The IQD Team
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - June 17, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Please excuse the quality of Mikes phone as he was on vacation - the location was causing the issues
He will be back home and Loud & Clear for the Call on Tuesday
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Highlights from several of the CBI/Economy News
"Rapporteur of the Committee of Economy: Changing the form of currency is necessary to reduce the money supply and does not require a new law"
Another article telling us they have everything they need from the Parliament to do what they want to do
We consistently see these articles telling us this over and over..It makes it pretty evident that they have a plan and they know what they are doing
I just wanted to reiterate this tonight because last call we had lots of callers confused with one article put out that they read in the community that indicated a LOP....We do not believe in the LOP....and have information on our website on this topic.
We stick to what we know-....We know this is what they are telling us as stated over and over again.....Stick to what you believe...don't change your opinion on one article or someone elses opinion -
We just believe in what they are going to do..thats why we are here - If we believed differently we would not be here doing calls
It makes it pretty evident they have a plan...they know what they are doing - just because it is written doesn't make it so and just because someone in the community thinks it is so doesn't make it so - If we all agree on one is not going to make the RV happen any just means we agree - We don't have any magical powers.....we read the news and bring you our opinion - We are consistent in what we believe...what we think and what we say
"Iraq moves banking and tax problems for the U.S. Congress"
Please teach us how this oversight can we best help the Central Bank - We're here...we have do we do it? How do you guys do it? and this is not by happen stance that this is happening...pretty much it is by design us coming in - With the Future of Iraq Project teaching them how to handle banking situations and the monetary situation - something we have done already so it make sense for us to support them in this...again another major step forward ...getting our government to work with the Central Bank
CBI is Full Steam Ahead
As the Government turns...
Maliki is still up the the same old things...trying to save his job....working every angle he possibly can - trying to make sure he stays in power....US is telling them you are not falling apart...we have too much invested here....there is an election coming - you are not falling apart period
"MP calls Maliki to implement Erbil Agreement to settle crisis"
Alot of effort trying to get them together to move forward and get this settled...Just one of many articles we read trying to get them together to settle this move forward and do what they need to get done in order to implement all the things they need to get done. There is a vested interest to have this all work out - starting to see pressure from others that if he wants to stay in power he needs to work this out - thats the constant messge we are hearing from the US and everybody else - We like what we are hearing - moving forward slowly but surely
"Mohammad Jamshid: Maliki is ready to satisfy all the political blocs and possibly remain in office"
Constant drumbeat of this needs to get settled - Maliki says he wants to settle it...hes going to settle it - they are being pushed in each direction to settle this and do what they need to do and get it done
Pressure coming down and you are seeing it from articles from both sides right now - happy to see those articles come out and you can start to see the pressure building again - thats what we want to see - resolution is around the corner with this political situation
"Iraqiya White Bloc: The upcoming meeting between Maliki and Sader is a positive step to end crisis"
Another article with theme of constant pressure to get this done -
we are open to talks - puts pressure on Maliki to get things done because it looks like he is doing nothing - the more they do this
the outside pressure building on Maliki
"Member of the Economic Committee: share of surplus oil revenues must be poor "exclusively"
Everybody is trying to get these figured out and we want to give them to the poor....thats great
The longer we wait to RV the more will come out as to who gets what - Lets add some value to the currency and they won't have to worry so much of who gets these revenues - they can divy it up and everybodys gets their fair share
They want to get this divied up and its coming up to that time - they are working on this to get it out to the citizens...Very good
Again the article comes out in concert with what we at The IQD Team believe - telling us the deleting the zeroes will not affect the value of the currency and its absolutely our stance that this article is definetely in support of that and we were very happy about that and to see that article come out
CBI has asked for some help on oversight to help them do what they need to do to get themselves all figured out and be in concert with moving forward with the deletion of the zeroes and do what they have to do to get their economy going - All of this is part of the FUTURE OF IRAQ PROJECT - LAST CHAPTER - moving forward and doing the things they need to do
CBI is ready - we consistently read articles saying they are doing what they need to do..getting their banking system in line - getting the banks in order and doing the things they told the IMF they would do in the last letter to them....They are moving forward knocking things off that check list getting their banking system together and moving everything in the right direction
Lots of confusing articles coming out still - some say open to talk lets get it done...some say the opposite - Interesting articles telling you there is a lot of pressure coming down on Maliki - Articles from our US government stating they are not going to let this fail - that they need to get their polictical crap together and move down the road..that is what we are seeing
Everything is moving according to plan and they are moving right along - We still do not if and when - we do not know the date...when and how they are going to do it but we certainly have the outline of the plan that they are moving forward with and doing that on a pretty regular basis - they have been feeding that out to us for the last month - they have hit a few roadblocks - in my opinion they are still moving forward and happy to see it
We also discussed about they are working on getting these oil revenues out to the Iraqi citizens.....and the Oil & Gas Law is the most important law on the agenda for the Thursday session of the Parliament this week
It is going to be an interesting week...they are moving forward and we just have to be patient as they do that
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday, June 17, 2012
Economist: replace the existing currency with another de-zeros plastic surgery does not affect the value of the currency
Rapporteur of the Committee of Economy: Changing the form of currency is necessary to reduce the money supply and does not require a new law
Iraq moves banking and tax problems for the U.S. Congress
Iraqiya White Bloc: The upcoming meeting between Maliki and Sader is a positive step to end crisis.
MP calls Maliki to implement Erbil Agreement to settle crisis
Member of the Economic Committee: share of surplus oil revenues must be poor "exclusively"
Mohammad Jamshid: Maliki is ready to satisfy all the political blocs and possibly remain in office
Iraq war wasn't as scary as becoming a father
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - June 17, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#
Investigate, Question & Deliver
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Highlights/Summary & Replay of Conference Call
Conference Call Replay - June 17, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
Please excuse the quality of Mikes phone as he was on vacation - the location was causing the issues
He will be back home and Loud & Clear for the Call on Tuesday
Straight Talkin Mike's Transcription of the Recap of Tonight's News
(Listen to the recording for all of the detailed analysis of the articles discussed after each news article listed - the following is just Straight Talkin Mikes recap of the news discussed)
Highlights from several of the CBI/Economy News
"Rapporteur of the Committee of Economy: Changing the form of currency is necessary to reduce the money supply and does not require a new law"
Another article telling us they have everything they need from the Parliament to do what they want to do
We consistently see these articles telling us this over and over..It makes it pretty evident that they have a plan and they know what they are doing
I just wanted to reiterate this tonight because last call we had lots of callers confused with one article put out that they read in the community that indicated a LOP....We do not believe in the LOP....and have information on our website on this topic.
We stick to what we know-....We know this is what they are telling us as stated over and over again.....Stick to what you believe...don't change your opinion on one article or someone elses opinion -
We just believe in what they are going to do..thats why we are here - If we believed differently we would not be here doing calls
It makes it pretty evident they have a plan...they know what they are doing - just because it is written doesn't make it so and just because someone in the community thinks it is so doesn't make it so - If we all agree on one is not going to make the RV happen any just means we agree - We don't have any magical powers.....we read the news and bring you our opinion - We are consistent in what we believe...what we think and what we say
"Iraq moves banking and tax problems for the U.S. Congress"
Please teach us how this oversight can we best help the Central Bank - We're here...we have do we do it? How do you guys do it? and this is not by happen stance that this is happening...pretty much it is by design us coming in - With the Future of Iraq Project teaching them how to handle banking situations and the monetary situation - something we have done already so it make sense for us to support them in this...again another major step forward ...getting our government to work with the Central Bank
CBI is Full Steam Ahead
As the Government turns...
Maliki is still up the the same old things...trying to save his job....working every angle he possibly can - trying to make sure he stays in power....US is telling them you are not falling apart...we have too much invested here....there is an election coming - you are not falling apart period
"MP calls Maliki to implement Erbil Agreement to settle crisis"
Alot of effort trying to get them together to move forward and get this settled...Just one of many articles we read trying to get them together to settle this move forward and do what they need to get done in order to implement all the things they need to get done. There is a vested interest to have this all work out - starting to see pressure from others that if he wants to stay in power he needs to work this out - thats the constant messge we are hearing from the US and everybody else - We like what we are hearing - moving forward slowly but surely
"Mohammad Jamshid: Maliki is ready to satisfy all the political blocs and possibly remain in office"
Constant drumbeat of this needs to get settled - Maliki says he wants to settle it...hes going to settle it - they are being pushed in each direction to settle this and do what they need to do and get it done
Pressure coming down and you are seeing it from articles from both sides right now - happy to see those articles come out and you can start to see the pressure building again - thats what we want to see - resolution is around the corner with this political situation
"Iraqiya White Bloc: The upcoming meeting between Maliki and Sader is a positive step to end crisis"
Another article with theme of constant pressure to get this done -
we are open to talks - puts pressure on Maliki to get things done because it looks like he is doing nothing - the more they do this
the outside pressure building on Maliki
"Member of the Economic Committee: share of surplus oil revenues must be poor "exclusively"
Everybody is trying to get these figured out and we want to give them to the poor....thats great
The longer we wait to RV the more will come out as to who gets what - Lets add some value to the currency and they won't have to worry so much of who gets these revenues - they can divy it up and everybodys gets their fair share
They want to get this divied up and its coming up to that time - they are working on this to get it out to the citizens...Very good
Again the article comes out in concert with what we at The IQD Team believe - telling us the deleting the zeroes will not affect the value of the currency and its absolutely our stance that this article is definetely in support of that and we were very happy about that and to see that article come out
CBI has asked for some help on oversight to help them do what they need to do to get themselves all figured out and be in concert with moving forward with the deletion of the zeroes and do what they have to do to get their economy going - All of this is part of the FUTURE OF IRAQ PROJECT - LAST CHAPTER - moving forward and doing the things they need to do
CBI is ready - we consistently read articles saying they are doing what they need to do..getting their banking system in line - getting the banks in order and doing the things they told the IMF they would do in the last letter to them....They are moving forward knocking things off that check list getting their banking system together and moving everything in the right direction
Lots of confusing articles coming out still - some say open to talk lets get it done...some say the opposite - Interesting articles telling you there is a lot of pressure coming down on Maliki - Articles from our US government stating they are not going to let this fail - that they need to get their polictical crap together and move down the road..that is what we are seeing
Everything is moving according to plan and they are moving right along - We still do not if and when - we do not know the date...when and how they are going to do it but we certainly have the outline of the plan that they are moving forward with and doing that on a pretty regular basis - they have been feeding that out to us for the last month - they have hit a few roadblocks - in my opinion they are still moving forward and happy to see it
We also discussed about they are working on getting these oil revenues out to the Iraqi citizens.....and the Oil & Gas Law is the most important law on the agenda for the Thursday session of the Parliament this week
It is going to be an interesting week...they are moving forward and we just have to be patient as they do that
And there you have it...
Straight Talkin' Mike On The Straight Talk Express
Bringing You Another Night of Positive News!
The I.Q.D. Team, Ltd.'s News Coverage
for Sunday, June 17, 2012
Economist: replace the existing currency with another de-zeros plastic surgery does not affect the value of the currency
Rapporteur of the Committee of Economy: Changing the form of currency is necessary to reduce the money supply and does not require a new law
Iraq moves banking and tax problems for the U.S. Congress
Iraqiya White Bloc: The upcoming meeting between Maliki and Sader is a positive step to end crisis.
MP calls Maliki to implement Erbil Agreement to settle crisis
Member of the Economic Committee: share of surplus oil revenues must be poor "exclusively"
Mohammad Jamshid: Maliki is ready to satisfy all the political blocs and possibly remain in office
Iraq war wasn't as scary as becoming a father
What a great night of news, analysis and discussion and Q & A
Listen to the call for all the rest of the news shared and more during the Q & A
We are getting closer every day......GET R DONE!!
Conference Call Replay - June 17, 2012
760-569-7699 Pin 769478#
As Always.... Discussion and Analysis of the Latest Iraq, Dinar & RV News....Pre & Post RV Information...Q & A
Every Tues, Thurs & Sun 8PM EST
760-569-7676 769478# or 712222#