanting to hear as far as reform and as a result of this meeting we will see the results of that meeting in an article we will read tonight...Maliki's intentions seem to be pretty well understood by Najafi ...I am thankful for that because it moves us closer to the steps that we need to see
The second meeting Maliki will be is inside the Kurdistan region....they are putting together a committee and this committee
is made where they can negotiate with Baghdad ..they call Baghdad the center - What you have is a meeting of the minds between Maliki and Barzani to come up with expected solutions to get us out of the crisis and more importantly what they are dealing with is the HCL and 140 Oil & Gas - thats the most important thing and the prioritized item on the list for Barzani I believe Maliki is going over there again in the spirit of unity and I truly believe they are working towards getting a solution done
Barney: Key phrase everyone is now calling for a truce
Talabani to convene Nat'l Conference soon - sources
President Jalal Talabani will call on political circles to convene the National Conference before the onset of the Eid festivities
The National Conference is expected to solve the pending Iraqi questions, as well as the reflections of the Syrian crisis on Iraq.
The source told Aswat al-Iraq that the conference will also tackle the differences between Arbil and Baghdad.
LJ: This article tells us that they are going to have a National Meeting when Talabani gets back and before Eid...Eid is after Ramadan...the feast after the fast...around this time frame, Talabani will be back and he is going to hold the National Meeting.
One of the most important thing to recognize about the National Meeting is that Allawi is going to have to get his position and we are going to have to hear something about him being part of the government in order for us to even go to a National Meeting
There are still conditions that we will actually see....I read where there talking about Erbil and Talabani mentions his 8 point initiative that he set before the govt and letting them know abidance by the constitution and their true partnership of the government needs to be adhered to.....
we are going to see a Natl Meeting hopefully soon...don't want to put a date on it because they could flip a script on us as the wind blows....I believe they are creating an atmosphere condusive to setting up this meeting...we should be happy and we should be excited with caution and with control...we can't allow ourselves to go further than what the next progression is and the next progession for me is accepting the reform movement -we have changed our steps to watch out for...
Reform is first.... then we are going to have to see the National Meeting...seating of the Ministers and then we will likely see the RV By them saying that Talabani is going to hold a National Conference before the onset of the EID Festivites which ends on the is the 9th - we have 9 days before the end of Ramadan...,we look forward to that and keep watching for the news and the Next Steps...
DON: I am kinda like a little kid sitting at the Television on Christmas Eve.....waiting for Santa Claus....Talabani never know - it looks like it is close......waiting for the jet to land
BARNEY: Feast is coming all at the same time....I dont know if they ever planned any of this....we all want to speculate on plans but it looks like it is heading toward a very good moment for them to do this at the right time but I am still of the belief that they are playing catch up with Shabibi - they are trying to get this thing hammered out before he goes..that is my hope ...kinda like the old guy who was a mayor of a town and he never went out and basically he was drug into it because the traffic drug him along....and that is how I think of Maliki - he is being drug thru this by Shabibi to get it together quickly before he gets completely run over and that is what I am hopeful for
LJ: We are like kids in a candy store watching things happen....On the last call Straight Talkin Mike mentioned Eid is a time of forgiveness and if you look at what is going on right now especially with the last article will hear Mutlag speaking toward Maliki and basically saying saying we did not have any differences...we had differences on what should have taken place governmentally....but basically said I forgive him that is what he is saying...When you look at the things that are taking place...You have Maliki meeting with Barzani....Maliki meeting with Najafi....words that Maliki is going to meet with Allawi........Allawi said what crisis a couple of weeks ago....Realize we are close to something happening...closer than we ever have been before and we just sit back and watch
Najafi Talabani welcomed the invitation to resolve the political crisis and the interrogation of al-Maliki announced a freeze
"He stressed that everyone agrees on the reform, especially since the dialogue address the implementation of the Convention of Arbil and paper Arbil"
He described the dialogues that took place between him and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and the President of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim and the National Alliance leader Ibrahim al-Jaafari as fruitful and serious, and it will contribute to resolving the crisis.
AWESOME....."He stressed that everyone agrees on the reform, especially since the dialogue address the implementation of the Convention of Arbil and paper Arbil"
He talks in this article about all of the steps we are looking for that are left except the Shabibi step....
He talks about the Erbil Agreement, getting the ministers, talk about the Reform first of all and the reform papers included the Erbil Agreement.....and all articles we have read Eid Al-Fitr was in every article and is the target time frame to see results from this reform movement...
Lets do a little background...Najafi - speaker of the House - makes decision whether someone is questioned in is his body - he controls it - he has decided to freeze questioning Maliki - he will not be questioned - why - the reform papers actually include the Erbil Agreement - he said it not only included that but it included the Erbil Letter that was written - when we are looking at this we can only look at it with optimism in thinking that this press conference that he held on Wed and the fact they talked about Reform...talked about Erbil....the ministers - talked about everything that we need and said we are going to get this done ...there isnt really much more to say that that....
DON: I look at Najafi like he has become this 6th grade teacher pointing everybody to the corner and saying now we are going to place nice....moving everybody towards the center to get together be able to see where he is going and how he is handling all of this it makes me think obviously that we are moving towards the things we need to see...the ministers.....guys coming into play...I look at this as a great opportunity....could have been something that has been planned out for a little while and they are moving in the right direction...I dont want anyone to think that I am saying it is about to happen.....don't hear that this is Iraq we know it can turn on a dime...but I am very encouraged by this.....
LJ: I think you are dead on Barney....the fact that we are watching these turn of events take place now to give us a good idea - a great perception that things are going in the direction we need them to go in....Its not hard to see is pretty evident....we have not seen anything in the news that says they are not getting along....
If Najafi has been privileged to the Reform Documents Jafairi put together from the National Alliance and it did not touch on the key points that they needed I do not think we would have seen this type of press conference that would come out and I think he is encouraged because he would not have done it if he had not seen what he needed to see......That is our opinion of course but it sure is encouraging
Mutlaq: There is an agreement between Iraq and al-Maliki on all outstanding issues and will be approved very soon
LJ: This article speaks for itself....Mutlag speaking his concerns....there has been an agreement on all these the end of Ramadan they are going to vote all of these laws into action...what this does is gets Malikis hands out of the Federal Court...out of the Justice Sct...the Amnesty Act, takes him out of it and allows them to move forward and release these prisoners etc -- things we need to see.....and Maliki wants to see it because he would love to get those guys on his side.....Mutlag held a press conference today - saying when I became Dep PM we had all of these issues and I got arrested - my issues are gone...they were not anything personal - issues of the balance of the power inside of the government and I had to speak up against it but we all forgot the work of the ministerial duties is that we need to connect and create a synergy between the parties and come to a place where it allows us to work together in a power share and these ministers should have been placed at the onset of the govt - they should have been done as soon as the govt was done - we should have had the power share 2 1/2 yrs didn't happen.....
Mutlag spoke about Najafi's decision to freeze request to question Maliki - said "priorities for reforms we are now on to achieving political reforms and all other things ARE SECONDARY....I Love that part...all of the other issues taking place and in the media that are attacking and aggressive are secondary....the most important thing right now is the Unity of Iraq and the services to the people and we need to come together and get this done
He spoke about there isn't any mediation between Allawi and Maliki - it just needs to be a cohesive atmosphere and it is necessary...
There is a theme of Unity, of mutual respect, mutual understanding, agreements...saying that they have agreements and this is soon to be behind us.....guys we are going to be watching this like a hawk...seems to good to be true that they are actually getting along and working this thing out - we have waited along time for this time frame but we are here and all we can do is watch in the next couple of days with smiles on our faces as long as it continues to progress in this direction
Straight Talkin Mike
Interesting things with the CBI today...when we last met the CBI fired a shot over the bow of Parliament and Maliki.....and well he shot back today in a big way.....accusing Shabibi of money laundering and terrorism....sound familiar...Basically one of the members of the Finance Committee comes out to say that the Central Bank knew that money laundering was going on and Shabibi should be fired..blah blah blah....offered no evidence...offered no papers....very similar to campaigns we have over here with accusations that are throw out there...taint the whole process and pretty much CBI aswered back today...come and get us your us what you got....we will do whatever you want us to do ...remember there were two Islamic Banks doing most of the money laundering and once we had that particular situation get out of hand the US stepped in and shut those ticked off some people - they can't get their dinars and money out of Iraq the way the want to - Think of this - you've got dollars that have dried up - you've got dinars that you are trying to add value to - trying to add value to this dinar - if we wanted to dinar out and we could take dollars out and really screw things up....Really makes double trouble for him as this gets closer to this coming into fruition
You just really need to make sure he has a handle on it all
He is shutting down the street vendors and everybody else -
He's made alot of people mad inside the economy
The people who have a different idea that he has are going to fight back
Let me remind you anything that comes out of the Finance Committee just disregard....its not something that you should be concerned about....these articles probably has people jumping but they were from the Finance Committee - remember they are not in charge of this process - Remember 2 yrs ago Shabibi was in Wash DC - he came out and was asked a couple of being when are you going to RV your money....he said no one knows the date or the time and if I did I would not tell you....So the Finance Commitee doesn't really know what is going on - they know there is a change coming thats all they know
"Central Bank calls for a return to the central government if you do not accommodate a market economy"
We are taking this to a market economy and if you think we are smuggling..basically trying to pin the smuggling of the economy dollars on us...this has been going on for awhile - we are really trying to get our hands on this so we can move forward
Basically this is saying either you are with us or against us......and if you are against us then you have got a tough road to go
They are getting really tired of all of this....and get really close and then you get the accusations from Maliki trying to ruin the work that they have done..Remember basically what they are saying is we have done our part - still 7 banks we need you guys to pass laws for we need to get out of the banking sector and put them in the private sector and if they want to be successful they need to be in the private sector or those banks are going to get crushed and you will get crushed - part of what they dont want to give up is the banking control - part of what they need to do is give up the banking control and and that is kinda what they are fighting over and Maliki on the govt side him giving up power to Allawi...well him giving up these banks to the Central Bank he's got hands off anymore at that particular point in time - he can't really do anything he really needs to do - you will see articles with them firing back - Central Bank is in good standing - they know exactly what they are doing and where they are going
"Deputy: House of Representatives does not have the ability to monitor the performance of the Central Bank"
You can hear it this article too the executive branch wants control over the Central Bank....the answer is no you dont get to have get an oversight role....means exactly what you are saying in here that you want to do you cant do...I am sorry you dont have accountants, people who understand whats going on because that is what they are telling me...they dont have people who understand what is going on - absolutely funny that now that Maliki is losing power now he is saying okay I am going to give up my power over here on the executive side and now I am going to go after the Central Bank and I going to put that under my control
Thats kinda what this play is they we started to see with this...
you are going to hear more news about this - hot and heavy and not good things to read about....and you need to know that this is whats going on.....They will NOT be able to touch the Central Bank....they have tried a number of times
The way it is set up in our country - we don't have very much of a say over our Central Bank nor do we have a say over the policy...we can direct, we can support them but pretty much the Central Bank is pretty autonomous in that area which is what you want to make sure that is the way the system is set up....they want to get that back - want to try and take control of that....thats what we are seeing not panic not freak out....there is no danger of this happening....
The Central Bank is the system that rules right now and the system that drives their economy and if he thinks he is going to have a fruitful economy outside the system and that has been in place for 9 years right now he has another thing coming to him - He's going to get whats coming to him if he messes with The Central Bank and he will end up losing on both sides of the coin and he will be shut out all the way around
"Central Bank denies accusations of his knowledge Jubouri"
Lets trot out the cameras...lets talk about something that is not real....lets accuse somebody of doing something they didn't do because they had an auction and they were there.....Lets not have any proof to back it up but lets continue to tell a lie.......thats what is going on here....Basically the response you guys know what the process have been informed....we've asked you for regulations but you have kinda drug your feet and now you are going to accuse us of whats going on here....NO you guys are outta here...bring your proof....tell me where it is at...lets go
One of the things I have always believed and thought about is I believe Maliki is behind the auctions being so high everyday and behind the smuggling of the money...this is only my opinion after reading all of this and seeing what is going on for awhile - he knows whats going on and he made end up outing himself when this thing is all said is done or people in his party will take a fall for it....because they are going to release information of where all of this money went
Remember they just got intl help on tracing this money so they know where it is going - if they start to investigate this what they are going to find is there have been internal forces that have been working against them for the longest time...bad box of worms for these guys to open up.....will this slow this down?...NO they are going to continue to do what they need to do....Is it a bump in the road? Yes.....But trust me until they get their govt organized these bumps in the road arent truly big - the can be things that can really help the process in the long run because what happens Shabibi goes - he answers all the questions and he impresses people there and he ends up getting alot of people on his side when all is said and done
Trust me if I had to believe one side it would be the Central Bank - If they really wanted to smuggle money out why do they have 62 Billion in reserves and smuggle it out thru the auction system...doesnt make sense....If they really wanted to do it noone would ever know...
"Central Bank eliminates the non-banking companies have registered"
We shut down all the street vendors and Now we are going to shut down the 300 companies....
You think these guys have ticked anybody off in the last 5 days? Now if I am not a good member of whats going on here and maybe I had a street vendor that was knocking down some dollars for me because lets just face it is very corrupt over've got some corruption going...its likely that some politicians were tied into some of these things going on over there in my opinion...its almost like you can see that besides pissing off Maliki and really getting to the point where they are shutting all this down - they are making alot of waves driving this the 1st article said this is a free market economy...this is what it looks like - you people who want this dictatorship where you have control over everything it doesn't work - all of our laws are geared towards that - thats what we are busting up is years of all of those laws - if you ask me the closer we get the louder these guys are yapping - the more that is coming out makes me believe we are getting closer and closer because as they start to pull these things down and
peel off the onion it is starting to hit home to all of these people who made have had done business the way they have done all the the black market - in those countries these currency exchanges are big...lots of dollars changing hands and money to be made there so defientley we are makiing some waves and you can start to see why they are doing what they are doing
"Bank: credit cards enhance the banking"
We've seen these articles before about the cards that are out there....trying to get these into the people hands...
part of the banking can get them when you open up a bank can apply and get them...
wont have any fees....they can use the ATMs...use them internationally.....part of the system that needs to be initiated to really help the economy grow....
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike & LJ'S Next Step Team On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
News Coverage for Thursday - August 09, 2012
Central Bank calls for a return to the central government if you do not accommodate a market economy
Deputy: House of Representatives does not have the ability to monitor the performance of the Central Bank
Central Bank denies accusations of his knowledge Jubouri
Central Bank eliminates the non-banking companies have registered
Forecast decline in demand for the dollar
Bank: credit cards enhance the banking
Najafi Talabani welcomed the invitation to resolve the political crisis and the interrogation of al-Maliki announced a freeze
State law: Najafi al-Maliki and Barzani meets soon
Mutlaq: There is an agreement between Iraq and al-Maliki on all outstanding issues and will be approved very soon
Hakim: Next stage to witness decisive results for settling political crisis
Talabani to convene Nat'l Conference soon - sources
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - August 9, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - August 9, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
The IQD Team plus LJ's Next Step Team
Two Teams, One Vision Working Together arriving at the same place for the Dinar Community
Highlights from all of the News Articles Discussion and Analysis
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed below - the following are the highlights after the articles were read)
LJ's Next Step Team
"Hakim: Next stage to witness decisive results for settling political crisis"
"The next stage will witness decisive results for settling political crisis."
"The INA is the basic side in the political process stressing the importance of preserving its unity and expressing his happiness for the positive updates for the current meetings and dialogues to settle the crisis."
"For his part, Jaafary emphasized the unity of the Iraqis, stressing that dialogue is the best way to solve the disputes"
The next meetings will be attended by all the political sides and blocs,"
LJ: Here we have our distinquished Hakim..they call him Wise and I hope that he is wise because he goes around and he gets things done and what he tells us is "the next phase will witness decisive results for settling the political crisis".....We will see this be a theme of all of our articles tonight because all of these guys seem to be working toward the reform..The reforms have now been shared and so I I believe we are going to see some excessives going on in the next articles we read
The Syrian crisis is such a big deal because it borders Iraq to the left and when you have this crisis getting a little more out of control....I was watching the news and the military for Syria has gone in and pushed back the insurgents from their base using all the weapons they have - this is a big time crisis for Iraq and Iraq has to make a decision - you have Iran calling them up wanting them to allow Iran to use their air space to support Syria....we also read an article wanting Maliki to back Syria as well and they are waiting for Malikis response...
When Hakim is talking about coming up with decisive results for the crisis in Iraq we have to look at it from the standpoint of security...right now we don't have our ministers in place and security is in disarray in Iraq and so when we hear him call for this, we should hear him call for stabilizing the security inside Iraq because the Syria issue is out of control so with the Natl Coalition and Hakim basically saying the INA is inside of the political process stressing the importance of preserving its unity inside of that List..they want to make sure that dialogue happens and it solves the disputes and they can continue to build a nation that is unified and a theme being of oneness....Iraq being one....this is a great article from the standpoint that we have people inside the National Alliance that are going to want to back this reform movement...Hakim has been very busy and there have been meetings that have been attended by all the political blocs and they are putting the reform movement ahead
"State law: Najafi al-Maliki and Barzani meets soon"
"the political blocs is counting on this meeting, to be the first of the work to solve many of the outstanding problems" .
"for the meeting will be held between the anticipated last-Maliki and Massoud Barzani, president of the region, date to be determined so far," asserting "there is an effort by everyone to reconciliation and understanding."
He Mayahi that "everyone is now calling for a truce, and the commitment of language understanding, dialogue and moderate discourse and all the blocks subscribed to these contexts."
LJ: We have Najafi meeting with Maliki and then Maliki turning around and meeting with Barzani..The information coming out between Maliki and Nujafi has been really powerful and really positive because Najafi is part of the Iraqi List and Speaker of the House...the fact that they are meeting with each other is a positive step of moving toward this reform and the unity of the country again...we have the theme of oneness taking place in the unification of Iraq...all of the news has changed and we are not hearing the things we heard before which is absolutely wonderful - we are hearing the things we are wanting to hear as far as reform and as a result of this meeting we will see the results of that meeting in an article we will read tonight...Maliki's intentions seem to be pretty well understood by Najafi ...I am thankful for that because it moves us closer to the steps that we need to see
The second meeting Maliki will be is inside the Kurdistan region....they are putting together a committee and this committee
is made where they can negotiate with Baghdad ..they call Baghdad the center - What you have is a meeting of the minds between Maliki and Barzani to come up with expected solutions to get us out of the crisis and more importantly what they are dealing with is the HCL and 140 Oil & Gas - thats the most important thing and the prioritized item on the list for Barzani I believe Maliki is going over there again in the spirit of unity and I truly believe they are working towards getting a solution done
Barney: Key phrase everyone is now calling for a truce
Talabani to convene Nat'l Conference soon - sources
President Jalal Talabani will call on political circles to convene the National Conference before the onset of the Eid festivities
The National Conference is expected to solve the pending Iraqi questions, as well as the reflections of the Syrian crisis on Iraq.
The source told Aswat al-Iraq that the conference will also tackle the differences between Arbil and Baghdad.
LJ: This article tells us that they are going to have a National Meeting when Talabani gets back and before Eid...Eid is after Ramadan...the feast after the fast...around this time frame, Talabani will be back and he is going to hold the National Meeting.
One of the most important thing to recognize about the National Meeting is that Allawi is going to have to get his position and we are going to have to hear something about him being part of the government in order for us to even go to a National Meeting
There are still conditions that we will actually see....I read where there talking about Erbil and Talabani mentions his 8 point initiative that he set before the govt and letting them know abidance by the constitution and their true partnership of the government needs to be adhered to.....
we are going to see a Natl Meeting hopefully soon...don't want to put a date on it because they could flip a script on us as the wind blows....I believe they are creating an atmosphere condusive to setting up this meeting...we should be happy and we should be excited with caution and with control...we can't allow ourselves to go further than what the next progression is and the next progession for me is accepting the reform movement -we have changed our steps to watch out for...
Reform is first.... then we are going to have to see the National Meeting...seating of the Ministers and then we will likely see the RV By them saying that Talabani is going to hold a National Conference before the onset of the EID Festivites which ends on the is the 9th - we have 9 days before the end of Ramadan...,we look forward to that and keep watching for the news and the Next Steps...
DON: I am kinda like a little kid sitting at the Television on Christmas Eve.....waiting for Santa Claus....Talabani never know - it looks like it is close......waiting for the jet to land
BARNEY: Feast is coming all at the same time....I dont know if they ever planned any of this....we all want to speculate on plans but it looks like it is heading toward a very good moment for them to do this at the right time but I am still of the belief that they are playing catch up with Shabibi - they are trying to get this thing hammered out before he goes..that is my hope ...kinda like the old guy who was a mayor of a town and he never went out and basically he was drug into it because the traffic drug him along....and that is how I think of Maliki - he is being drug thru this by Shabibi to get it together quickly before he gets completely run over and that is what I am hopeful for
LJ: We are like kids in a candy store watching things happen....On the last call Straight Talkin Mike mentioned Eid is a time of forgiveness and if you look at what is going on right now especially with the last article will hear Mutlag speaking toward Maliki and basically saying saying we did not have any differences...we had differences on what should have taken place governmentally....but basically said I forgive him that is what he is saying...When you look at the things that are taking place...You have Maliki meeting with Barzani....Maliki meeting with Najafi....words that Maliki is going to meet with Allawi........Allawi said what crisis a couple of weeks ago....Realize we are close to something happening...closer than we ever have been before and we just sit back and watch
Najafi Talabani welcomed the invitation to resolve the political crisis and the interrogation of al-Maliki announced a freeze
"He stressed that everyone agrees on the reform, especially since the dialogue address the implementation of the Convention of Arbil and paper Arbil"
He described the dialogues that took place between him and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and the President of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim and the National Alliance leader Ibrahim al-Jaafari as fruitful and serious, and it will contribute to resolving the crisis.
AWESOME....."He stressed that everyone agrees on the reform, especially since the dialogue address the implementation of the Convention of Arbil and paper Arbil"
He talks in this article about all of the steps we are looking for that are left except the Shabibi step....
He talks about the Erbil Agreement, getting the ministers, talk about the Reform first of all and the reform papers included the Erbil Agreement.....and all articles we have read Eid Al-Fitr was in every article and is the target time frame to see results from this reform movement...
Lets do a little background...Najafi - speaker of the House - makes decision whether someone is questioned in is his body - he controls it - he has decided to freeze questioning Maliki - he will not be questioned - why - the reform papers actually include the Erbil Agreement - he said it not only included that but it included the Erbil Letter that was written - when we are looking at this we can only look at it with optimism in thinking that this press conference that he held on Wed and the fact they talked about Reform...talked about Erbil....the ministers - talked about everything that we need and said we are going to get this done ...there isnt really much more to say that that....
DON: I look at Najafi like he has become this 6th grade teacher pointing everybody to the corner and saying now we are going to place nice....moving everybody towards the center to get together be able to see where he is going and how he is handling all of this it makes me think obviously that we are moving towards the things we need to see...the ministers.....guys coming into play...I look at this as a great opportunity....could have been something that has been planned out for a little while and they are moving in the right direction...I dont want anyone to think that I am saying it is about to happen.....don't hear that this is Iraq we know it can turn on a dime...but I am very encouraged by this.....
LJ: I think you are dead on Barney....the fact that we are watching these turn of events take place now to give us a good idea - a great perception that things are going in the direction we need them to go in....Its not hard to see is pretty evident....we have not seen anything in the news that says they are not getting along....
If Najafi has been privileged to the Reform Documents Jafairi put together from the National Alliance and it did not touch on the key points that they needed I do not think we would have seen this type of press conference that would come out and I think he is encouraged because he would not have done it if he had not seen what he needed to see......That is our opinion of course but it sure is encouraging
Mutlaq: There is an agreement between Iraq and al-Maliki on all outstanding issues and will be approved very soon
LJ: This article speaks for itself....Mutlag speaking his concerns....there has been an agreement on all these the end of Ramadan they are going to vote all of these laws into action...what this does is gets Malikis hands out of the Federal Court...out of the Justice Sct...the Amnesty Act, takes him out of it and allows them to move forward and release these prisoners etc -- things we need to see.....and Maliki wants to see it because he would love to get those guys on his side.....Mutlag held a press conference today - saying when I became Dep PM we had all of these issues and I got arrested - my issues are gone...they were not anything personal - issues of the balance of the power inside of the government and I had to speak up against it but we all forgot the work of the ministerial duties is that we need to connect and create a synergy between the parties and come to a place where it allows us to work together in a power share and these ministers should have been placed at the onset of the govt - they should have been done as soon as the govt was done - we should have had the power share 2 1/2 yrs didn't happen.....
Mutlag spoke about Najafi's decision to freeze request to question Maliki - said "priorities for reforms we are now on to achieving political reforms and all other things ARE SECONDARY....I Love that part...all of the other issues taking place and in the media that are attacking and aggressive are secondary....the most important thing right now is the Unity of Iraq and the services to the people and we need to come together and get this done
He spoke about there isn't any mediation between Allawi and Maliki - it just needs to be a cohesive atmosphere and it is necessary...
There is a theme of Unity, of mutual respect, mutual understanding, agreements...saying that they have agreements and this is soon to be behind us.....guys we are going to be watching this like a hawk...seems to good to be true that they are actually getting along and working this thing out - we have waited along time for this time frame but we are here and all we can do is watch in the next couple of days with smiles on our faces as long as it continues to progress in this direction
Straight Talkin Mike
Interesting things with the CBI today...when we last met the CBI fired a shot over the bow of Parliament and Maliki.....and well he shot back today in a big way.....accusing Shabibi of money laundering and terrorism....sound familiar...Basically one of the members of the Finance Committee comes out to say that the Central Bank knew that money laundering was going on and Shabibi should be fired..blah blah blah....offered no evidence...offered no papers....very similar to campaigns we have over here with accusations that are throw out there...taint the whole process and pretty much CBI aswered back today...come and get us your us what you got....we will do whatever you want us to do ...remember there were two Islamic Banks doing most of the money laundering and once we had that particular situation get out of hand the US stepped in and shut those ticked off some people - they can't get their dinars and money out of Iraq the way the want to - Think of this - you've got dollars that have dried up - you've got dinars that you are trying to add value to - trying to add value to this dinar - if we wanted to dinar out and we could take dollars out and really screw things up....Really makes double trouble for him as this gets closer to this coming into fruition
You just really need to make sure he has a handle on it all
He is shutting down the street vendors and everybody else -
He's made alot of people mad inside the economy
The people who have a different idea that he has are going to fight back
Let me remind you anything that comes out of the Finance Committee just disregard....its not something that you should be concerned about....these articles probably has people jumping but they were from the Finance Committee - remember they are not in charge of this process - Remember 2 yrs ago Shabibi was in Wash DC - he came out and was asked a couple of being when are you going to RV your money....he said no one knows the date or the time and if I did I would not tell you....So the Finance Commitee doesn't really know what is going on - they know there is a change coming thats all they know
"Central Bank calls for a return to the central government if you do not accommodate a market economy"
We are taking this to a market economy and if you think we are smuggling..basically trying to pin the smuggling of the economy dollars on us...this has been going on for awhile - we are really trying to get our hands on this so we can move forward
Basically this is saying either you are with us or against us......and if you are against us then you have got a tough road to go
They are getting really tired of all of this....and get really close and then you get the accusations from Maliki trying to ruin the work that they have done..Remember basically what they are saying is we have done our part - still 7 banks we need you guys to pass laws for we need to get out of the banking sector and put them in the private sector and if they want to be successful they need to be in the private sector or those banks are going to get crushed and you will get crushed - part of what they dont want to give up is the banking control - part of what they need to do is give up the banking control and and that is kinda what they are fighting over and Maliki on the govt side him giving up power to Allawi...well him giving up these banks to the Central Bank he's got hands off anymore at that particular point in time - he can't really do anything he really needs to do - you will see articles with them firing back - Central Bank is in good standing - they know exactly what they are doing and where they are going
"Deputy: House of Representatives does not have the ability to monitor the performance of the Central Bank"
You can hear it this article too the executive branch wants control over the Central Bank....the answer is no you dont get to have get an oversight role....means exactly what you are saying in here that you want to do you cant do...I am sorry you dont have accountants, people who understand whats going on because that is what they are telling me...they dont have people who understand what is going on - absolutely funny that now that Maliki is losing power now he is saying okay I am going to give up my power over here on the executive side and now I am going to go after the Central Bank and I going to put that under my control
Thats kinda what this play is they we started to see with this...
you are going to hear more news about this - hot and heavy and not good things to read about....and you need to know that this is whats going on.....They will NOT be able to touch the Central Bank....they have tried a number of times
The way it is set up in our country - we don't have very much of a say over our Central Bank nor do we have a say over the policy...we can direct, we can support them but pretty much the Central Bank is pretty autonomous in that area which is what you want to make sure that is the way the system is set up....they want to get that back - want to try and take control of that....thats what we are seeing not panic not freak out....there is no danger of this happening....
The Central Bank is the system that rules right now and the system that drives their economy and if he thinks he is going to have a fruitful economy outside the system and that has been in place for 9 years right now he has another thing coming to him - He's going to get whats coming to him if he messes with The Central Bank and he will end up losing on both sides of the coin and he will be shut out all the way around
"Central Bank denies accusations of his knowledge Jubouri"
Lets trot out the cameras...lets talk about something that is not real....lets accuse somebody of doing something they didn't do because they had an auction and they were there.....Lets not have any proof to back it up but lets continue to tell a lie.......thats what is going on here....Basically the response you guys know what the process have been informed....we've asked you for regulations but you have kinda drug your feet and now you are going to accuse us of whats going on here....NO you guys are outta here...bring your proof....tell me where it is at...lets go
One of the things I have always believed and thought about is I believe Maliki is behind the auctions being so high everyday and behind the smuggling of the money...this is only my opinion after reading all of this and seeing what is going on for awhile - he knows whats going on and he made end up outing himself when this thing is all said is done or people in his party will take a fall for it....because they are going to release information of where all of this money went
Remember they just got intl help on tracing this money so they know where it is going - if they start to investigate this what they are going to find is there have been internal forces that have been working against them for the longest time...bad box of worms for these guys to open up.....will this slow this down?...NO they are going to continue to do what they need to do....Is it a bump in the road? Yes.....But trust me until they get their govt organized these bumps in the road arent truly big - the can be things that can really help the process in the long run because what happens Shabibi goes - he answers all the questions and he impresses people there and he ends up getting alot of people on his side when all is said and done
Trust me if I had to believe one side it would be the Central Bank - If they really wanted to smuggle money out why do they have 62 Billion in reserves and smuggle it out thru the auction system...doesnt make sense....If they really wanted to do it noone would ever know...
"Central Bank eliminates the non-banking companies have registered"
We shut down all the street vendors and Now we are going to shut down the 300 companies....
You think these guys have ticked anybody off in the last 5 days? Now if I am not a good member of whats going on here and maybe I had a street vendor that was knocking down some dollars for me because lets just face it is very corrupt over've got some corruption going...its likely that some politicians were tied into some of these things going on over there in my opinion...its almost like you can see that besides pissing off Maliki and really getting to the point where they are shutting all this down - they are making alot of waves driving this the 1st article said this is a free market economy...this is what it looks like - you people who want this dictatorship where you have control over everything it doesn't work - all of our laws are geared towards that - thats what we are busting up is years of all of those laws - if you ask me the closer we get the louder these guys are yapping - the more that is coming out makes me believe we are getting closer and closer because as they start to pull these things down and
peel off the onion it is starting to hit home to all of these people who made have had done business the way they have done all the the black market - in those countries these currency exchanges are big...lots of dollars changing hands and money to be made there so defientley we are makiing some waves and you can start to see why they are doing what they are doing
"Bank: credit cards enhance the banking"
We've seen these articles before about the cards that are out there....trying to get these into the people hands...
part of the banking can get them when you open up a bank can apply and get them...
wont have any fees....they can use the ATMs...use them internationally.....part of the system that needs to be initiated to really help the economy grow....
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike & LJ'S Next Step Team On The Straight Talk Express Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
News Coverage for Thursday - August 09, 2012
Central Bank calls for a return to the central government if you do not accommodate a market economy
Deputy: House of Representatives does not have the ability to monitor the performance of the Central Bank
Central Bank denies accusations of his knowledge Jubouri
Central Bank eliminates the non-banking companies have registered
Forecast decline in demand for the dollar
Bank: credit cards enhance the banking
Najafi Talabani welcomed the invitation to resolve the political crisis and the interrogation of al-Maliki announced a freeze
State law: Najafi al-Maliki and Barzani meets soon
Mutlaq: There is an agreement between Iraq and al-Maliki on all outstanding issues and will be approved very soon
Hakim: Next stage to witness decisive results for settling political crisis
Talabani to convene Nat'l Conference soon - sources
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A - Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - August 9, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
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